- Comment on Biology Class 6 months ago:
This is also fake. Those are all incorrect.
- Comment on Anon doesn't like reddit 6 months ago:
Except… it looks like people did start posting. So the users were crowded out by bots before and they’re posting now. That just shows that Reddit isn’t dead, but it does have too many bots.
I mean, I’m sure many people here wish there was more non-bot content. It’s annoying to see something on Reddit and come back here and see the same thing.
- Comment on Amazon Contractors can't even sing in their cars now. Unions protect against this micromanagement. 6 months ago:
That’s not how insurance works. They monitor average speed, acceleration, and braking, if anything. There’s no correlation between mouth movement and accidents. What if someone is chewing gum? What about adjusting dentures? What about drinking coffee while parked?
Show me an actuarial table that includes “mouth movement” as a variable or admit this is just a middle manager trying something stupid.
- Comment on Horror Sign 6 months ago:
No, you will not “have to do it”. Either they can afford to pay a qualified person to do it, or they can’t. If they can’t afford a more expensive person, they definitely can’t afford to fire you. You are the cheap one.
Think about it: if they put themselves in this situation, they are going to end up cleaning it themselves. “Need money for rent and food”? If you have a crappy minimum wage job, you have the power. Literally no one above you wants to do your work. You can definitely tell them “no”.
- Comment on Horror Sign 6 months ago:
Reminder to anyone still working retail: if your job description isn’t “janitor”, you don’t need to clean that up. It’s a biohazard and they can pay more expensive people with better equipment to do it.
- Comment on Anon drives a bus 7 months ago:
No? San Francisco has had electric busses for decades. They go up and down hills all the time. Their only problem is they have no batteries, so once they are disconnected they stop. It happens every day.
I think something combination of a small battery and a direct connection will work great. The battery only needs to work for an hour and the bus will be able to get around just fine.
- Comment on Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is Expected to End His Presidential Campaign 7 months ago:
VP Harris is still winning in polls when they ask about a 2 person race. If anything, him endorsing trump might hurt. He literally has a dead worm in his brain.
- Comment on Coney Island visitors name NBA teams 7 months ago:
Please. The Orlando Kick Champs will kick their asses.
- Comment on Peeble streamer on Doop 7 months ago:
You can do anything at… Zombo com.
- Comment on Random text message 7 months ago:
Ehh, maybe. Many people are trying as hard as they can, sometimes with undiagnosed mental issues. “Act like an adult” is only good advice if you are just lazy.
Maybe “move to a cheaper area so you can afford a house” is better advice.
- Comment on How did orthopaedists started to use plate and screws to fix broken bones ? 7 months ago:
The first surgeons worked on cadavers like Dr. Frankenstein. They were equally as reviled.
- Comment on Far-right thugs throw rocks at Filipino NHS nurses on way to work 7 months ago:
They learned their lesson during the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution
How long do you think rich people live?
- Comment on Paid Leave Olympics 7 months ago:
looking at the rent prices in/near Santa Monica…
You are thinking of walking to work? You’re going to be commuting like everyone else. That’s why everyone in LA is stuck in traffic. Or just work from home.
- Comment on Breast Cancer 7 months ago:
I’m saying that info is readily available to doctors in real life. They are literally in the hospital and know what the socioeconomic background of the patient is. In real life they would be able to guess the same.
- Comment on Breast Cancer 7 months ago:
Biopsies are small but still invasive. There’s risk of infection or reactions to anesthesia in any surgery. If 100 million women get this test, a 5% false positive rate will mean 5 million unnecessary interventions. Not to mention the stress of being told you have cancer.
5 million unnecessary interventions means a small percentage of those people (thousands) will die or be harmed by the treatment. That’s the harm that it causes.
- Comment on Breast Cancer 7 months ago:
That’s actually really smart. But that info wasn’t given to doctors examining the scan, so it’s not a fair comparison. It’s a valid diagnostic technique to focus on the particular problems in the local area.
“When you hear hoofbeats, think horses not zebras” (outside of Africa)
- Comment on Anon finds a plot hole 7 months ago:
It’s not less egregious because they do it in every chapter. It’s just a bad story. No one is attacking you or your favorite books; but the fact is they’re not that good.
You said you wanted to “defend the series” (the books). With books, what else is there to defend except the writing? As other people have mentioned, there are good consistent stories for children and fantasy authors who know what consistency means. It won’t affect your life in any way to admit that JK Rowling is not good at writing.
“But she always does this.” Lol.
- Comment on Anon finds a plot hole 7 months ago:
as the story is being told the magic used is awesome and just what the plot needs at that exact moment to move along
That’s bad writing.
a plot device whereby a seemingly unsolvable problem in a story is suddenly or abruptly resolved by an unexpected and unlikely occurrence
- Comment on A kick right in the selbstbild 7 months ago:
We’re talking about spending money on the war. The Soviets fought Japan for a period of 26 days:
- Comment on A kick right in the selbstbild 7 months ago:
How can they “spend more” than the US? They were literally given materiel and money by the US. The money the USSR spent was from the West.
The European war was fought with Russian troops, British intelligence, and American money. Also, there was an entire other war in the Pacific that the US fought at the same time. It’s not possible for the Soviets to have spent more, just based on that fact alone.
- Comment on A kick right in the selbstbild 7 months ago:
There would be no way to stop. The German economy was really messed up by the Nazis. They essentially had no exports because they were producing mainly materiel for the war and were under an embargo anyway.
That means they had no way to get money besides literally taking it from conquered countries. The problem is, you can only loot once. This created a vicious cycle where they became more isolated and needed to conquer even more.
Honestly, before nukes existed, the Nazis could have been defeated by an embargo. But it would have cost more lives. Invading Germany saved lives and the nukes saved even more lives in Japan.
- Comment on How Kamala Harris Took Command of the Democratic Party in 48 Hours 8 months ago:
Biden was old in 2020. He could have easily passed away in his first term. Trump got COVID and almost went on a ventilator.
You definitely did vote for Harris/??? even if you don’t realize it.
- Comment on How Kamala Harris Took Command of the Democratic Party in 48 Hours 8 months ago:
What corporations do you think “own” Harris? Besides that being a racist thing to say about a black woman, what the fuck are you talking about?
In the Senate, her largest amount of donations came from employees of the University of California:…/summary?cid=N00036915&cycle…
You’re just saying things that you want to be true, without verifying them.
- Comment on How Kamala Harris Took Command of the Democratic Party in 48 Hours 8 months ago:
So you’re saying that she has a ton of experience? She was the one who got us out of Trump’s COVID slump?Sounds like a great candidate.
- Comment on How Kamala Harris Took Command of the Democratic Party in 48 Hours 8 months ago:
She was literally elected Vice President by millions of people. If you voted for Biden, you already elected her to be one heartbeat away from the presidency.
There have been only 49 Vice Presidents in US history. She is closer to the presidency than any other eligible Democrat.
- Comment on Cloudstrike's stock price waiting for the markets to open 8 months ago:
You are using big words to try to sound smart, without understanding the specific details of the situation. There’s more than one group of “rich people” trading in the early market. Some are buying and others are selling. They are just moving money back and forth within the same “class” (as you understand it).
The other guy is wrong because in a situation like this there are very few buyers in the early market. He focuses only on the “rich” buyers and ignores the larger group of “rich” sellers trying to get rid of their shares. It’s much more likely that most “rich” sellers waited until the market opened because they didn’t want to sell while it was thinly traded.
So if you care about “classes”, the “rich” generally lost money because the company they already own went down in value. Maybe a few people bought at the bottom and sold when it went higher, but that was neither a large percent of “rich” investors nor a guaranteed return.
I’m explaining it to you because the other comment has a low level understanding of the specifics, while you admit you don’t understand. It’s more dangerous to think you understand something than to know your limits. I can trade in early / late markets but don’t because they have no one else there. The market has few other participants and that makes it too choppy.
- Comment on Cloudstrike's stock price waiting for the markets to open 8 months ago:
Why would you think “rich people made money”? They already hold the shares and would be trying to sell. It would be impossible to sell any large amount of shares after hours directly after a huge negative issue. If you could sell (say $1 million worth), it would be at a much lower price.
That’s probably why the price dropped. The market doesn’t actually react to news, it reacts to investors buying and selling. If the price went down that means people with lots of shares are trying to get out.
- Comment on Artificial price increase so that you can post “discounts” on Prime Day 8 months ago:
They get around it by having a sale on a special version of the product that had a higher price in the past 30 to 90 days. The version is the same as normal, but with a different serial number.
Only that version goes on “sale” for Black Friday or whatever, so they are technically following the law. They do it in the US too. Literally look it up on Camel Camel Camel during a sale.
- Comment on Hollywood’s still relying on sequels at the box office 8 months ago:
Even the ones that don’t include Iron Man?
These are loose definitions of “sequel”. This would mean that every story is a “sequel” to the Epic of Gilgamesh.
- Comment on Anon makes popcorn 8 months ago:
It maybe takes 5 minutes total, and that’s only if you put a bunch of stuff on it. It’s not hard. You literally just dump the kernels into the pot.
It’s about as much time as making it in the microwave. For both you’re just waiting around for most of it.