- Comment on Games can no longer use virtual currencies to disguise the price of in-game purchases in the European Union 3 days ago:
It’d be fine if it was limited to like 1-5 dollars per account monthly with a yearly maximum. Not a 100 dollars at a time.
- Comment on Anon judges books by their covers 1 week ago:
It’s mostly to try and say that ugly people aren’t bad people, because there’s a natural human instinct to be drawn to pretty people with symmetrical faces. That’s why it’s a simple message for children. As OP said, with experience you learn more and you can draw your own conclusions.
- Comment on Photographers Are on a Mission to Fix Wikipedia's Famously Bad Celebrity Portraits [404 Media] 2 weeks ago:
The bad photos are just because of the wiki license requirements, it’s why there are a lot of military photos on Wikipedia because they’re all public domain by default.
- Comment on Owing your home today is nearly impossible, but even if you did the ever increasing property taxes will bury you 2 weeks ago:
Yeah, if you are comparing the house you bought in 1980 for 10k dollars and say you pay 5k in tax every three years, using 2025 dollars then that is totally useless as a statement.
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 5 weeks ago:
Water is the biggest limiting factor, trees need more water.
- Comment on Does the US really have no instruments in case a newly elected president immediatelly and openly exposes he's a nazi? 1 month ago:
The premise was removing your mask after the election, so in that case the 25th would be the appropriate solution. But that’s only for extreme cases because you need the entire cabinet to agree.
- Comment on Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of SCIENCE? 1 month ago:
If they’re in a group with other humans. If you grow up without language like child raised by wolves then you just miss out on language completely and it’s very hard to impossible to learn later once your special infant brain language tool is gone.
- Comment on What year is it 2 months ago:
Commonly artistic items of game sets would be made for largely show purposes and rarely or never used. So it wouldn’t be surprising if it was made and then sealed in a box for a funeral wealthy collection or storage. We still do that with fancy metal dice that most people will never roll.
- Comment on What year is it 2 months ago:
Except for the constant parasites.
- Comment on Anyway to erase the permanent marker so I can reuse this? 2 months ago:
Acetone will work if nothing else works, but it’s just as likely to strip the underlaying paint off. You can mostly use alcohol to clean it and apply some acetone just on the actual stain with a qtip, that makes it less likely to be noticeable.
- Comment on Anon expects more 2 months ago:
The recent ones were good. But they’re basically a visual novel with some combat, so they’re small scale.
- Comment on Anon expects more 2 months ago:
It was honestly the design choice to make it procedural generation and then leaving the universe as a new game plus. That killed it completely.
- Comment on Nvidia Announces RTX 50's Graphic Card Blackwell Series: RTX 5090 ($1999), RTX 5080 ($999), RTX 5070 Ti ($749), RTX 5070 ($549) 2 months ago:
As always, buying a used previous gen flagship is the best value.
- Comment on Nvidia Announces RTX 50's Graphic Card Blackwell Series: RTX 5090 ($1999), RTX 5080 ($999), RTX 5070 Ti ($749), RTX 5070 ($549) 2 months ago:
You have to keep inflation in mind. 550 would be 450 2019 dollars.
- Comment on Nvidia Announces RTX 50's Graphic Card Blackwell Series: RTX 5090 ($1999), RTX 5080 ($999), RTX 5070 Ti ($749), RTX 5070 ($549) 2 months ago:
Not really a countermeasure, but the scalping certainly proved that there is a lot of people willing to buy their stuff at high prices.
- Comment on Can enough solar pannels decrease the global temps? 2 months ago:
Sulfur cools the planet but not by shading, it’s more similar to how CO2 acts but in reverse.
- Comment on Can enough solar pannels decrease the global temps? 2 months ago:
That’s not really relevant. Fine particulate emissions from coal power plants, which are already mostly gone in the US but are still used around the world, don’t travel a really long distance.