- Comment on Child support 18 hours ago:
Some frontends actually have a button that does it automatically and even puts my cursor between the marks conveniently
- Comment on Wasted time 23 hours ago:
Not in the same way you can make em bounce
- Comment on If you haven't done and agree, vote! 1 day ago:
They’ve done away with some of this with the time walking features. You can actually go and level a character through those old expansions these days. I think the only one fully missing is vanilla because of the cataclysm, but then there’s vanilla wow for that
- Comment on The other shoe drops, and this time it is covered in dog shit 1 day ago:
I now have boat money. I still pirate
thoPlunder the seas!
- Comment on The other shoe drops, and this time it is covered in dog shit 1 day ago:
I was in a similar place, but now I’m in a slightly dumber place. I have a solid savings buffer, and an okay income but I put the bulk of my savings into a certificate and then ended up needing my liquid savings for nonsense.
So I have a solid savings buffer, but I can’t touch it lol
- Comment on The other shoe drops, and this time it is covered in dog shit 1 day ago:
Lord yeah. The money saved by not paying for all those streaming services might actually be able to buy a yacht, fuck the coffee
- Comment on Creating new wage slaves is child abuse 1 day ago:
While you’re not wrong, this also isn’t a counterpoint to what I said. I’m not sure if that was your intention.
- Comment on Child support 1 day ago:
It does, but on Android I can (well honestly I hit the little Italics button on voyager and it does it for me, with those) just press shift 8 for *
- Comment on Creating new wage slaves is child abuse 2 days ago:
Yeah but I don’t live in nature so what do I give a fuck? I just want people to stop being assholes to each other
- Comment on Child support 2 days ago:
I used to do the /Italics/ a lot but over here we use markdown so it’s just as easy to do *italics* like this
- Comment on Prison slavery 2 days ago:
Anything goes
The mods disagree on this one
- Comment on Please dont feed the creatures 🪱 2 days ago:
The rest of us know you’re not superior
You might be surprised, I’m actually genuinely better than…
Wait fuck I’m doing it again aren’t I
- Comment on Satire is dead 👌 3 days ago:
Happens to me sometimes if my internet hiccups, nbd
- Comment on Please dont feed the creatures 🪱 3 days ago:
I remember, back in middle school, reading about this guy who requested to be on the sex offender list because he noticed as he got older that the age group he was interested wasn’t changing. He started feeling attraction in middle school, towards middle schoolers, and it never changed.
Imagine my fear when I started feeling attraction to people in middle school lol.
But in any case, yeah. There are some people who notice they have a gross aspect about them and they go and fuckin do something about it. I’m a narcissist. I have a superiority complex. I have all sorts of issues and I’m super honest about them and I try to fight them in my head every day.
- Comment on Satire is dead 👌 3 days ago:
Just a heads-up that this double posted
- Comment on Now that's an interesting question 4 days ago:
Sadly, but also a bit humorously, yes.
- Comment on 7th-inning stretch 4 days ago:
Could you imagine, a huge 25k people protest. The police show up in riot gear and all of the protestors stop and go “OH TOOOOOOOTLES” and a bunch of vans drift around between the cops and humans and start unloading protective equipment (helmets, gas masks, etc) and keep a few bats/guns up on the walls
- Comment on the duality of beetle 4 days ago:
No there’s no joke. It’s the same beetle, top and bottom. Split down the middle to be genetically male and female
- Comment on ive always wanted to do this, with annoying customers 5 days ago:
I used to all the time when I worked retail. I’m making fun of the company more than the customer and most of them understand that in my experience
- Comment on I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds! 5 days ago:
- Comment on ive always wanted to do this, with annoying customers 5 days ago:
Are you implying people don’t make jokes like that?
- Comment on They know I'm not cool, I know I'm not cool. Cool. 5 days ago:
If you can’t beat em
- Comment on A Cartoon Network executive asking an advisor if they should replace the 9:30 PM time slot with 6teen [Day 103] 6 days ago:
I wouldn’t say it’s boring, but is a B-roll movie. The humor is stupid, there’s lots awkward pauses and the acting is subpar. Mostly, you watch it because the movie itself is funny to gawk at rather than anything in the movie being really funny
- Comment on Taking huge cock is therapeutic 1 week ago:
Solid portmanteau
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 1 week ago:
Innovate people, companies, and competitors
And quickly turn them complacent. I work at a Japanese company, and the amount of times I see an amazing Japanese expat turn into a busybody is insane. We have crafted the perfect “fuck your idea just do your job” culture
- Comment on Remember the good old days? 1 week ago:
Right, but the industrial revolution wasn’t the mark of the start of this. The end of Feudalism is what they’re pointing towards. And they’re not arguing for Feudalism either, but rather that we should do neither capitalism nor Feudalism
- Comment on Divided and conquered 1 week ago:
That’s not what they’re saying at all. Go look into some of MLKs teachings. Kindness and being gentle, in duality with an aggressive force like Malcom X was at the time, is how we win this fight.
There are those of us fighting the peaceful fight and those of us fighting the violent fight (Thank you Adjuster).
- Comment on Not today 1 week ago:
“See you on the other side” is effectively the same as “you’re going to heaven for this” and I love that
- Comment on There is a curfew in effect 1 week ago:
Really? I just woke up though
- Comment on Pineapple was never the problem 1 week ago:
Yeah, team pineapple might just end up being team kiwi too. That looks great to me