Organic weed farmer and sci-fi enthusiast.
- Comment on Is there any way I can realistically send a message to Donald Trump and have him read it? 4 days ago:
No, he cannot read
- Comment on If driving with your head buried in your phone isn't dangerous enough there's also THIS 1 week ago:
I work out of my shitty ass rust bucket truck and this would actually be helpful for me, right now I put my burger on the passenger seat and balance my phone precariously on the steering wheel. This would be sweet.
- Comment on The opposite of hot girl summer 1 week ago:
It’s been in the 40s where I am almost every day since December 🥲
On the one hand, thanks ExxonMobil! But on the other hand… thanks, ExxonMobil 😬
- Comment on What do I do? 1 week ago:
I’ve had many jobs in my life, in many different industries. I’ve never regretted leaving a job.
- Comment on Putting the die in diet 2 weeks ago:
Y’all motherfuckers need gardens smdh I haven’t had a plastic wrapped berry in years.
Cant help with grains though those are pretty rough at urban homestead scales
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Can’t win with some people. Personally I’d just disengage.
- Comment on I just looked up out of curiosity how to build a pipe bomb on google. The how to build a dirty bomb nuclear bomb and so forth. They are all .gov sites. How do people keep building these things? 2 weeks ago:
Alcohol no, gasoline and motor oil yes
- Comment on Accurate cartography 2 weeks ago:
Jesus Christ, did they bill you for that advice?
- Comment on Accurate cartography 2 weeks ago:
My comment was satire on the sad state of the American “education” system
- Comment on Accurate cartography 2 weeks ago:
I don’t get it, seems like a completely accurate map? I’m american btw
- Comment on RuneScape is planning on introducing Black Mirror inspired membership plans 3 weeks ago:
Trash tier take
- Comment on Sony Cancels Two More PlayStation Projects 3 weeks ago:
Helldivers 2 is sweet though
- Comment on Should I get a drum kit, or a pressure washer? 5 weeks ago:
Pressure washer. In the spring you can make enough money with it to buy a drum kit.
- Comment on I have a good feeling about this one. 5 weeks ago:
2023 was my personal best year ever. I hope that in the afterlife I can relive 2023 over and over.
- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 1 month ago:
Helldivers 2
- Comment on That's right! 2 months ago:
Same lmfao 2016 (mid at best) and 2024 (extra good)
- Comment on When you die, what do you want to be done with you? 2 months ago:
I told my kids to claim my skull for the mantle and compost the rest
- Comment on Since the government can theoretically access the location of everyone's phone, wouldn't it be unsafe for an undocumented immigrant to have a phone? 2 months ago:
You’re high, half a hotdog is 7.5 cm
- Comment on it's just a suggestion 2 months ago:
Average military pay is like 2100/month so I guess if the dudes in charge of the nukes/drones/tanks decide to stop getting cucked by business interests it would probably be fine.
- Comment on What do zoos do with dead animals? 2 months ago:
Fuck that’s probably righteous compost by now
- Comment on What good thing just happened in your life? 2 months ago:
Rent has actually been going down in my area for the last few years, and they pay me enough that I can do stuff for like the elderly or the impoverished for drastically reduced rates. So I’m good with it.
Leave it to lemmings to make even Robin Hood-ing landlords into something bad 😂
- Comment on What good thing just happened in your life? 2 months ago:
If you can do stuff, literally just on the Thumbtack app lmfao landlords get on there when they need repairs done, so I do them and they pay whatever I want. I fleeced landlords to the tune of like $2000 last week, only worked 3 days.
Then when I get honest hardworking customers, I cut them a break. The landlords subsidize the regular people.
- Comment on What good thing just happened in your life? 2 months ago:
I started my own business where I get to take advantage of landlords 🥲 it’s pretty much my dream
- Comment on I just need to keep it steady 3 months ago:
Ha! Nope actually, not in my old Cadillac or my Mercedes. Those both had anti theft. That would have been nice though.
- Comment on I just need to keep it steady 3 months ago:
I had a Bluetooth cassette adapter as recently as like 2021, I like old cars
- Comment on if you quit a job you didn't like or was toxic, didn't the financial hit scare you? 3 months ago:
Nah Uber is a piece of shit. I meant like selling drugs or hookin’
- Comment on if you quit a job you didn't like or was toxic, didn't the financial hit scare you? 3 months ago:
Yes but you can get money in many different ways so that’s nice.
- Comment on If I was selling a bag of flower and sugar to a CI who thought it was meth or coke can I get in trouble? How or why when I am selling a legal substance? 3 months ago:
I used to have this friend we called Blaster Taylor. He was cool as fuck until he started abusing Adderall, and that Adderall addiction turned into meth pretty quick. Started shooting it, that’s when I stopped kickin it with him.
Anyway a couple years after that he got busted selling a bag of rock salt to an undercover cop saying it was meth, and he did a couple years for that as I recall. I don’t talk to any of those dudes anymore but last I heard he’s out by now, complete with swastika face tats.
To paraphrase John Darnielle, selling fake meth was a bad idea; but selling it to a cop was a worse one.
- Comment on Hungry Lions 3 months ago:
Some people are into that
- Comment on Last channel rule 3 months ago:
I did the Wipeout Pure exploit in the days before the PSP had a real browser, it was AMAZING.