- Comment on Anon is a specific type of prepper 4 days ago:
Lol, you really think it stopped being Trump’s America even when he was out of office? There was only like 2, maybe 3 months where there might have been some kind of push back against him from the republican media and establishment.
Porn ID laws fit in perfectly in Trump’s America.
- Comment on Anon is a specific type of prepper 4 days ago:
I just use FileFlows to automatically optimize all of my video files. I’ve got my streamer app to only pick up the converted videos, so I just have to wait on automatic processes before stuff is available for me.
- Comment on Why aren't there mass protests in the USA? 1 week ago:
Yeah, insurrection is a form of protest, I guess.
- Comment on I love Lemmy. ❤️👽🥰 Do you love Lemmy 👽? 😄☀️ 1 week ago:
Bruh, that was being respectful. If you think this is profane or disrespectful, you’re not going to have a good time here. Or, frankly anywhere in the net or real life.
Learn to accept criticism and not treat it as a personal attack, your experience will be much better for it.
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
Good to know, thanks! Like I said, I’m going to be diving back into Linux in the near future, so I’ll be looking into the best distro to try.
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
Just to make things easier on others (or myself of the amd drivers have similar issues), how would one go about holding the driver at a specific version?
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
Just to make things easier on others (or myself of the amd drivers have similar issues), how would one go about holding the driver at a specific version?
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
Best of luck to you my friend. Like I said, fedora was my go-to for years, and I regularly fought against the Nvidia drivers and kept going back to windows.
I’m running AMD now, so I’m hoping my experience is better than it was when I was using big red
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
Do you remember what you fixed when you fixed it on the window side? Asking because what you’re describing almost sounds like you have a bad driving it, which would explain why your Linux side would also have a similar problem, IE locking up completely start, if it had the same bad driver and interacted with the hardware the same way causing a similar crash.
Honestly, if it’s fixable in the windows it’s definitely fixable Linux. It just might take a little bit more extra work to figure it out.
- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
Any reason you went with fedora? I’ve been partial to fedora for a decade, but last I knew it wasn’t recommended for a daily driver given the upstream fuckery from redhat.
Asking cuz I’m about two weeks from kicking win10 in the dick and moving to alma or something.
- Comment on You have to pick one 2 weeks ago:
How far are you from the source?
A ways away, I’m not worried about the bowling ball, but that marble will fucking end you.
- Comment on Anon's friend is Buddhist 2 weeks ago:
That partner’s name? Palmala
- Comment on I love getting fried on lamp 2 weeks ago:
I didn’t get much trying to read the wiki, but I did find a link to that other site 🤮 that goes into it from an entomology perspective, and I lived the response to the top comment
So by looking at that phylogenetic tree, I’ve come to understand that butterflies are just a subgroup of moths that we arbitrarily call butterflies?
Not being a biology nerd makes all that rather confusing lol, so the layman’s summary-as-a-question really helped me
- Comment on That's why it's called science fiction duh 2 weeks ago:
my anecdotal experience was/is that many medical staff themselves succumbed to vaccine conspiracies, and would freely admit and bitch about masking and vaccines when off the job.
Not even just off the job. I worked at a surgery center during the first few years of COVID, and I still distinctly remember at least one surgeon walking around the clinical areas with a mask that read “this mask does nothing”. And in pretty sure he was seeing patients wearing that too.
I am still baffled by that, because this fucking window licker had to have taken microbiology, and literally wore a mask every goddamned times they did the thing they trained for.
- Comment on I am at a loss on words 3 weeks ago:
Ok, so your complaint is the door orientation, not the position. I disagree with the idea that it doesn’t necessarily work, given how many other instances of the meme get a bit out there and are intentionally setup to be recognizable yet inscrutable. But I can see why it wouldn’t work for people.
- Comment on I am at a loss on words 3 weeks ago:
It’s not the same position tho. If you look at the two images side by side, you can see the right door is noticeably lower than the left door in the final panel, but even in the previous panel:
- Comment on I am at a loss on words 3 weeks ago:
yet the same position of the right door in frame 4 apparently indicates a person lying down.
Check again friend, the back right door is open in panel 4, njt the same front right door.
It’s hard to tell the difference, but it is different. Took me way too long to get the joke too cuz of that
- Comment on wrong again 3 weeks ago:
As they should be. Only 1/3 of us tried to stop putting the biggest fucking clown in charge again, knowing how awful he was and was planning on being. The rest either gladly voted for it or could t be bothered to care
The US is officially a joke and a failing nation. Even if we somehow managed to get someone like Bernie in in 2028, I don’t see our country ever coming back from this. We were already on our way out, but now we’re going to become a pariah state.
- Comment on Call Them. Replace Them. 3 weeks ago:
Well, 10 Democrats voted to censure another Democrat as noted in the image. The underlying context is that Greene was heckling Der Furher when he was having a spell of verbal diarrhea when speaking in the fascist Empire council chamber.
- Comment on P.R.I.D.E 3 weeks ago:
Lol, I saw these same fake postings when I was in the college dorm rooms 20 years ago
- Comment on Dagoth Ur 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Please answer. 3 weeks ago:
1/5, some are hallucinogens
- Comment on a challenge appears 3 weeks ago:
Who said heaven was accessible friendly? Have you read the book? The venue owner is a petty asshole.
- Comment on Show more pls 3 weeks ago:
Seen vagene
- Comment on I just gotta find out what Edward Bernays was up to okay!??!? 3 weeks ago:
Because you finally decided you had to understand what SoniChu was, didn’t you?
- Comment on Bawitdaba 4 weeks ago:
Some of the women I’ve known talk about saving the horse to ride the cowboy.
- Comment on It's going 4 weeks ago:
I’ve always been partial to “I’m here” or “6ft above ground”
- Comment on That explains a lot 4 weeks ago:
My point was more that we’d probably have to increase the mass to be able to make it a black hole, as we don’t have the ability to compress it to a singularity.
- Comment on That explains a lot 4 weeks ago:
Yes, but you’d more than likely have to increase the mass of Jupiter to make it a black hole.
- Comment on That explains a lot 4 weeks ago:
You’re talking at scales where the incoming mass has a lot of velocity already. In a stationary frame of reference, the matter would more than likely fall directly in since there isn’t an appreciable amount of rotational momentum involved like there is at stellar sizes.