- Comment on She must be unhinged 1 month ago:
Let’s go!
- Comment on Asian Beauty 2 months ago:
Not his fault, that’s just a mean or ignorant tatooist. Why wouldn’t they just do a literal word for word translation if there’s no equivalent phrase in Chinese?
Like if the phrase “great to the neck” has some special meaning in Chinese but not English, you can still write the english words “great to the neck” on someone’s skin.
- Comment on Climate change 2 months ago:
I got too heated lol, forgot to check what neighborhood I was in.
- Comment on Climate change 2 months ago:
What scientists are these? Fully half of the U.S. is going to be underwater in the next thirty years?
Bull fucking shit.
- Comment on Oxygen 2 months ago:
Lmao that’s a strong word for an off-the-cuff conversational riff you saw on social media.
- Comment on Aldi announces wage increases up to $23 an hour; hiring thousands of employees 3 months ago:
hahahah right? I was like ‘uh…I don’t think that’s where all the money’s disappearing to my guy…’
- Comment on ice breaker 3 months ago:
Make the implication especially spicy by emphasizing “I”.
- Comment on It is what it is 3 months ago:
This has over-sharerer energy.
“it is what it is… but I tell everyone I meet about “it” within days or hours”
- Comment on Toot toot 3 months ago:
All I do is fart. Except during the times when I’m holding in my farts so I can keep living among society. But even then I’m just quietly belching under my breath. All I am is gas. Held together in the loose shape of a man by the surface tension in a bubble of cheeseburger grease and the force of my will to eat another. Just one more. My urine is carbonated.
- Comment on Aluminum 4 months ago:
what is this…from? Your mind?