- Comment on Luxury bones? In *this* economy. 1 day ago:
I’m in both of these pictures. But my house was the cheapest 1br I could find in a bad part of St. Louis around 1998. I’m in a different house now, still too small for my family, and neither my wife or I have been able to afford to go to the dentist in about 20 years.
- Comment on Physicists vs Normal People 5 days ago:
Like normal conditions?
- Comment on Real 1 week ago:
I don’t know, I’m tired of double standards. If women can veear skin tight clothing, men should be able to have their cocks on display underneath thin stretchy material too. By this standard, boxers are modest.
- Comment on Anon gives a former president some feedback 1 week ago:
It’s not that far back at all. Most events we know about, everyone who remembers it are dead. This idiot lives in many people’s memories today, and we’re still dealing with some of the consequences.
- Comment on Happy Birthday Emma! 1 week ago:
Wild boar are invasive, violent and destructive. Our local conservation groups practically beg you to hunt them, and boar season is 51 weeks a year. If you’re going to hunt pig, you might as well eat it. But farm raised pigs definitely taste better.
- Comment on Happy Birthday Emma! 1 week ago:
Maybe on Reddit. If there’s one here I’d guess it gets one post a month or less. But don’t go to Reddit.
- Comment on PC gamers spend 92% of their time on older games, oh and there are apparently 908 million of us now 1 week ago:
I’m playing Fallout 4 right now. It’s not the only game I play by any means. Too many new games are overly focused on graphics or monetization. I’m always trying new games and the better ones often don’t have the best graphics. We want 2010 gameplay. Hell, I’ll still play Unreal Tournament 1999 GOTY edition, but older games usually need resolution and texture upgrade mods. Fortunately a lot of great old games actually get them.
- Comment on Physicists vs Normal People 1 week ago:
Gasoline is a liquid.
- Comment on Is 33 cents a small amount of money? 1 week ago:
We took a huge hit in our coat of living when we fell off the benefit cliff. I know it’s lost credits rather than more taxes but it doesn’t really matter when you make more and struggle at least as much as before.
- Comment on All things have a right to grow. The blossom is brother to the weed. 1 week ago:
I agree, but I make exceptions for black widow spiders. I once even found one nesting in my car’s trunk.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
There are some documented communications from Dems doing this. Of course Trump is doing it ten times as hard. Precedents matter, and this has been going on on a smaller scale since way before Biden. Probably back to Reagan or much earlier. They just keep getting more and more emboldened.
- Comment on John 14:6 2 weeks ago:
I mean technically Christianity believes God’s spirit impregnated Mary.
- Comment on I wonder if the "money can't buy you happiness" people ever lived in a car. 2 weeks ago:
It’s not like the working class can move. My daughter and her UK boyfriend/fiance want to get married but neither would be able to legally work in the other country. If you can’t get a work visa for a technical specialized job, you’re SOL or you try to find under the table work which is becoming more impossible with governments tracking everything.
- Comment on I wonder if the "money can't buy you happiness" people ever lived in a car. 2 weeks ago:
Neither my wife or I have been able to afford to go to the dentist in over 20 years. I’ve had a general medical checkup once in that time. We make too much to get free care but not enough to afford care. It absolutely kills me because I work for a nonprofit that provides food and other resources to people in need. They’re always talking about their doctors appointments, procedures etc and I’m like, yeah I don’t get that kind of thing.
- Comment on Wee woo wee woo 2 weeks ago:
Any content with police sirens, loud door knocking or police talking over loudspeakers are the worst. But please don’t go driving around high af.
- Comment on Science has not gone far enough 2 weeks ago:
Even in a hammock I use a very small camping pillow - the Snoozy from Wise Owl - but I sleep on my side, I can’t fall asleep on my back. When I first tried hammock camping I was up almost 72 hrs straight trying to fall asleep on my back. But I just curl up my legs and sleep like a baby now.
- Comment on Is it a common thing for people who have left authoritarian countries to still feel the fear of their now-former country? 2 weeks ago:
Left authoritarianism is a scourge just as much as fascism, but I’m an anti-authoritarian centrist. Yes it is normal to fear authoritarians. The proletariat must not be disarmed.
- Comment on It always starts out with we are just going to have One 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Having a vowel movement 2 weeks ago:
Thank you, this is what I was looking for.
- Comment on You guys have to end it 2 weeks ago:
Waste fuel, and they don’t always do what you want them to do, or sometimes lag before they do it.
- Comment on You guys have to end it 2 weeks ago:
I’ve owned ten cars and eight were manual transmission. Currently driving a 2020 Subaru Crosstrek with a manual. We bought it for my wife but she developed severe hip problems right after we bought it. So I made it my own - a 2" lift, smaller wheels with off road tires, aftermarket intake and exhaust, added a subwoofer under the passenger seat. I probably wouldn’t have bought it for me but now I love it. It’s been up some crazy mountain trails where the only other people I saw at the top were in jeeps or similar. It’s been in deep snow and deep sand. I’ve even broken an axle, no regrets. I use it to it’s full potential and I love being able to be in exactly the gear I want to be.
- Comment on If everyone goes to baseball games by car and everyone gets wasted like Randy Marsh, how do people get home? 3 weeks ago:
Yeah 16 oz, under .5 L and sometimes you can get 24 oz cans ((.71 L) for about the same price but it’s cheap beer and usually only light beers with low alcohol content. I actually love baseball but I only watch it in person, never on TV. I like to go to hockey games too, and we have a minor league team in town. The games are super fun, lots of fan interaction and they do merch giveaways pretty often. Plus cheapish tickets and often they do $5 beer nights.
- Comment on If everyone goes to baseball games by car and everyone gets wasted like Randy Marsh, how do people get home? 3 weeks ago:
Eh, beers are like $14 so I never buy more than two. I usually have a few right before we head into the game though. Pre gaming is the American way. You’re buzzed for the first half of the game but sobering up by the end of it. I don’t drive home anyway, my wife doesn’t drink almost ever. I also don’t like going to bed drunk so if I’m drinking I like to do it a little earlier. But yeah it’s pretty normal for people to have a few beers and still drive home later. Some people do take Ubers tho.
- Comment on US stocks struggle as ‘America First’ bets backfire 3 weeks ago:
As an American with no stocks or investments and who is self employed/contracted with a a small nonprofit, I’m really concerned about all of those rich people’s portfolios.
- Comment on How much did it cost to create a 10 foot long bike lane 3 weeks ago:
Eh, it’s ten feet more than I have near me.
- Comment on I have an entire cabinet currently storing empty jars... 4 weeks ago:
I don’t have space for empty jar storage. Or full jar storage. I wish I did though. I barely have room for dishes. Jars are cool.
- Comment on Why I’m a conservative and so can you 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on Common Ground 4 weeks ago:
Wait, I don’t know which one you mean. Honestly.
- Comment on Common Ground 4 weeks ago:
What’s funny is I have no idea if this is written from a red or blue perspective
- Comment on that's a cute name 4 weeks ago:
My cat has an M on her forehead and we call her Emmy.