- Comment on A genre of Country Music... 1 year ago:
If only Elon did the same thing as The President of the Bank
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
It’s just a gimmick
- Comment on The Florida man strikes again 1 year ago:
What’re you looking at, smoothskin?
- Comment on Fantasy rednecks 1 year ago:
Oh no, German productions are fine, it’s just dubs. They don’t fuck up the audio on their own productions.
- Comment on Fantasy rednecks 1 year ago:
They don’t just sound like they’re from Hannover. They sound like they’re a Hannover stereotype. Every fucking vowel is sounded out completely. Like, I’m from Mecklenburg Vorpommern, we speak pretty clear Hochdeutsch here for the most part and it still all sounds stilted as fuck to me.
It also doesn’t help that they always use their “voice actor” voice when dubbong live action, where the original actors will use a more normal/natural voice compared to when they’re doing VA for a cartoon or something. Then the audio mixing is all fucked and all semblance of a natural conversation is lost. Genuinely the only thing I can watch in German is animated stuff.
- Comment on Fantasy rednecks 1 year ago:
Oh god, which East German? Sachsen? Berlin-Brandenburg?
- Comment on We're already understaffed... 1 year ago:
I turned myself into a bug, Morty. I’m Bug-Samsa!
- Comment on I'm not the only one with youtube problems then 😂 1 year ago:
Please drink verification can
- Comment on I don't know how they come up with this stuff 1 year ago:
Remember when RoboCop shot that dude in the dick?
- Comment on FTC fails to redact Microsoft document, revealing an old Bethesda release schedule 1 year ago:
Wait, why would they use Unreal? Seems way easier to port them to newer versions of Creation to me.
- Comment on Open source community figures out problems with performance in Starfield 1 year ago:
They hired multiple from the very impressive Fallout London project, and also hired Elianora to help out with the interiors and lighting in Starfield
So, yes.
- Comment on Open source community figures out problems with performance in Starfield 1 year ago:
Also, IIRC, NMS doesn’t have different gravities, right? Been a year or two since I properly played, but I don’t remember ever really jumping higher or being forced to the ground. That’s one of the sacrifices for seamless landing.
- Comment on Open source community figures out problems with performance in Starfield 1 year ago:
They’ll probably have Creation Club stuff, like in Skyrim and FO4, where they contract modders to create small pieces of content.
- Comment on Open source community figures out problems with performance in Starfield 1 year ago:
Well, they do hire a ton of modders
- Comment on Fear the meat 1 year ago:
Finding a skeleton under your patio is scary. Now imagine finding the rest of the human without the skeleton.
- Comment on 100, here I cum 1 year ago:
I don’t wanna get to the point where it seems miserable just to, like, walk or something. I don’t mind taking heart medication, walking with a cane, stuff like that, but I don’t wanna live in near constant agony just trying to get through the day.
- Comment on Every game developer company should be like this 1 year ago:
There are more armor sets in Assassin’s Creed Valhallas premium store than are in the base game
- Comment on Microsoft’s repairability push now extends to Xbox controllers, too 1 year ago:
I have one of their SNES style pads, SN30 Pro I think, I’d absolutely love it for retro gaming if the D-Pad wasn’t so scuffed right out of the box. It’s way too stiff with edges that aren’t rounded enough, so my thumb always starts hurting and getting tired from how hard I have to push down on it. It also doesn’t do diagonals well. I played Earthbound for like 2 hours before I realized you could move diagonally.
Been meaning to take it apart, see if I can soften the rubber under the D-Pad somehow, just need to get the right screwdriver first, maybe just an iFixit kit finally.
- Comment on The Enshittifications Will Continue Until Profits Improve. 1 year ago:
“Attention Bajoran workers”
- Comment on Umm I think I'll just delete you instead 1 year ago:
Also it’s not like voice messages auto play, so this really isn’t a necessary feature
- Comment on take care o7 1 year ago:
The frontpage isn’t filled with content farm stuff, so it feels better than reddit