- Comment on there's no place like home, there's no place like home 2 weeks ago:
What’s the matter with this hypothetical place?
- Comment on What’s an acceptable gender neutral replacement for “techbro”? 3 weeks ago:
Biological AI?
- Comment on why do people say annoying/rude stuff and then tell you “it was a joke!” 5 weeks ago:
It’s bud. Like cut it off before it blooms into whatever awful thing it’s growing into.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
I wonder how much of the rejection of real issues with marijuana are the after effects of nearly a century of it being demonized with sources like “we made it up” or “we just really want to jail black people and college students”.
Then again, we have people out there believing that the entire world was ruled by a single nomadic horde, the world was flooded with mud in the mid 1800s, and 1*1=2 so we might just have a broader issue with people rejecting facts they don’t like.
- Comment on BACK IT UP 3 months ago:
Because your dermatologist isn’t used to checking for skin cancer where the sun don’t shine.
- Comment on Burning Up 6 months ago:
You can absolutely yell about that. And when Fahrenheit flips to negative, you’re ready to express some big feelings about how fucking cold it is.
- Comment on "Now everyone will have an easy reference table at hand!" 6 months ago:
I always hated that they made us relearn the parts of speech every year in middle school and high school English. Surely by now it’s sunk in, I thought.
But then the CHUDs started losing their minds about pronouns.
- Comment on Should we consider Jesus a zombie? 7 months ago:
Adam was a golem
- Comment on Does voting for Biden change anything if I live in a deep red area of my state? (Ohio) 8 months ago:
Every vote for Biden in Steubenville is another vote that somebody in Cleveland doesn’t have to counter, so yes, vote.
The electrical vote is state by state (with two states, Maine and Nebraska divying all but two of those votes one per congressional district), so your vote in a swing state matters.
- Comment on Can Trump still run for president now that he's a convicted felon? 9 months ago:
Debs ran from prison (for the high crime of telling people that WWI was none of our business and people shouldn’t enlist to get turned toa pink mist in Belgium) in 1920
As for voting as a felon, that varies state to state. I don’t think there’s anyplace that allows people to vote from prison, but quite a few states let convicted felons vote once they’ve completed their sentence and any parole that follows it (and in some states, pay additional fines, which sounds a bit like a poll tax to me, but I’m not one of our nine kritarchs, so what do I know about that sort of thing?)
As for people running for office when they couldn’t vote, Elizabeth Cady Stanton ran for office well before she could have voted, and the first woman elected to Congress (Jeanette Rankin) was elected in 1916, several years before women’s suffrage was added to the constitution, though her state, Montana, had allowed women to vote already.
- Comment on Implications 9 months ago:
News of his attendance at someone else’s party made all future time travelers give him a wide berth.
- Comment on Corvids 11 months ago:
Steller’s Jay fits in with the family and makes sure the blue jay doesn’t get lonely
- Comment on Who knew 1989 was an uneventful year in China 1 year ago:
The CPC doesn’t deserve defense. The most reactionary Tiananmen protester was more communist than any Dengist since then was.
- Comment on Organic, huh? 1 year ago:
X USDA Organic
✓ IUPAC Organic