- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
I am beginning to be pro gun myself.
- Comment on A daunting realization 5 weeks ago:
Okay. Food, clothing, housing, tools, weapons, erosion control, beauty, oxygen, and medicine. But other than that, what have the plants ever done for us?
- Comment on A daunting realization 1 month ago:
That’s right! Besides food, clothing, housing, tools, weapons, erosion control, and beauty, what have the plants ever done for us?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
“something, something, extended warranty…”
- Comment on Congratulations to Tom! 5 months ago:
In before “In a cave! With a box of scraps!”
- Comment on 'A king above the law': US Supreme Court's Trump ruling prompts judges to warn of 'nightmare scenarios' 8 months ago:
So does anyone know what Trump is going to use instead of a swastika? Like a big “T” with an eagle on it? Something that looks nice on a brown shirt, or the side of the van that will round up his detractors in 2025? This is 1933 all over.
- Comment on Anon opines on a clown named Ronald 1 year ago:
I had to look up the sandwich thing. Nope, these are all true, meticulously explained as the program progresses, sources quoted, everything.
- Comment on Anon opines on a clown named Ronald 1 year ago:
For bigger-pictures examples of this, I think you’re looking for the TV series, Connections, hosted by James Burke. It’s old but still VERY good.
Each episode started with James Burke showing you something cool, and tracing how it got here/got that way, often in unusual circumstances.
“I’m standing next to a nuclear reactor. This single building generates power for the city below, 50,000 people. And today every one of them would be sitting in the dark, or at a pitiful small fireplace, if it weren’t for an Italian peasant whose mother forbade him to play the lute, in 1032.”
- Comment on This person's rejection reason 1 year ago:
I don’t understand why the name of the company is redacted. They chose to send this letter, let 'em own it.
- Comment on This toilet paper at my work 1 year ago:
Get your coworkers to join you in using the nearest fast food restaurant whenever you need to use the restroom. When management sees everyone constantly cycling through the front door, they may get a clue.
- Comment on Neighbour deliberately blocking OP 1 year ago:
OR, and hear me out, throw nails in neighbor’s face. Offer to drive neighbor to the ED, then say, “Aw, I can’t. I’m blocked in.”
- Comment on Google Assistant tries to pull the "song name" out of anywhere instead of just identifying it by sound 1 year ago:
Yeah, Assistant blows much of the time:
“Hey Google. What’s two plus two?”
“Sorry, I don’t understand. But I found something similar. Would you like to know what two plus two is?”
“Yes, dammit!”
“On the website Add A Couple of Numbers for the Hell of It, they say, two plus two is four. Would you like a little more context?”
“Alright. I’m here to help.”