- Comment on Make your complaints heard about bad games, says Dragon Age veteran Mark Darrah, but "your $70 doesn't buy you cruelty" 1 week ago:
There’s everything the other comments said but there is also an important distinction in “celebrating”. I would argue that while layoffs as an event are a potentially logical outcome of a bad game, it is the act of celebrating and/or calling for those layoffs that is crossing the line.
- Comment on Anon works at gamestop 2 weeks ago:
Thought it was a prank and one was going to actually have CoD in it.
- Comment on After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal 1 month ago:
*The top IP lawyer at Nintendo agreed that emulators are technically legal at a panel for intellectual property rights.
They run afoul of the law when they bypass encryption, recreate copyrighted programs, or point users to pirated material.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
It is.
- Comment on Boil em, Mash em, Stick them in a Stew 2 months ago:
That’s what the de-eyeing tip of the vegetable peeler is for.
- Comment on NBC created the perfect template for Star Trek to follow with future comedies 2 months ago:
Anyone who tries to say Lower Decks wasn’t respectful of the heart of Trek, just was not paying attention at all.
- Comment on Black owner here.... without context that sounds really bad 3 months ago:
Call yourself a Void owner, much cooler.
- Comment on Respect 3 months ago:
Totally what I thought.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
I’m guessing their excuse would be some BS statement about voter fraud and “dead people voting”. Obviously they don’t want to be identified.
- Comment on If I wanted to die in a viking funeral, like getting put on a boat and set ablaze while I am in the middle of the see can this be done? Or is it even legal? 4 months ago:
Based on some of the legal and technical aspects of what people have said here, I wonder if it might still capture some of the essence of what you’re trying for, to do a proper cremation and then have the ashes poured into a boat, possibly in a fancy or ceremonial way, that is then burned. Or the ashes could be in a burnable urn and placed into the boat.
I think there’s a lot that you could do with staging and design that would allow the event to have very similar gravitas despite the lack of a full body.
- Comment on tall, dark & handsome 4 months ago:
15 seems to be the captivity average though, not natural average.
- Comment on OK yes I'm dumb so what 5 months ago:
That’s actually kind of a good point, if a horror is far enough literally beyond our comprehension. Is it really a horror?
- Comment on I just finish to see all TNG movies. 5 months ago:
Behavior truly in keeping with the finest traditions of Reddit.
- Comment on I just finish to see all TNG movies. 5 months ago:
- Comment on I just finish to see all TNG movies. 5 months ago:
Loving the added downvotes without any comments, really supporting the case.
- Comment on I just finish to see all TNG movies. 5 months ago:
What did you find inaccurate about my results?
- Comment on I just finish to see all TNG movies. 5 months ago:
For the most part, but maybe a quick skim of their Wikipedia pages would help. Or try asking Copilot to give you move spoiler free summaries of the characters. Bit of overlap but this should give an ok base of info. sl.bing.net/jeamSKws8G // sl.bing.net/jM0nsgjJa68
- Comment on Conservation irl 5 months ago:
Yeah, the new emphasis on “pollinator gardens/spaces” has maybe made it better, but when the conversation was “save the bees they are important pollinators” the public 100% say it as a bee specific issue.
- Comment on Good news everyone 7 months ago:
They better!
- Comment on Cats are liars. 7 months ago:
{“code”:“object-request-error”,“msg”:“Invalid status 429 Too Many Requests for Some("01/90/dc/68/af/53/7f/c8/90/b5/cd488bef606f.jpeg") - {\n "message":"Too many requests"\n}”
Seems we’ve overloaded this Lemmy server.
- Comment on Lemmy is the best social media 8 months ago:
In the US it’s a spectrum combining party policy and Overton Window. As you move left, you go deeper and deeper into increasingly extreme thoughts on policy regarding what we consider classic liberal topics such as social justice, corporate power, various societal and economic reforms, etc till it hits an extreme that’s considered radical to the average, the same goes for the right and classic conservative views.
Hugging the middle/mixed gray zone are the Centrist.
- Comment on Lemmy is the best social media 8 months ago:
Liberals Left, Republicans Right, is the dichotomy of the US at least.
- Comment on Automation 8 months ago:
Pretty sure I saw that somewhere actually.
- Comment on We need a larger one. Yes, for the last time. Pleeeeeeeeeease! 8 months ago:
Just put it in orbit! Let’s commit and put a ring on this planet!
- Comment on Force of habit 8 months ago:
But it kind of sucks compared to the competition, thus they are lagging.
- Comment on Force of habit 8 months ago:
Just give them a bit, they’re lagging on the whole AI thing right now but they’ll catch up.
- Comment on Just catching up now, but apparently this is the source material for most Generation A cultural milieu. 9 months ago:
- Comment on What is the longest discontinuous marriage? 9 months ago:
IMO, rather personal, and not statistically valuable information. Someone would need to scour endless records from different sources combining the info together and at best, they’d end up with a Guinness world record entry of some sort. Depending on the quality and age of records too you’re likely going to run into issues distinguishing people of the same name somewhere along the line.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
Their example is 99% of the popular content for that board during that era.
- Comment on the ologies don't like to talk about theo 9 months ago:
Had a comp sci teacher do a decent job making an argument for the 3-in-1 as our limited three-dimensional interpretation of a multi-dimensional (4+) being. A multi-dimensional existence is going to interact with our three-dimensional world in ways that are impossible to interpret holistically since it extends into and is connected through dimensions that don’t exist for us. Like a tesseract, we have visual representations of tesseracts but they aren’t what a tesseract would actually look like if one appeared in front of you one day.