- Comment on I mean I would totally give it a try 1 week ago:
Memes that lie?! On the internet?! Someone call the Internet police
- Comment on We have all done it 1 week ago:
I always find that last fellow intentionally hilarious. Just avoiding the gaze then he’s just got a full on blindfold
- Comment on Zelder 4 weeks ago:
The saddest clown, trapped by his success.
- Comment on It be like that sometimes 1 month ago:
I got a lot of thoughts, takes over the whole machine sometimes
- Submitted 2 months ago to | 48 comments
- Comment on seriousposting 2 months ago:
Wait was I funny on accident
- Comment on seriousposting 2 months ago:
It baffles me how much humans want to control each other. Find three little and you’ve got for opinions on how everyone else should live, act, and be.
I’m tired of this, can’t we just let people do as they please. I say we all just: Live. Laugh. Love.
- Comment on Anon tries programming in Java 3 months ago:
It’s much better today, but in 2010 that was 100% accurate.
That being said, using Java as a first time programming language is like a 15 year old trying to fly an airliner to get a few blocks away to pick up some after school snacks. Obviously it’s way overkill. Sure you could get across town with it, but it’s probably 1000x more complicated than just a simple bicycle or even walking.
Java is industrial strength for professionals. There’s absolutely no consideration made for educational usage.
- Comment on Has to be the manor 4 months ago:
I wanted to say the same thing, use it or lose it.
Pain sometimes comes from injury or other mechanism, but loads of people with back pain just need to exercise more.
A strong back will do wonders.
Likewise a strong wrist will resist keyboard pain. It won’t tolerate bad typing posture or a crappy keyboard, but it will resist pain with a good ergo keyboard and good posture
- Comment on AI Slop 4 months ago:
A Calvin and Hobbes AI meme, truly we live in times
- Comment on Based on a true story 5 months ago:
Whoa thanks kind stranger.
- Comment on Based on a true story 5 months ago:
Does anyone have this meme template
- Comment on There's no side-stepping this one... 5 months ago:
- Comment on Anon has a mental block 5 months ago:
accordion intensifies
- Comment on DuckDuckGoose 5 months ago:
This looks uncannily like my shelf, I’m trying to buy land now for my permaculture forest 😭
- Comment on Cuckoo review – Hunter Schafer and Dan Stevens carry bonkers Alpine body horror 5 months ago:
I’m dying what a great phrase
- Comment on can you smoke bacteria out of meat boiling it? 6 months ago:
Thanks for getting me to laugh this early
- Comment on Anon goes to the doctor 6 months ago:
How awesome that would be for our trans sisters to just eat soy to get the gains they need. But no, they gotta go through a huge hassle of injections and pills etc
- Comment on Lmao this one hurts 8 months ago:
I have a lot of experience as a software engineer in the industry, and used to teach public middle school. I would love to teach a course or two a year because education is a passion of mine, but only have a BA of Education, do you think it’s worth applying to teach at my local community college?
- Comment on I can't understand why it never caught on... 8 months ago:
I learned how to type with this, at the age of 22 as a full time software engineer! I never knew how to touch type, but then I somehow landed a software engineering job. I figured I needed to learn, so I downloaded this and played it so much. Good times.
- Comment on Nature needs agency 8 months ago:
I’d prefer it over just a grass yard or being right up on a road having to listen to road sounds at all hours
- Submitted 8 months ago to [deleted] | 59 comments
- Comment on Nature needs agency 8 months ago:
I mean, right now I’m shopping for a house with a decent sized property so I can grow a permaculture food forest to get fresh healthy veggies and fruit.
20’ of lawn is like enough for two rows of fruit trees and berry bushes
- Comment on How would you decorate this room? 8 months ago:
Ah yes, that would make sense.
I’m over here thinking like a firefighter trying to ventilate a roof, not like a contractor trying to install a window.
- Comment on How would you decorate this room? 9 months ago:
Chainsaw and a skylight. A big one too, like one of these
- Comment on Space Weather 9 months ago:
Oh man I work with one of the PhDs who invented several of the space weather formulas. He’s got books about it. I want to show him this so bad, but I don’t think he would find it funny 😭
- Comment on Anon awakens 10 months ago:
I felt the same effect about age 28. It was like I woke up out of a fog. So many things made sense. I also started getting a lot better sleep and exercise by then too.
- Comment on Load Screen Tips 10 months ago:
Makes me think of this amazing recent SNL skit
- Comment on Strange cameraman 1 year ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago: