- Comment on Depart, men of education. 1 day ago:
Let’s agree to disagree. I respect bus drivers as much as you do. Some people, however, have a greater positive effect on humanity as a whole, and that deserves its own form of respect.
- Comment on we are stardust 2 weeks ago:
European indeed. I can imagine that wizards on other continents have less pleasurable experiences.
- Comment on no ragrets 2 weeks ago:
That’s literally insane to me. Fortunately we understand mental health better these days.
- Comment on Go Earth! 2 weeks ago:
This is a holy shitpost, I’m actually annoyed. Good job!
- Comment on we are stardust 2 weeks ago:
There is nothing wrong with paying taxes when you’re part of a society. You use the amenities, so you pay your part.
Stop acting like it’s something bad. True wizards know living alone isn’t fun, nor wise.
- Comment on no ragrets 3 weeks ago:
Maybe he did try, but he didn’t understand his hidden desire to kill himself and everyone. It’s in all of us, but we should always strive to suppress it.
- Comment on Anon tries to impress a woman at the gym 3 weeks ago:
Putting on big muscles is for the boys, real girls don’t actually like it.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
It’s a good start. It’s where everyone starts I think. Even trans people themselves first need to do a lot of soul searching and/or therapy in order to understand what they feel and why. It’s even harder for people on the outside to comprehend.
I see literally nothing wrong with this parents response; wanting your child to check all the boxes before making a life changing decision is good parenting.
One could always nitpick tone, but perfection is the enemy of good enough.