- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 2 weeks ago:
The marketing stunt came to a halt after just one day when the security guard noticed the metal frame of the glass case had been weakened from the constant barrage of physical pressure.
** Kickproof™ is a trademark name of 3M Corporation. ~all~ ~kicks~ ~are~ ~performed~ ~by~ ~trained~ ~professionals;~ ~not~ ~resistant~ ~to~ ~kicking;~ ~consult~ ~with~ ~doctor~ ~before~ ~trying~
- Comment on Samsung TV's voice assistant is suddenly in Russian, happening worldwide (it seems) 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on Should have seen it coming 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on Are there people without handedness? 2 months ago:
People can get used to weirdest stuff. Like my former coworker who uses mouse upside down, like, fingertip grip on the buttons and cord under palm. Said he used to love playing aerial combat simulators, but couldn’t get used to inverted controls, so he just flipped the mouse and learned to use it inverted for everything else. Havent played videogames in decades but it’s still stuck to him. The only problem is that he was a CEO at tech company, but from a passerby perspective it always looked like it’s his first time using a PC.
- Comment on This world is cruel… 3 months ago:
Yeah. It’s kind of like being an actor vs just enjoying watching movies.
- Comment on This world is cruel… 3 months ago:
Watch porn, or make porn? I know a few friends who would find latter attractive. Not so much the former.
- Comment on Can't install app because it isn't "certified" by the government 3 months ago:
I did exactly that many years ago. Ditched my phone and went with x86 UMPC with builtin 3G modem, the name of which I don’t remember because it was some random Chinese no-name. Unfortunately that experiment coincided with the era of “fuck websites, we’re going app-only because we’re so hip”. I was in a world of pain right off the bat when I got a carrier plan, specifically marketed for usage on PC’s, and it did not work. I called them and said to me:
- Do you have android or iOS?
- I only have windows
- Windows phone?
- No, Windows 8
- Well, you’ll have to use the app to activate the SIM card…
Turns out, the usage on PC’s meant tethering…
Lots of online things, if they were even available as websites, were highly cut down versions of apps. And SMS 2FA, goddamn. I remember not being able to buy booze and shoes because, apparently, phone confirmations were required in those establishments. Good thing they’re fading out in favor of TOTP and passkeys. But, at a time, I had to swtich to a carrier that allowed me to use “corporate” features like SMS forwarding and SIP telephony. Also, fuck WhatsApp, that shit can burn in all fires of hell.
On the other hand, I really miss that time. It was liberating, just not having like, a few dozen malwares in my pocket tracking me down just to track someone’s dog, or a bus, or to spy on someone’s buying preferences or whatever. But things have gotten quite a bet better over the years, so I’m kind of inclined to repeat the experiment with my new-ish OM3S which I carry because I still cannot imagine going out without a proper PC on me (don’t buy it, though, it is severely underpowered, better get something GPD instead).
- Comment on I screen, you screen, we all screen for I screen. 3 months ago:
Just don’t make the mistake I’ve did at buying an electric bicycle. The controllers for the engines are mostly proprietary barely sewn together noname pieces of garbage, that you’d need some bullshit adapters and obscure software to flash settings in.
Also don’t dig yourself too deep into cycling. There are good quality bicycles at a cost of a motorcycle or even a used car, and then there’s aliexpress specials made of whatever was lying around, but there are very few in-between options. I’d suggest just getting the latter and throwing it out when it breaks or you get bored.
- Comment on New mobile features are sh*t these days 4 months ago:
To share those on linkedin and corporate slack, I guess. Or in schools, or in boomer chats or something.
- Comment on Checkmate 5 months ago:
That queen’s hanging, tho. He can just beat her himself.
- Comment on Anon doesn't like reddit 5 months ago:
Whenever I stumble on reddit I make sure to post disinformation or some kind of dumb shit to throw a wrench into the LLM training data they sell to google.
- Comment on People warn about culture shock, but nothing prepared ne for this solid toilet paper roll in Vietnam 5 months ago:
He did use the get out of jail card, though, so it’s all good. But I would advise to not try use it more than once.
- Comment on People warn about culture shock, but nothing prepared ne for this solid toilet paper roll in Vietnam 5 months ago:
Funny how I could probably understand what you mean if you said it without translation. Sounds very simillar to срать тесьма, which is also shit tape, though it’s not a correct grammatically in Russian. To my knowledge, we don’t have a specific name for it, but if there were I’d say it’d either be студенческая/солдатсткая (student/soldier) paper because they’re so poor, or жоподёрка (the assripper)
- Comment on People warn about culture shock, but nothing prepared ne for this solid toilet paper roll in Vietnam 5 months ago:
Well, it that case you’re referring to, the guy was actually snooping around which would fall into doing stupid things. But, just in case, just this once, here’s a free get out of jail free card: If you ever got caught just say that you’re an orthodox christian who came to Russia to enjoy based traditional culture in this bastion of anti-woke culture and family values, and complain about some dumb shit like how western liberal agenda prevents you from hitting your wife or something. They can’t put you on TV while you are in prison, so they’ll have to let you go.
- Comment on People warn about culture shock, but nothing prepared ne for this solid toilet paper roll in Vietnam 5 months ago:
The one that’s just like a concrete block with few holes in the floor? God that shit’s terrifying. Grew up in Russia and luckily never had to use one of those as they were never the only option. But if I had to, I’d rather shit my pants instead. Had to use shoddy garden toilets, squat toilets and toilets with no stalls before a few times each, all were awful experiences, but this thing, it combines all three for the ultimate discomfort.
- Comment on People warn about culture shock, but nothing prepared ne for this solid toilet paper roll in Vietnam 5 months ago:
Well, I wouldn’t worry about 2 and 3 that much. It’s just that as a foreigner, especially if you are from the US, you will most definitely fall under the surveillance of FSB and the cops will look at you twice, but they’re not paid half-decent enough to actually give a shit and do their job properly. They might harass you here and there but if you don’t do anything stupid like protesting in red square or doing selfies in front of military bases, then they’ll have nothing against you. I imagine that’s not much worse than living in the US under CIA’s umbrella and trigger happy cops. Other than that, it’s not nearly an extreme hellhole like NK, Afghanistan or Syria that people make it sound like. In fact, you can get by in Moscow or St. Petersburg without a guide or translator just fine. I’d rather advise to watch out for the tourist traps(the usual), and to avoid getting out of the city limits and into the suburbs because of the much increased crime levels.
Ah, and put the fact that for every dollar you spend there, you put 20 cents straight into Putin’s pocket into that list…
And also that you’d probably need a visa and it’s a hassle…
And that you’d probably need a Russian friend to get you hooked up with the basics and avoid going through the bureaucracy - like with currency exchange, credit card, carrier plan, etc…
Also that weather is rather harsh there…
And also that it’s probably the dirtiest country on earth because city planners didn’t zone out lawns and parks properly therefore the mud gets spread absolutely everywhere…
And that internet is half-broken, with half sites censored while the others block everyone from Russian IP’s because sanctions…
And that Ukraine might not let you in afterwards…
And that you’d for sure be questioned by your homecountry’s intelligence services…
And that’s about all that I can think of.
- Comment on People warn about culture shock, but nothing prepared ne for this solid toilet paper roll in Vietnam 5 months ago:
Very close to it, yeah, like a very thin and shitty one. Doesn’t stretch as much nor is as sturdy, but the texture is spot on.
- Comment on People warn about culture shock, but nothing prepared ne for this solid toilet paper roll in Vietnam 5 months ago:
Don’t go to Russia. Every once in a while you can encounter this atrocity. Yes, it has holes right out of the roll, no perforation whatsoever and not even a hole so that you can’t hang it and outer layers are always dirty. And, of course, feels like a sandpaper, tears when wiping but stretches when you actually try to get a piece. Please don’t tell me that this exists outside of Russia, that’d be way to much assrash for this world.
- Comment on I hate people like this 5 months ago:
Maybe they’ve realized it after the fact? Maybe they were regulars there and/or times suddenly changed? Maybe they’re not telling something? I don’t know. As a manager I would’ve just left a number to call to check what’s up, and as visitor this review wouldn’t affect my decision to go there anyway.
- Comment on I hate people like this 5 months ago:
I wouldn’t jump on to blame on the customer. In fact, have my own hill I’m fighting right now where I’m not completely in the right. Who knows, maybe the working hours were not visible, or maybe there was no closed sign at all. In any case, this made at least one person mad and is a perfect opportunity for a business to do a retro and check if they might need to do something about it. It’s much more valuable than a thousandth review from someone who had a great time… or didn’t, but didn’t care to review either. And, unless your business is genuinely bad, even a Karen once in a while shouldn’t affect the total score a bit.
- Comment on Cords 6 months ago:
Fine, I’ll just use a couple of those with an ethernet coupler.
- Comment on Bryony Page 6 months ago:
I ain’t no physicist, but the last time I’ve checked, it was a theory galore, with theories upon theories about whether there could even exists a single definite theory of everything, with stuff not being observable by it’s nature (quantum particles), other stuff not being observable by it’s nature (beyond observable universe), and theories based upon the event of literal creation of the universe itself, which is in turn theorized by linearly extrapolating a single phenomenon all the way down to zero (correct me if I’m wrong on this one, shit’s fascinating).
Finding how dinosaurs sounded like, on the other hand, doesn’t take much theorizing - just take some well preserved remains, approximate breathing cavities structure and model it with something like a pink trombone. I’m oversimplifying, of course, but, the point is, it’s miles closer to us, time and space wise, than whatever physicists are rambling about.
- Comment on Bryony Page 6 months ago:
Nobody tell this guy about the state of modern physics.
- Comment on It will outlive us all 6 months ago:
Not necessarily. Even though PS/2 operates with a superior protocol, latency-wise, the clock speed is atrocious, resulting in an effective polling rate of about 1500hz, give or take. We could account that it doesn’t need to wait for request to send keystrokes like USB keyboard do, effectively doubling it even more, but then we’d have to account for whatever delay Super I/O chips introduce and I’m not qualified to talk about that. But, if your keyboard is not from a dollar store shelf then it probably runs on at least 1000hz, at which point we are talking about sub-millisecond difference which would be quite hard to notice. 4000hz keyboard definitely beats PS/2 though.
- Comment on It will outlive us all 6 months ago:
Nothing to do with the interface. If your keyboard can only do 4 it means that the manufacturer has cheaped out on diodes and couldn’t even be bothered to stagger the matrix enough to make you not notice.
- Comment on It will outlive us all 6 months ago:
It’s actually the other way around. Check out Ben Eater’s awesome videos for technical details.
TLDR: PS/2 sends separate key up and key down events, sequentially - like
#1 Down
-#2 Down
-#1 Up
-#2 Up
- each in separate message, allowing for theoretically infinite rollover (excluding certain edge-cases). USB, on the other hand, polls only for keys being pressed at the moment. By default, the keyboard responds with a 8-byte message, with 1 byte being the bitmask for 8 modifier keys (4 on each side), a spacer, and 6 bytes/slots for identifiers of keys being held down. If one identifier is present in one response but is missing or replaced in next one, the system assumes a key-up event. It is possible by USB spec to negotiate connection in such a way that the keyboard responds with a bitmask for every single key it has. But this is not well supported by things like BIOS and KVM’s, so very few keyboard manufacturers bother implementing it. Most keyboarrds advertising NKRO are actually only capable of doing so via the PS/2 adapter. - Comment on Oh jeez 7 months ago:
[Citation needed]
- Comment on Post a prompt, have an art from this insane russian 7 months ago:
Debit all the way! Got 5000 sber spasibo’s on mine
- Comment on "Hey Google, Turn my balls off" 7 months ago:
I don’t want a kill-switch. I want a turbo-button to slice metal sheets with a jet of cum.
- Comment on It's painful to not be able to see everything at once. 7 months ago: