- Comment on Daily Discussion Thread: 🚓🚑🚒 Saturday, 4 December, 2024 2 weeks ago:
Big W sells dishwashers?
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 weeks ago:
You’ve never heard men say “dude, just suck it up and get over it already. Don’t be a wuss.” about similar issues to other men?
- Comment on NSW Police face fresh calls to be banned from Mardi Gras 1 month ago:
They’re allowed to join the march, just not as police.
The ban is for the police as an institution.
- Comment on Why does it seem most people, mainly conservatives, against Trans people? Unless I am wrong I never heard of one shooting up a school church or whatever. The ones I have met have been pretty cool. 1 month ago:
I think this all happens mostly due to the stress trans people are inadvertently causing their parents. When your kid comes out of the closet, this will happen to a parent regardless of how liberal-minded they are. Even if you have no problem with the concept, your kid being trans brings about new kinds of threat scenarios you never had to think about before. If you’re a sensible, smart and handsome person like I truly fucking am, you can process it in a few years and come out as not being a 100% asshole towards the issue.
I feel like it’s more the opposite problem. For the parents, trans people are a vague boogeyman. They’ve never meant a trans person personally, and they’re constantly told that trans people are just waiting to jump them in the bathroom, or at sports, or all sorts of other things, so they’ve never had to contend with someone they know being trans.
If it was simply stress or threat to the kid, it wouldn’t really explain the reaction to disowning them, since most of those aren’t about the treatment that their kids would receive for being trans,.
- Comment on I have been told ever since I was a little shit that when you die you go to heaven first wait in line for St Peter to judge you at the pearly gates? Is this in the Bible? I thought god did judging 2 months ago:
Fire and Brimstone Hell is also commonly believed, but not actually in the bible, if I recall right.
Most of the punishment around Hell in the Bible is less about Hell itself, and more about not being able to enter Heaven and join God, and all of that, as oppose to Hell itself being punishment.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 2 months ago:
Coal smoke is more radioactive than the outside of a fission reactor anyhow.
- Comment on anyway, i started blastin' 2 months ago:
But also: what if Thanos himself got snapped out, along with the power glove (because for some reason it turned their clothes into dust, too)? The heroes would have been fucked, right? It’s been a minute since I saw the movies but IIRC, they used the time stone to go back in time. But what if the stone was gone because it was part of Thanos’ attire? He himself used the stones to destroy the stones, so there is probably a timeline where he got snapped away with everyone else, destroying the stones in the process.
It might not be possible, since the stones were also performing the action, and Thanos didn’t want to destroy the stones while snapping everyone in half. Otherwise, they might just self-destruct by going for the nearest target first (Thanos), and stop there, not fulfilling the desired action. You’d have to destroy/scatter them separately.
I don’t think that they used the time stone to go back in time, since it was destroyed when they got there. They had to get it from the past, since a decent part of the movie surrounded that.
- Comment on anyway, i started blastin' 2 months ago:
- Comment on well, at least I wasn't the only one to wonder 2 months ago:
It does make more sense if you consider that it is part of a line of Hedgehog genes, all of which make Fruit fly embryos look like hedgehogs (spiky) if they’re inactivated.
They didn’t just go “Let’s name a gene with bad outcomes if mutant in humans after a video game character! Yipee! Hooray!”, at least not for that.
Though they did name SHH’s inhibitor Robotnikin.
- Comment on well, at least I wasn't the only one to wonder 2 months ago:
A SHH mutation is generally not considered compatible with life. So it’s less the kids who’d find out, and more the parents.
- Comment on Damn spot! Now i want to buy the second car. 2 months ago:
Why is this ad weirdly sexually charged?
Is Donald trying to make another duck?
- Comment on Daily Discussion Thread: 🌃 Sunday, November 10, 2024 2 months ago:
Good luck!
- Comment on Daily Discussion Thread: 🌃 Sunday, November 10, 2024 2 months ago:
That’d be worrying.
You expect to fill the bath, and come back to the tub being full of pasta.
- Comment on Why doesn't Lemmy have a system like Reddit's Karma? 2 months ago:
That was the original intent. That it became a measuring contest is separate.
- Comment on Daily Discussion Thread: 🌞🌞🌞 Wednesday, November 6, 2024 2 months ago:
Got a huge nosebleed on the train, so that was fun. Spent a few minutes looking like I’d come fresh from the exorcist.
Forgot to take a photo, but a bee landed on me and started cleaning herself, which was cute. Had to relocate her with a spare tissue so she didn’t get on the bus, but was otherwise the highlight of the day.
- Comment on I'm going to try not to swear when you're around. Is this a good apology to a coworker? 2 months ago:
No, but the swearing is immaterial. That apology isn’t, so let’s break down the likely interpretation a bit.
I didn’t want to insult you and if you felt so, I apologize.
This is probably the most egregious part, since ‘I’m sorry you felt offended’ isn’t actually an apology, it just sounds like one. You’re not actually apologising for anything you did.
No matter what it is you might have wanted or intended, the fact of the matter is that you did offend your coworker with your swearing.
The word fuck is one I use very often, but I’ll try to control myself around you’
This part is fine-ish? I’d leave off the “around you”, since it’s extraneous. They don’t need to know that you’re deliberately taking exception around them.
I apologize. The word fuck is one I’m used to using, but I’ll try to avoid using it.
Seems a better way of putting it. You made the error, you apologised, clean and cut. No need for unnecessary explanation that could be taken as excuse, or unnecessary exceptions that may taint your intended message.
Maybe accompany it with an apology muffin or something.
- Comment on Tiny pp 2 months ago:
Is there a right millennium? The end of the first millennium had people believing that the tick-over would cause the apocalypse, with all computers everywhere immediately detonating, and the whole economy rendered valueless dust.
- Comment on Calculatable 2 months ago:
Now, is any of this true?
Not really, since keys work by shorting the circuit. That’s why pressing multiple keys at once on your keyboard doesn’t cause it to blow up. It would just assume the button with the shortest circuit was pressed, and ignore the rest.
It might cause weird things to happen with a mechanical or electromechanical calculator, since there were physical mechanisms engaged and disnegaged for each function, and might break/jam those, but not an electronic, and especially not a transistorised one.
It’s more likely that hitting them all confused the CPU, or dropped the voltage down enough that it reset, just in case something strange happened, or to try and fix any bug that might have caused it to register all the buttons being pressed.
- Comment on Calculatable 2 months ago:
In defence of QWERTY, it did a decent job for what it was designed for (reducing the risk of mechanical typewriters jamming by not having two hammers next to each other be pressed at the same time), but really oughtn’t have lasted past the point where the risk of jamming was not longer there.
- Comment on little speedy boi 2 months ago:
As is Robotnikinin
- Comment on Daily Discussion Thread: 👼👼👼 Friday, November 1, 2024 2 months ago:
Got a chance to drive a hybrid today for lessons. The regenerative braking is surprisingly subtle.
Also, is it a long weekend this weekend? Talked to some people who said that it was, but I’ve got no holidays marked out on the calendar. Or is it a school thing?
- Comment on How long do you think we'll keep seeing "formerly Twitter"? 2 months ago:
I don’t think ever. Twitter has too big of a brand name and recognition, where X does not, and they’ll keep coasting on it (their emails to you still say “formerly known as Twitter”). News sites and places will keep calling it Twitter because X is too confusing of a name, and certain parts of their reader-base will simply have no idea who it is that they’re on about, and some social media will call it Twitter because X is a silly name, and they do not respect Elon Musk’s rebranding of Twitter in much the same way that he does not respect his daughter’s name or identity.
- Comment on Penguins 🐧 2 months ago:
It’s particularly sad, since the last of them were killed off by vandalism. Someone went to kill the last pair and smash their eggs for fun.
- Comment on Penguins 🐧 2 months ago:
In fairness, that was mostly accidental, unlike with the Great Auk. They were driven to extinction by inadvertently-introduced predators, as opposed to being actively hunted.
- Comment on Be a rebel, pick up trash. 2 months ago:
Only while they’re adolescent.
- Comment on If there are motherboards and daughterboards, are there fatherboards and sonboards? 2 months ago:
Wonder why the terminology changed.
- Comment on How are scammers getting my email address? 2 months ago:
Information might also be leaked through data breaches. An email is not a particularly hard thing to find, or even guess.
A spammer could easily just have a computer iterate through all possible combinations of emails and usernames, and shotgun it.
Especially for a name like OP’s. If their email is a similar name, it wouldn’t be difficult for generate one that is also two words.
- Submitted 2 months ago to [deleted] | 20 comments
- Comment on Womp womp 2 months ago:
That’s why they’re evil/mad scientists, and not regular scientists.
- Comment on Has Dr. Strange ever given a diagnosis mid fight? 2 months ago:
He’s probably tried to excise someone from the mortal coil/plane once or twice, does that count?