- Comment on You finally figure that mysterious voice commanding you is not the devil 21 hours ago:
I laughed at the picture, showed it to my wife, she laughed, and then I checked the comments and realised that we’re too old for the Internet…
- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.
- Isaac Asimov, 1980
There were people warning against the glorification of ignorance in the US nearly half a century ago. It’s nothing new; it just reached critical mass (also thanks to social media where ignorant people can self-organise).
- Comment on Late 1900s 1 week ago:
I first played Doom in 1995. And SimCity 2000. It indeed feels like 10 years ago.
- Comment on Having a baby? Use this one weird trick! 2 weeks ago:
Ireland: Proof of residency for 3 out of the last 4 years before the child gets an Irish passport. It’s enough to present utility bills or paychecks for that period. I did it, and my kids only have Irish passports (even though they’d be entitled to both) until they are old enough to make their own decision in this matter. Or Trump decides to expand his golf course to the entire island.
- Comment on Isn't EU's "VAT" a regressive tax? Why do they have that, instead of something like, taxing the rich? 1 month ago:
I’m personally not sure how it works. But when we were upgrading our bathroom, the tile shop added the VAT to the quoted sale price. I then asked a friend of mine who is VAT-registeted to buy it for us, and he got it from the same warehouse for the non-VAT price.
- Comment on Isn't EU's "VAT" a regressive tax? Why do they have that, instead of something like, taxing the rich? 1 month ago:
I agree overall, but VAT is not all that difficult to evade, at least in the service industry. Paying handymen in cash is common in many countries, and that’s a means to evade VAT. Hell, even using them to buy the building or landscaping materials for you (being a registered business they purchase for prices without VAT) saves you on most of the tax. Then there’s service barter. I did it only once, a long time ago, but it can serve as an example: I did family portraits (photography) for my physio, in exchange for a number of physio sessions. If we charged each other, it would have cost each of us, say, 250 Euros, but we’d only see 200 each, and the state would get 100. So, savings of 50 for each of us.
- Comment on Guess I'll starve 2 months ago:
Not everyone has smartphones. And speaking of Covid, not having a smartphone bit me in the arse because many businesses only accepted digital vaccination certs. I survived that, though, and I’ll survive not giving business to places that require you to have a smartphone.
- Comment on Threats 2 months ago:
I call shenanigans. The only fax messages these days are either in German or in Japanese.
- Comment on I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I think the sequel was better. 2 months ago:
Dude looks more like Nic Cage than Gene Wilder. So, this movie is still doable, and I’d pay good money to see it.
- Comment on This Op Shop seems to have ordered their secondhand books by colour for some reason 3 months ago:
One side of my bedroom wall was a built-in bookshelf. We’re talking about 4m in length and 2m in height. Some shelves had double-stacked books.
But you are right; the logistics are nearly impossible. I moved out of my parents’ house in the mid-90s, but they still keep most of my books there for me. I have my own house and family now, but my wife threatened divorce if I “cluttered” our house with all the books. My hope lies in my kids inheriting my love for reading and bringing over my books themselves.
- Comment on This Op Shop seems to have ordered their secondhand books by colour for some reason 3 months ago:
I was in a similar situation. It was the only time I got into a serious fight with my mom. The only difference was that I was an adult already, had around 1800 books, and sorted them by genre, author and series order.
- Comment on Good morning I choose violence. 3 months ago:
Good choice.
- Comment on Indian start-up Yes Madam fires employees who indicated being stressed in the survey 3 months ago:
I work with a few Indian development teams, and “sweatshop” is an apt description. We work on software dependencies, as specified by them. After we deliver, they decide it’s not what they wanted, change the specs and treat it as a “drop everything else” bug. It gives me no greater pleasure than telling them to relax, that we’ll get to it in due time when we have the capacity. I like to think that a few of their managers already popped a vein.
- Comment on What games have you put the most hours into? 3 months ago:
Civilisation, the original one. Got it in the 90s, and none of my computers was without it. Even now I sometimes launch it for a guick, half-day game.
I’m sure other Microprose games from that era, in particular UFO: Enemy Unknown, are on my top 10 most played games.
From modern games, I probably spent the most time playing Civ4 and Heroes of Might and Magic 3.
- Comment on what should I consider before buying winter running gloves? 4 months ago:
For running, get thin gloves that keep out the wind chill. Your body will heat itself up, including your hands, so all you look for is decent wind protection. I did some trail running in down to -10C, and thin running gloves were sufficient.
If you want bells and whistles, get gloves with reflective elements. In winter, chances are you’ll spend some time running in the dark.
- Comment on It really is tedious 5 months ago:
Everyone is talking about taping, but the real MVP is baby wipes.
- Comment on What happened to the turn based RPG and RTS genres? 5 months ago:
HoMM is a turn-based strategy game, not RPG (with the notable exception of HoMM IV where you had real hero development). That said, there was a genre of RPG’s, which used to be very popular in the 80s and 90s, and which all but disappeared. Those were party-based first-person RPG’s with turn based (or close to it) combat. Popularized by Wizardry, and followed by Might and Magic, they inspired other series like the Ishar Trilogy. Other games employed real-time combat, but slow enough or pausable, to mimic turn-based. Popular series were Eye of the Beholder, Lands of Lore, Dungeon Master, and others. Nowadays, I occasionally see one of these games from independent projects, but it seems that the golden age of this sub-genre has passed.
- Comment on Must EU banks provide basic service via internet? 5 months ago:
Just to be pedantic: we’ve had a hell of a time implementing dynamic resizing of svg’s in Firefox. Works fine with Chromium. We spent far too much development time to keep our 4% of users happy, but eventually we did it. Perhaps newer versions of Firefox changed this, but there are customer-facing oddities the bank’s customers may experience.
- Comment on I hope you don't have any plans this evening. 6 months ago:
Spoiler alert: it’s already happened, and all the virtuous people already ascended to heaven.
- Comment on Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race? 6 months ago:
Ireland uses a variant of ranked choice voting. In essence, voters get a list of candidates for their voting district, and rank as many of them as they want in order of preference. When votes are counted, the candidate with the lowest votes is eliminated, and votes of those who ranked the candidate first are distributed to their second choice. Rinse and repeat until only as many candidates remain as there are open seats in the constituency.
There is still some inertia, especially in rural areas (“my dad always voted for this candidate, so I’ll vote for his son”), but the system still lends itself to more informed voting. From what I’ve seen in other countries, on average Ireland does a better job at electing more reasonable candidates than the US or EU countries.
- Comment on Bread 6 months ago:
Where’s the “four slices per freezer bag and keep in the freezer” option? Or am I just too good for this chart?
- Comment on "what happened??" 6 months ago:
World of Xeen? Such a fun concept, combining the two games. I’ve been trying to run the mod that lets you play 6, 7 and 8 within the same game, but my current PC can’t handle it.
- Comment on "what happened??" 6 months ago:
And before that, Swords of Xeen, as MM 5.5. But other unofficial spinoffs, in particular the King’s Bounty series, weren’t half bad, either.
- Comment on "what happened??" 6 months ago:
I call this “The curse of Might and Magic”. This franchise was established by Jon Van Caneghem who founded New World Computing. The company later got into financial trouble and was absorbed by 3DO. Over time (mainly due to the commercial failure of its console, which came after the acquisition of the M&M property), 3DO started slipping into the hole. It dissolved, and in its fire sale, Ubi purchased the rights to Might and Magic. The rest, as they say, is history…
- Comment on "It's better to piss in the sink than to sink in the piss" 6 months ago:
The picture doesn’t do justice to the evil that is sharting. Especially in the middle of a long run.
- Comment on Hellooooo! 8 months ago:
Sorry; the automod here seems to have removed a naughty word in the URL. Linking directly to the picture.
- Comment on Hellooooo! 8 months ago:
Bring back memories of tthe removed dog. It never fails to make me smile…
- Comment on Ironing 8 months ago:
Ironing is the only time of the week where I have the time to watch TV or movies. Not that I don’t have free time, but I usually spend it in other ways. During ironing, I’m a captive audience. That said, I don’t iron all that much. I remember the last season of The Boys took me four months to finish…
- Comment on Microsoft extolling the benefits of cloud storage in their Office save dialog 10 months ago:
I’ve had exactly the same experience. Let me addd one more: when OneDrive decides to back up open files, they ate regularly deleted both from local and cloud. Those are the files I tend to use the most, and I grew so frustrated that I ended recreating my Documents folder steucture in my Downloads folder, which doesn’t get synced. (IT is useless; when I complained abou that, they told me that One Drive was a third-party application, and they didn’t support those. )
- Comment on Euro bottles are so much better now 10 months ago:
I’m always pouring the water into a cup or glass, and the attached cap tands to fall down into the path of the stream, lest I use my other hand to hold it. The plastic connestors don’t bother me.