- Comment on Not sure where else to put this. 1 day ago:
If you’re jawa and you know it say Utini!
- Comment on I have an entire cabinet currently storing empty jars... 3 days ago:
Jars are perfect for lacto fermentating anything
- Comment on I have an entire cabinet currently storing empty jars... 3 days ago:
Hi I have a small piece of aloe vera that’s been cut off a bigger plant and it’s spent about a year or two in a pot with some soil and it looked fine until recently I realized that it started to rot and it has no roots but there are new bright green leaves growing from the center. Would it be a good idea to wash the rot off and keep it in a jar like this to wait for the roots to start to growing and then replant it into new succulent soil? Sorry for a random question but you seem to have expertise in this
- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 3 days ago:
Is saddle still the best candidate? Like when you move a circle across a circle you get a torus, and when you move a parabola across parabola you get a “saddle”
- Comment on Goblin care 5 days ago:
'Tis a rare sight to behold a lonesome goblin in an inn, they usually visit those fashionable watering holes with their party to indulge in bacchanal and generally will not be interested in a drunken orb ponderer
- Comment on Goblin care 5 days ago:
I wish a goblin would spontaneously appear near me. I even keep cheese for such an occasion
- Comment on Goblin care 5 days ago:
Now please make a guide on how to find gf irl (goblin familiar)
- Comment on Look at the shitty world sober people have carefully crafted around you. Drugs aren't the problem, they are the solution. 1 week ago:
Lucky you guys! Tell the elf creatures and the time crystals I said hi! Hope all goes well
- Comment on Look at the shitty world sober people have carefully crafted around you. Drugs aren't the problem, they are the solution. 1 week ago:
- Comment on Looks legit, but can it actually be a real thing? 2 weeks ago:
We also venerate the ancient oral traditions
- Comment on Le wrong generation 2 weeks ago:
Jitter bean soup is tasty tho
- Comment on Advice on enjoying your life 2 weeks ago:
All of them should be
- Comment on Life is a funny joke that no one made 2 weeks ago:
Fuck for peace, wage war for virginity! No wait…
- Comment on Looks legit, but can it actually be a real thing? 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Looks legit, but can it actually be a real thing? 3 weeks ago:
I prefer traditional genital inspection
- Comment on English is a strange language. 3 weeks ago:
I was actually referring to the other “not” that was at the end, but it only shows why it is paradoxical and how confusing nature of predication is in languages, as in this question appears to be a case of Russell’s paradox of sets
- Comment on English is a strange language. 3 weeks ago:
Isn’t there a mistake in your first statement about the word heterological? If I say yes the word heterological is heterological it means that it doesn’t fall into the class of words that it describes and so it is heterological, because as you’ve defined heterological words do not describe themselves
Here’s a fun question, though: is “heterological” a heterological word? If you say yes, then that means it does not describe itself and therefore it is not heterological.
- Comment on Smart methodology 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on My Honest Opinion 4 weeks ago:
All of your points are valid, it is hard to draw definitive line, but so will be hard moderating the content because there will be people not giving correct tags to their posts, so even if there will be specific labels for “A.I. generated”, “modified using A.I.” etc people still will avoid using them, intentionally or not
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
Let’s wed and you’ll be in my balls
- Comment on My Honest Opinion 5 weeks ago:
A.I. generated 👉here is the line👈 A.I. enhanced
- Comment on I like the determinism of Murphy’s Razor 5 weeks ago:
The cat could be dead ;c
- Comment on Sure. Whatev's 1 month ago:
It takes light approximately 8,404494e11 bananas to travel from the surface of the sun to the earth (that’s like 840449400000 bananas)
- Comment on Sure. Whatev's 1 month ago:
I’ve heard somewhere that maybe initially vitamin the word comes from “vital amino acids” => vita(l)min(o)… and any substance from a living creature would include amino acids anyway because they have DNA RNA and such
- Comment on Sure. Whatev's 1 month ago:
Only distance, we measure things in bananas
- Comment on That's a good one 2 months ago:
Attention span of an average Dethklok bandmember
- Comment on Whatsapp just developed a new murder weapon 2 months ago:
🥺🙏 you can submit a high five emoji idea here, but I haven’t checked if there is actually a high five emoji or whether or not it has already been submitted www.unicode.org/emoji/proposals.html
- Comment on Whatsapp just developed a new murder weapon 2 months ago:
Commonly high fives arr given by the palms of the same hand therefore the thumb would’ve been visible at least on one of the hands if ot was a high five emoji
- Comment on what a moment to live 2 months ago:
You’re right, thank you for the correction🤝
- Comment on what a moment to live 2 months ago:
Oh wow idk why but on my version of Voyager I can’t see any avatars to the point that I was certain that there are no user avatars in here at all ;/ I’ll assume it’s that awsome album artwork made by Voivod drummer (like all of the other bta artworks) but I really can’t see it(