- Comment on How do Americans win their country back? 4 months ago:
What do you mean? Trump won decisively. Electoral, popular, in the senate, etc…
You’re really asking, “how does a minority continue to exist in the face of a fascist majority?”
The answer is, generally, they don’t.
- Comment on Assassin's Creed Shadows delayed to February 14, 2025, abandoning season pass strategy, Steam launch day 1, and more 5 months ago:
These idiots could just release a high quality story expansion for Black Flag every year for ten years and make a billion dollars. Instead they do… This.
- Comment on Anon plays Persona 5 5 months ago:
I always describe it as a puzzle game where all the puzzles are designed by an idiot and that idiot is you.
- Comment on Do all there former Republican leaders endorsing Harris do her any good? 5 months ago:
If your predecessor beat the guy by using platform A, it stands to reason that a pretty safe campaign strategy is to not deviate from platform A very much.
- Comment on Satisfactory 1.0 6 months ago:
That’s your right and I support you but… If your standard is “I don’t buy products that are made by bad people”… You’re gonna have a tough time. No such thing as ethical capitalism and all that.
- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 6 months ago:
How am I siding with a corporation? The only people involved are the guy harassing people for YouTube views and the people he’s harassing.
The stores aren’t involved in the altercations at all, other than to say “we don’t give a shit if you leave your cart out. If we did, we would do something about it.”
- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 6 months ago:
I hate this guy. Call people out, sure, but keep your stupid magnets off my car.
The stores don’t give a shit. The customers don’t give a shit. The only one that gives a shit is this guy and his followers. Also, he’s a fucking creep. Watch his video where he went to Australia and followed a pair of women to their house to shame them for walking their cart to the house.
- Comment on Youtube deletes and strikes Linus Tech Tips video for teaching people how to live without Google. Ft. Louis Rossman 6 months ago:
They have a separate channel for tech news. They also have a several hours long podcast style show on Fridays that focus on recapping the week’s tech news.
They also write and shoot videos weeks ahead of publication. Day and date news just isn’t the focus of the main LTT channel.
- Comment on It genuinely upsets me that Valve spent their time and resources on another Dota variation 6 months ago:
I’d much rather have a game like deadlock developed out of love and passion than some suits dictating to the devs to make games they don’t want to. That’s how we get Avengers, Redfall, Gotham Knights, etc…
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
When you realize all the people you admired for their love of freedom actually just meant the freedom to be an asshole… That’s a hard lesson to learn.
- Comment on Anon is asking the difficult questions 8 months ago:
Nope. I married a bpd woman when I was young and she eventually turned on everyone in her life. Not saying people with bpd don’t deserve treatment and sympathy but interacting with someone with untreated bpd is exhausting, traumatic, and not worth it.
- Comment on Why is Horizon: An American Saga flopping in theaters? 8 months ago:
I don’t like Kevin Costner.
- Comment on Anon plays Persona 8 months ago:
“I’m having fun. Is criticising me your idea of fun? Aren’t you a bit old for that?”
- Comment on Ruby turds 8 months ago:
The richest people in the world aren’t on the richest people in the world list because they own entire countries. Putin is probably the richest single person in the world. Kim Jong Un is up there too.
If you can have literally anything you want within your own borders that’s a lot more than having shares in some company that could lose value overnight.
- Comment on Anon's coworker is a flat-earther 8 months ago:
Yup, the root of flat earth conspiracy y theories is that some group is fooling everyone to enrich themselves. If you keep scratching through the layers it’s always jews that are behind it.
It’s just antisemitism cloaked in a ridiculous conspiracy.
- Comment on Objectivity 8 months ago:
I would highly highly doubt it. He’s just the “science man” of memes so he’s used as a stand in for all scientists, or at least science communicators.
- Comment on $843 million lawsuit against Valve already has its own website: "The Steam Claim" accuses the biggest store in PC gaming of "overcharging" players 9 months ago:
Yes. You understand how pricing works. The stores charge what the market will bear. That’s why games had been stuck at $60 since the 360/PS3 era.
- Comment on Perfect Dark - Gameplay Trailer | Showcase 2024 9 months ago:
Looks like Prey 2016 with a bit of Mirrors Edge. I’m definitely more interested now than I was before. I never played the original Perfect Dark games so I don’t really have any expectations.
- Comment on Yup 9 months ago:
One strap on in his butt, one in his mouth, maybe one sucking his dick if he’s into that.
- Comment on The future is here 9 months ago:
It’s pretty much sterile if you have a catheter. That’s why the joke in Dodge ball about Patches drinking his own piss works so well. He’s a cripple, so he has a catheter, so “it’s sterile and I like the taste!”.
- Comment on It is very therapeutic to garden, though. 10 months ago:
Also the fact that one bad year in your tiny part of the world means you and everyone you know die slow agonizing deaths. Fun!
- Comment on Maybe it's just a series of coincidences... 10 months ago:
The last season was fine. I won’t go as far as to say it was great, it wasn’t, but it was fine.
90% of the commentators that I see saying the last season sucked completely misunderstood what actually happened. And that’s the shows fault, to be clear,at least to some degree.
- Comment on The way my daughter's middle school health class classifies drugs is insane. 10 months ago:
The question isn’t whether Marijuana is habit forming. Obviously for some percentage it is. The question is whether Marijuana use in and of itself encourages or preface additional drug use. My position is that it does not and by legalizing Marijuana we would find that it is the interaction with black market drug dealers which correlates instead.
- Comment on The way my daughter's middle school health class classifies drugs is insane. 10 months ago:
Marijuana is not a gateway drug.
Having to deal with a drug dealer that wants to also sell you actually addictive drugs is the gateway.
Legalize pot, sell it at the grocery store, and you will watch the number of addicts in general fall precipitously. I guarantee it.
- Comment on Amazon's Fallout TV Series Renewed For Season 2 11 months ago:
I find the show to be just OK. I’m on episode 7 right now. I actually much prefer the flashbacks VS the present day story. I’d like a whole season just about vault tec building the vaults, manipulating world events, etc…
I also started enjoying the show a lot more when I resigned myself to the fact that maximus is just a low int, high lck build so that his actions make more sense.
- Comment on Waiting in a queue to see a Web site 11 months ago:
Sounds like the unemployment insurance website here in Florida. I had to use it during covid and it was one of the singularly worst experiences of my life.
- Comment on How Much Would You Pay to Make Sure You Never Sawed Off a Finger? 11 months ago:
I got kick back on an 1/8" sheet of Luan once. Got me right in the gut. Never made that mistake again.
- Comment on Lemmy Recently 11 months ago:
Less than Jake sold a shirt with one of the poison album covers on it but with their name instead. I remember lots of bands doing similar shirts at the time. I had more than a few butt rock lovers try to get a conversation going about how cece demille was so awesome before I even realized what the shirt was mocking.
- Comment on Steam Families launches into beta, making it easier to buy and share games with your kids 1 year ago:
Block chain fans using the block chain for anything except what block chain is designed for. Name a more iconic duo.
- Comment on How does delisting a game make/save money? 1 year ago:
The law needs to change. Artistic works that are written off for tax purposes must revert to the public domain permanently and immediately.