- Comment on Let me tell you something, I haven't even begun to peak. 1 week ago:
See, for me - I crashed in that time, burnout, divorce, financial problems.
I’m rebuilding my life now step by step, and I’m rebuilding it in a way I don’t get into overload too much anymore.
I learned to offset stressful times by time off, for example, and 4 out of 5 weekends I relax. (And, yes I do allow myself to cheat, but I’m aware I go into “credit” energy-wise. So in total I take care m energy account stays positive and my life is so much better for it)
- Comment on Let me tell you something, I haven't even begun to peak. 1 week ago:
It got better, that time was peak responsibility.
- Comment on Let me tell you something, I haven't even begun to peak. 1 week ago:
Being 55, I agree.
- Comment on I bet I could break in a few new places 1 week ago:
Some of them want to use you, some of them want to get used by you.
- Comment on you are the democratically elected leader of a liberal democratic country which so far has had a good relationship with the US, how do you and your country survive 4 years of trump? 1 month ago:
Over here?
- Create a common EU army
- Put EU defense bases on Greenland
- Invite Canada to become a EU member
- Comment on Ok, some nerd please explain the switches on this IRL calculator app 1 month ago:
6 bits, 36 bit words. Octal
- Comment on The lost days 1 month ago:
I always thought it was the christian brand version of Roman Saturnalia.
- Comment on Welcome 2 months ago:
- Comment on Welcome 2 months ago:
- Comment on Checking in 2 months ago:
I shared the link to this to friends a week ago or so.
- Comment on Murphy's law 2 months ago:
“This video is no longer available”
- Comment on How do I PS5? 2 months ago:
One tip when you have kids: If all the accounts are set up correctly as family accounts you can control playtime right in the settings. The PS will then log out the kids after (say) one hour of play automatically.
Using the PSN website you can grant an extension day by day. When my son had done his homework before playing I would regularly grant another hour. “Can I play more? - Have you done your homework? - Yes - No problem”
In the long run that conditioned him to do his stuff before playing. (And I did trust him, when he said he was finished with his work)
- Comment on Putin's Sovereign Gaming Console Revealed 2 months ago:
That ticket is already included for free when you order the console.
- Comment on What is the history of modern male gender roles and where did it come from? 2 months ago:
When my life turned upside down and a lot of shit happened I got interested in Stoicism to the point I even read a bit of Seneca.
I never felt it as a way to be emotionless or a way to hide or suppress emotions , but rather as a way to just accept my them and “yeah, I see and acknowledge I feel like crap, no need to go crazy about it” (in my situation). It brought an understanding to me that not everything that happens is about me personally and I stop fighting what I can’t change to put my focus where I can have an influence.
Warning: this is not a definition of stoicism, but what I took away from it for myself.
- Comment on Broccoli, cheese, and MILFs 2 months ago:
Both my kids favorite veggie was broccoli when they were small. I’d prepare it the way you’d get it in an Italian restaurant - small parts of it just bleached for a short time, so it stays firm, served with nice olive oil and salt. (And a bit of lemon, if I have it on hand)
Broccoli (like so many veggies) tastes awful when overcooked into a soft and mushy consistency (and then it also changes its taste in a bad way).
Here in Germany grandmas typically are amazing cooks, with the sole exception when they cooked veggies. That generation loved their vegs really soft and overcooked.
- Comment on The burden of being different 2 months ago:
4004 * 2
- Comment on R. Crumb summarizes recent events. 3 months ago:
Oh, so you think things are less insane here in EU? Ha!
- Comment on He's a little feisty, but he looked cold 4 months ago:
What, are you telling me the posts in this community are fake news?
- Comment on oahsa rocks guys 4 months ago:
Staplerfahrer Klaus, a real classic. I even have it on DVD somewhere.
- Comment on Ladies Beware! 4 months ago:
Super Size Me.
- Comment on Important Metrics 4 months ago:
I’m disappointed you didn’t reset the trip counter 69 miles ago.
- Comment on I found a weird IP address on my network that had transmitted an insanely small amount of data. I put the address in my browser and got this. what the heck am I looking at? 5 months ago:
I have a Bluetooth controlled vibrator. Reverse engineered the app (which has a chat function) and it has a blacklist of words (mainly Chinese) you’re not allowed to text using the app.
- Comment on Your stupid decal finally makes sense! 5 months ago:
Time to make a punk leather jacket with the sylt logo on the back.
- Comment on Batman. 5 months ago:
Death by SnuSnu
- Comment on Men: What sequence do you fellow to dry your body off after showering or bathing? 5 months ago: oh wow, I need some. mind-bleach now.
- Comment on ELI5: how do mobile devices know your movements? 7 months ago:
There’s another trick - checking against street maps. When you walk/drive/ride around a corner the phone can use it’s inaccurate GPS reading and update it according to where the corner is. Of course it doesn’t use ONE corner. to fully update your position, it just nudges the position a bit closer.
In case you are navigating a lot of street corners, after a time an inaccurate GPS position will be corrected.
There’s even more input to the algorithm (location of known WIFI Hotspots for example etc) and they are all combined with a “Kalman filter”.
- Comment on Old school shitposting 7 months ago:
Am unteren Ende der Klowand, dort wo sie zum Durchwischen aufgeständert ist:
Vorsicht vor dem Limbotänzer!
- Comment on Old school shitposting 7 months ago:
Wie Adolf Hitler throne ich hier, die braune Masse unter mir.
- Comment on Chat, am I cooked? 7 months ago:
Tbh, it’s not a fairy tale but an illustrated children’s book written in 1845 by Heinrich Hoffman for his three year old kid. It was one of the first illustrated books, so it is considered to be one of the first comic books. Each story has a morale but is way over the top.
Interestingly a lot of the descibed behavior is known to be with ADHD or anorexia, today.
Growing up in Germany I always find Struwelpeter a quite horrible book (yes, I too had it a kid).
- Comment on poni 7 months ago:
Ich habe Dinge gesehen, die ihr Menschen niemals glauben würdet. Gigantische Schiffe, die brannten, draußen vor der Schulter des Orion. Und ein rosa fliegendes Schwein, genannt Pupsi, im Kino, nahe meiner 6-jährigern Tochter.