- Comment on would getting back with an ex be a bad idea? 1 day ago:
Nah, you’ll always remember your first love. Unfortunately.
- Comment on Call Them. Replace Them. 4 days ago:
Somebody answered, I said my piece, then I hung up. I was not interested in having a conversation about it.
- Comment on Call Them. Replace Them. 4 days ago:
Also, the British treated him like shit because he wasn’t nobly born and because they also don’t like traitors.
- Comment on Call Them. Replace Them. 4 days ago:
I called my representative and I was polite. “Hello, I just want to say that as a WA state resident, I am very disappointed by my representative licking Donald Trump’s boots by voting to censure Al Green. Thank you and goodbye.”
- Comment on Steam now warns about Early Access that have not been updated in months. 2 weeks ago:
Hot damn, dude, congrats!!!
- Comment on Steam now warns about Early Access that have not been updated in months. 4 weeks ago:
I did the sun, dark sun, and supernova all in one run. Dunk Or Slam has a good video/long run where he does it. I imagine it’s easier now with mimicium. All the ambrosia one could ever want.
- Comment on uninvited 4 weeks ago:
I’m surprised that it’s 500 whole pieces. Should be like 25.
- Comment on Steam now warns about Early Access that have not been updated in months. 4 weeks ago:
Omg I love Noita! It’s so hard, but I’ve gotten to the point that 1 in 5 rounds can end up a god run. I finally got my 33 orb Kolmi!
- Comment on Why do smokers specifically seem to be disproportionally bad for littering? 5 weeks ago:
There’s a guy at work who would squat down and chain-smoke outside the building main entrance and littered cigarette butts all over the place.
I confronted him about it one day, and asked him to throw his butts away. Now he smokes by his car and that area of the parking lot is full of cigarette butts.
Fucking disgusting.
- Comment on Rolling Stone's List of 50 Best Video Games of All Time 1 month ago:
I really want to like elite dangerous, but it’s so boring! The flight and controls (HOTAS) are amazing and hella immersive, but God damn if there’s something to do that isn’t grindy as fuck.
- Comment on I'm seriously proud of this 2 months ago:
That’s rough .
- Comment on I'm seriously proud of this 2 months ago:
Even then, it’s by state. Some states have no holiday pay.
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 2 months ago:
I will never be able to own a home because the cost of a down payment goes up with the market, while my saved money’s value stays constant (goes down with inflation). It is literally impossible for me to save it fast enough, even if I saved $1000, which is half of what I pay in rent, per month.
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 2 months ago:
You may be right, but at the same time, you getting an inheritance makes it allot easier for your kids to get one too some day.
- Comment on Is it time to start a campaign against kernel-level anticheat? 2 months ago:
- Comment on Scales that refuse to measure if the battery isn't brand new 4 months ago:
No, not voltage, current.
- Comment on The mark 5 months ago:
Of course!
- Comment on I need a Glassdoor account AND a review of a previous employer to see reviews on the website 5 months ago:
Unless something glitches out and you end up being born on December 31, 1969.
- Comment on I need a Glassdoor account AND a review of a previous employer to see reviews on the website 5 months ago:
Really? You mean you weren’t born in 1900 like I was?
- Comment on I need a Glassdoor account AND a review of a previous employer to see reviews on the website 5 months ago:
Just make some shit up. You worked at McDonald’s in East Hanover New Jersey in 1976. You made $24 per hour and you approved of the CEO.
- Comment on Thanks to science, men can now locate the clitoris with micrometer accuracy. 6 months ago:
If you need a speculum, you’ve already gone too far.