- Comment on Asking the important questions. 4 days ago:
That’s the same way they did it on Mythbusters.
- Comment on Kettle Chips 6 days ago:
- Comment on cherry pickers 1 week ago:
But that’s cherry picking!
- Comment on Not the same 5 weeks ago:
Yeah, somehow it looked AI before I clicked into it for the high res version, something about the way the guy’s face was drawn. And when I saw the high res, it was really obvious, because the pupils are askew in a way a true artist would not have chosen. And as you say, the stippling pattern is typical of AI. Weird that our brains seem to be some of the best competitors in the arms race between creating and identifying AI images.
- Comment on Too bad so many don't understand this simple truth 2 months ago:
This is worryingly similar to how toddlers react when I try to teach them how to tie their shoes
- Comment on Cows cows cows 2 months ago:
My cat just watched this. I think he was confused, but he had a good time.
- Comment on Sure, WSJ. Next do an article on Selection Bias 2 months ago:
Hell, I might be a CFO now and I’ve failed to notice! Hold on, let me check… No… No, I’ve just managed to burn a microwave dinner again.
- Comment on Am I the only one who does this? 4 months ago:
Playing devil’s advocate, I completely disagree. If two people are making competing arguments, only the one being needlessly contrarian deserves an upvote. Using Up/Down votes as a means to side with someone is a good way to build a Boeing 747-200 engine.
- Comment on No further questions your honour 5 months ago:
No, you’ve misunderstood. She married the Bigfoot and now she’s suing because she was perfectly happy not knowing he was just a bear. They had a destination wedding in London and the divorce lawyer’s bear-wedding annulment fee was 125 pounds.
- Comment on . . . 7 months ago:
Possibly. Is your husband an ass man?
- Comment on Hackers may have leaked the Social Security Numbers of every American 7 months ago:
Zero day exploits, to be expected. Obvious simple solution, just upgrade grandma firmware.
- Comment on What the fuck happened to YouTube!? 7 months ago:
For sure, that’s what I meant by membership. There’s just so many different creators I watch, I can’t afford to support them all directly. Maybe I’ll make some playlists to play on the TV with ads while I’m out of the house.
- Comment on What the fuck happened to YouTube!? 7 months ago:
I’ve used an adblocker for ages as well, though I do wish content creators on YouTube could get some passive non-membership revenue from me without me having to disable my adblock and look directly into the Ark of the Covenant. I could get Premium, but at that point, I feel like I’ve negotiated with a terrorist.
- Comment on Hackers may have leaked the Social Security Numbers of every American 7 months ago:
Social security number is the public key, now just issue everyone a private key. Boom. Fixed.
- Comment on Anon likes trains 7 months ago:
My mom made me a cardboard Thomas the Tank Engine costume when I was young and still wanted to be a train. Sometimes I wish I hadn’t given up on my dreams.
- Comment on I'm buyin', idk what, but I am 8 months ago:
I did the research to know what it means but I don’t know what to do with this knowledge.
- Comment on Mind blown! 8 months ago:
Haha, somebody did the math wrong.
- does the math *
Oh no.
- Comment on In Search of Power, Texans Ask: Are the Lights on at Whataburger? With no working outage tracker from the Houston area’s main electricity provider, people are turning to the chain’s map of what's open 8 months ago:
That was my first thought, but they’re not open 24/7.
- Comment on In Search of Power, Texans Ask: Are the Lights on at Whataburger? With no working outage tracker from the Houston area’s main electricity provider, people are turning to the chain’s map of what's open 8 months ago:
I mean Waffle House closures are how FEMA tracks hurricane damaged communities in Florida. Now we just need to figure out how to use Denny’s to show how much of California is burnt down.
- Comment on Wolves or something idk 1 year ago:
Oh, you’ll be all right.
- Comment on normal music lyrics 1 year ago:
I hate when people save their music in a lossy format.
- Comment on 'One Piece' review: Netflix does the impossible 1 year ago:
Seen about the first half of it so far and I really like it. I feel like it’s something I can recommend to friends who want to understand the appeal One Piece without having to slog through hundreds of episodes. I really hope it gets a season 2 so they can give the Arabasta arc a similar treatment.
- Comment on 'One Piece' review: Netflix does the impossible 1 year ago:
As someone who watches episodes week to week, no you don’t.
- Comment on A place for all the feels 1 year ago:
This is not fair. She hardly even has sleeves.
- Comment on Switch 2 would arrive in the second half of 2024 and development kits are already out 1 year ago:
And I’ve just made my own source which says it’s already launched.