- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
You are not alone. In fact this is pretty common. My wife has similar struggles:…
As you already said, it’s caused by parents that don’t give you a safe and living emotional environment in early childhood.
- Comment on A stranger peeled the clearcoat off my car 4 weeks ago:
The streaks kinda look like someone poured a liquid there which migrated outwards under the paint. Maybe paint thinner or break fluid? Any neighborhood beef?
- Comment on Can I lose a beer belly working out one day a week? 1 month ago:
Not to mention alcohol. It’s called a beer belly for a reason.
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 1 month ago:
Watch it again. It seems there is a split second hesitation before the first salute. Followed by a “let’s just get that done full force” move. Kinda like people that are about to do a stunt the first time. One last “are we really going to try that?”. It kinda implies intent and also that there is some sanity left there to make these decisions. Which gives me hope it’s just Putin having a video of him and he is acting under duress. So definitively an intentional Nazi salute. Should try that in Germany and see how fast he gets arrested for that shit.
- Comment on if you do a physically demanding job and end up with sore and painful legs, does it help to jog after your shift? 3 months ago:
Exercise is known to reduce inflammation. Maybe you have some inflammatory (t)issues? Maybe your immune system attacking something? I’m not a doctor, so this is not medical advice.
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 3 months ago:
Space engineers
- Comment on Asshole Lab Rat 4 months ago:
Hate to break it to you… 42 didn’t make it the first study. In the second study they just named three troublemaker 42 again… And he also didn’t make it. After a study, all those rats just go to a big farm to live out their lives in peace. Not.
- Comment on I'm surprised it hasn't been taken down yet ...well maybe not that surprised 4 months ago:
You are correct. That’s what Nazis do. Don’t sink to their level.
- Comment on Poor life choices 4 months ago:
Pretty sure she is eating out that unicorn.
- Comment on Is it cheaper to use a plug-in oil radiator to eat an individual room, or run the central heater to heat an individual room and living room? 4 months ago:
Pretty sure any serious answer needs to factor in where there insulation sits. It’s not only about heating a space but how much you need to heat continually to keep it warm.
- Comment on Why do some men dis other men who sit to pee? (& follow-up questions) 5 months ago:
Here is a fun fact: about half of people stand up to wipe their ass after taking a shit.
- Comment on Fead 5 months ago:
Watched a childrens show that showed a snakebite. Was unable to enter my bed for years without searching it for snakes throughoutly.
- Comment on There was no hurricane in Florida. That's fake news. Global warming is a hoax made up by the Chinese to destroy American industry. Donald Trump said so and he never lies. 5 months ago:
Overlap of politics and shitposting xD
- Comment on Which are the lesser-known movies that are well worth seeing? 5 months ago:
- Comment on AskReddit 5 months ago:
So you represent the concept, not the youngest son of chronos?
- Comment on AskReddit 5 months ago:
You make no sense, son of chronos.
- Comment on Meatspin 6 months ago:
Sorry to tell you. Controling parents exist independent of the times. Them calling the police on you is a classic abusive move which is shitty behavior in it self, but the strain on society is fucked up as well. Classic narcist behavior. We love our parents either way deep down, but no need to make excuses for them. Go be happy, enjoy your life, do better with your kids. Help them become independent while being safe. Trust me they will still love you. Stop the cycle. <3
- Comment on Anon defends Michael Jackson 6 months ago:
The man had Vitiligo, his skin literally bleached itself.
- Comment on How come it seems for the past decades the Catholic Church has been plagued with sex crimes especially among young boys? How long has this been going on? Or did I just miss something up. 7 months ago:
Well you have nearly the complete story. Church is about control: if you help someone hide his crimes, they have acess to repeated rape and you have control over them because you can always expose them. It might even build loyalty. Case and point marriage and celebacy: probably the only thing threatening the churches control-by-faith is the drive to protect your spouse and children. So they are not allowed to have them. Bonus round: why is there a concept of “sin” and “confession”? Because this helps the church know all the dirty secrets of powerful people and their loved ones. The rest is history (blackmail).
- Comment on Anon wants snacks 7 months ago:
Anon is a leech
- Comment on Never skip it 7 months ago:
Somebody has a bad case of Varicosis
- Comment on How is Lemmy better than Reddit? 7 months ago:
Hard to put into words. “Better” as in “more free” (as in freedom and no cost). Everything is maintained communally and so you and your data are not sold (out) for money.
- Comment on 4 things white people can do to start making the fediverse less toxic for Black people (DRAFT!) 7 months ago:
Suggestion: treat black people like what they are. People. Like any other human.
How do you even suggest we detect black people around here? O.o
- Comment on Help me understand littering 7 months ago:
Common reasons for littering are:
- unavailability of trash cans (in a convenient distance)
- inability to pay for trash disposal (this includes transport of heavy items or a large quantity of)
- creation of jobs associated with trash removal (often including arguments that tax payers fund those jobs and as a taxpayer it’s their right to litter)
Exaggerated are these issues by low social education fueling short sightedness (“out of view out of mind”). So people lacking the understanding that somebody has to pay for removal of that waste.
- Comment on What are some things you can do to maintain your teeth when you don't have health insurance amd can't afford dental care? 7 months ago:
There is a rally good episode of the Huberman Lab podcast. Can’t recommend it enough. Explains how teeth to regenerate to a certain extend and how to promote that.
- Comment on Anon is part of the brotherhood 7 months ago:
Feels like the beautiful beginning of a cyberpunk novel to me. Delivery brothers both getting recruited by opposing criminal organizations as couriers ina an increasingly violent sprawl.
- Comment on Anon remembers Halloween 1995 8 months ago:
Some parents are just ignorant assholes.
- Comment on How could I order flowers for someone in Poland, as a Canadian? 8 months ago:
Fleurop delivers in all of Europe afaik
- Comment on Tethered Bottle Caps 8 months ago:
I absolutely agree. Sadly alot of smaller nations get payed to dispose and recycle and then just throw the trash into the ocean. There are even areas that just have no trash disposal system in place other than the local rivers.
- Comment on Tethered Bottle Caps 8 months ago:
They are mostly there to prevent sea animals from swallowing the cap and dying a slow agonizing death…