- Comment on Have Americans always been this stupid? 5 hours ago:
I don’t think postmodernism had much to do with it. Go ask your average MAGA racist if they even know what that term means and they’ll shrug their shoulders. Similarly, the research does not show that your echo chamber theory holds water, and in fact it suggests the opposite. In the days before the world wide web, people were actually stuck in echo chambers, that being the communities where they lived.
- Comment on How likely is the US government going to identify and arrest every online user who have disagreed with the current administration? 6 days ago:
First of all, they won’t arrest everyone. Even extreme governments on the tail end of their horrible leadership don’t arrest everyone. They need some citizens to be there working jobs. Rather, they would aim to arrest enough people to scare everyone else and then some other people randomly just for the hell of it.
But if you think staying under the radar is going to make your life better, maybe you should read some history books. Who do you think is coming to save you? Who do you think is coming to make your community better? When do you think they’re going to arrive? Outside forces will not fix contemporary US political problems. It doesn’t work that way, not when everyone has armies and nuclear weapons.
Sadly, quite possibly things could get far worse before they get better, so if you want to plan for some unfortunate eventualities, that might be a reasonable decision. But don’t think for a second you can run from them. And even if you could, what kind of human would that make you? What kind of person do you want to be?
- Comment on IBM boss Arvind Krishna's pay goes up 23% to $25+ million 1 week ago:
The ultra rich can go to hell.
- Comment on Anon is smarter than a genius 2 weeks ago:
I was reading an interesting article the other day about how after World War II people were obviously opposed to populism, and by the '80s and certainly the '90s people that were born after the war had lost the awareness of the danger that hero worship creates.
At the same time, many organizations including government organizations had failed to update themselves over the years, so people romanticized the idea of someone walking in and magically making the correct snap judgments that would remedy the situation. This was so pervasive in the business world I think in part because it allowed corporate executives to justify f****** over ordinary employees. If the company makes or breaks because of one person at the top, who cares if you’re paying people minimum wage and they can’t even afford to pay for dental care or a car.
What amazed me is how long that vision of Steve Jobs stuck around. Even in recent years people have been praising him, but if you think of the value in his company, it’s mostly a load of s***. Those phones and computers are incredibly overpriced, and they have so many bad aspects, especially lock-in, which most people intuitively understand these days. And still we have Apple addicts.
- Comment on The billionaires and politicians did it 2 weeks ago:
Mystery? Jesus, no.
- Comment on Trump revokes collective bargaining rights at TSA to crush union 2 weeks ago:
Oh, my friend, of course we can quantify it. There was a time when TSA didn’t exist. And of course many other countries don’t have TSA.
- Comment on Trump revokes collective bargaining rights at TSA to crush union 2 weeks ago:
TSA is worthless, my friend. Nobody should support their agency. Fire them all, please. I do, however, support workers unionizing and striking, and if that is TSA employees, high five.
- Comment on for real this time guys I mean it 2 weeks ago:
It is funny how he is playing himself. Companies that export to the U.S. are obviously trying to establish and stabilize other markets, because that’s basic economic stability. As they continue to do so, his tariffs continue to lose power.
- Comment on If everyone goes to baseball games by car and everyone gets wasted like Randy Marsh, how do people get home? 2 weeks ago:
Drink and drive? Also, understand that in some states, you could have 1-2 drinks and depending on your body and the exact timing still be under the legal limit.
Of course responsible people have a designated driver. That definitely happens, but not as often as you would hope. So we all know that if you live near the arena, be extra careful when the game ends, because half the drivers around you are drunk. That’s common sense in the big cities.
- Comment on What are the exact ramifications and consequences of the recent meeting with Zelenskyy and Trump/JD? 3 weeks ago:
Of course the US promised to defend Ukraine. That was the Budapest Memorandum. That is why Ukraine gave up its nuclear arsenal. Trump is lying again.
- Comment on Indiana is a great place to hire child labor 3 weeks ago:
What you’ve just done is called a red herring argument. You made up a position that nobody actually holds and then refuted it.
Please browse the comment section. I don’t think you’ll see anyone saying that high school students should never be allowed to have jobs.
- Comment on What are the democrats actually doing to help? 3 weeks ago:
If you want the answer to your question, just go read. A lot of people are doing a lot already. It’s just not Washington Democrats.
But if you want to know why we should be targeting the Democrats, it’s because we know what the Republicans in Washington were able to do when Obama was president and when Biden was present. The Dems have power, but they are pretending that they don’t.
And we the people are calling out to these Democrats and telling them hey, if you want the country to survive, you need to level up. And if you don’t, and the country does somehow survive anyway, we will make sure to throw you to the curb as soon as we can. But we really do need your help now because the situation is s***.
- Comment on Are conservatives mad about trans people or they just mad they get walk around out of the closet while they have to leave the white sheets at home? 4 weeks ago:
Bigotry leads to more bigotry. If it wasn’t trans folk, it would be Mexicans. Oh wait, it’s both, right? … The reasons don’t matter to them. All they want is hate and harm, and that’s what they live.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 5 weeks ago:
Elon Musk is also an idiot. He thinks he’s smart enough to quickly understand complex situations and complex problems about which he knows next to nothing, within just a few minutes.
Most people would only try to claim that level of understanding in areas with which they have professional experience or about which they’re extremely geeky. He does it with everything, and nobody can be an expert in everything, and everybody knows that except for narcissistists.
I suppose for non-tech people it might be convenient to assume that because someone knows something about some kind of tech, they therefore know a lot about all kinds of tech, and the reality is that’s just not true. There are so many fields that are totally different. But if it did, actually he would look even more idiotic, because Twitter is a train wreck, so clearly he’s incompetent in tech field, right?
- Comment on Mainstream media's face when Trump dies of a hamburger heart attack and they have to go back to reporting like they used to. 5 weeks ago:
There already is a ton of great media out there, but many people are not looking for it. If you’re trapped by the US news cycle, start reading international news. It doesn’t solve all the problems but it solves many of them.
And more to the point, consumers have been willing to pay for subscriptions to newspapers for decades, and they’ve gotten burned by it. You’re saying that money is the answer, but it didn’t work before. It’s not working now.
- Comment on Mainstream media's face when Trump dies of a hamburger heart attack and they have to go back to reporting like they used to. 1 month ago:
They started reporting badly in the 90s (Fox News), if not decades or centuries before that. It is on the consumers to consume better media. The companies that failed won’t fix themselves, ever.
- Comment on When they say they got your back, that means they will stab you there. 1 month ago:
I’ve never heard an HR worker pretend to care about me, lol. Those jerks are at least too busy to pretend. Integrity of a sort, lol.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 1 month ago:
Why would you buy a flagship phone? It sounds like you want not that. And not that exists.
- Comment on Even California can't say no to prison slavery. 1 month ago:
Even California? California is really big on that, last I heard.
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 1 month ago:
Remember that they accurately believed the DNC were horrible. They stopped Hillary. They stopped Biden and Harris. Good for them? Kinda, not really though.
… We know Trump is worse. Far worse. But they saw a legitimate threat, a group of people who were not going to make their lives better, and they took some kind of action to stop them.
And then lots of bigotry. Can’t forget that.
- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 1 month ago:
This has everything to do with past presidents. They all wanted Guantanamo Bay to stay open so they could torture and imprison people. They did, and now Trump is.
It’s not like nobody could have predicted this. It’s not like nobody told them, “You should stop torturing people, stop imprisoning them there, and close the place down.” … In fact, they all heard that advice and ignored it, because they were happy to forget about human rights.
Of course Trump is doing terrible things, and this is one of them. But he’s not the first, and he certainly won’t be the last. And what you wrote about Kamala is on-point, but you don’t even see it, do you. Would she have closed Guantanamo Bay down? Of course not. Because she feels the same way.
- Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 1 month ago:
Gitmo should have been shut down two decades ago. Torture, waterboarding, “advanced interrogation techniques” … don’t think we forgot about that. It’s a shame that no American president had the courage to close down dirty military institutions.
- Comment on HR leaders are worried about a potentially dangerous workplace sentiment combo: burnout and engagement 1 month ago:
Not surprisingly I learned nothing from the article. They said that when people burn out they might apply for jobs elsewhere, so make your company look good. If anyone else caught anything significant, feel free to chime in.
- Comment on I don't think they understand. We're interviewing them too. 2 months ago:
Yes. That makes the original listing a red flag. But sometimes you take a chance and go to the interview anyway.
- Comment on 2 months ago:
Agree, I felt the bad effects of FB around then. It was just so pointless.
- Comment on UUGGHHHH pick a lane ! 2 months ago:
You can bet that he feels he belongs in that cultural elite class, under the old and new standard (whatever those may be).
And I have no idea why he’d want that, but he is sure it’s valuable.
- Comment on Par for the course 2 months ago:
I would speculate the opposite. I imagine he always believed this shit but was being politically correct (i.e., saying things to appease the public that he didn’t actually believe in)… This is common enough in the tech sector.
(But if course you could be right. Only people who hang out with him would know.)
- Comment on Anon gets corrected 2 months ago:
Your facts are not what OP wrote, though. And in this context the facts are relevant, which is the point.
Bad red herring.
- Comment on Can I pay someone to add a specific feature to an open source app? 2 months ago:
$20 is not worth the time to plan anything, let alone create it. Just consider the hourly.
- Comment on The surprises found just moving a mattress 2 months ago:
Three, quite possibly.