- Comment on Murica 1 week ago:
Meh, disagree. The bike I liked the most was the one I bought used for 15€ from a dude down the street, brought it to the old grandpa who fixes bikes for cheap for fun, paid him 35€ for some maintenance, check the gearbox, new brake saddles, oil everything up.
50€ in total, awesome city bike, although a bit heavy and without all the fancy shit, but I just left it chained to a lamp in the street, nobody wants to steal a 50yo bike and even if, it was just 15€. When I moved to a different city I sold it to my neighbor for 15€ again. He still uses it from what I hear.
- Comment on Anon stops showering 1 week ago:
As you said, the increase in oiliness is compounded upon daily use of shampoo
As a short term effect, not a long term change in sebum production, the sebum glands are most likely primarily genetically and hormonally controlled.
I also said > Some people experience less oiliness over time, but this is likely due to changes in distribution, absorption, and perception, rather than a true shift in sebum gland function.
Using it frequently will eventually strip all of the oils out (if you’ve got long hair - People with shorter hair shouldn’t have an issue).
I know what you’re saying, but it could be interpreted as that the glands on your scalp just stop producing altogether, which is not true and if it happens likely presents a serious medical issue.
I briefly touched on the distribution of oil in your hair - if you brush long hair thoroughly and frequently you distribute the oil from the glands to the tips, which gives the perception of less oilier hair and is in fact, very healthy. Oil in short hairs obviously distributes faster and more easily from the glands to the tips, so a more frequent use of shampoo doesn’t impact healthy hair as much.
Like I said, proper scalp hygiene can accommodate a wide range of hair washing habits. But if you forego that you’ll get nasty issues.
- Comment on Anon stops showering 1 week ago:
As someone who doesn’t use shampoo and has hair which has re-adapted to not having the natural oils stripped out
That’s very likely not a thing. The natural oil production (sebum) is primarily influenced by genetics and hormones.
Some people experience less oiliness over time, but this is likely due to changes in distribution, absorption, and perception, rather than a true shift in sebum gland function.
Frequent washing with harsh shampoos can temporarily increase oiliness due to compensatory production.
However, studies suggest this is a short-term effect rather than a long-term change in sebum gland activity.
** Showers are a good thing. **
Absolutely, using shampoo or not, proper scalp hygiene is important, too much sebum creates bacteria friendly environments, which can lead to infections.
- Comment on Sounds like a problem for them, not me. 2 weeks ago:
I had that in Germany once or twice, but it was always that I’ve put the request in on short notice, we were a pretty small team, so three people at once wasn’t quite possible. But it was always the young parents planning a vacation during school holidays with their kids, so I understand that this collided and took my vacation outside those holidays.
- Comment on Day 204 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 3 weeks ago:
Seriously, what’s wrong with some people?
- Comment on Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 hits 1m sales in just one day 3 weeks ago:
It even runs much better on the same hardware.
That’s great news, I was worried about performance.
- Comment on Are there people without handedness? 2 months ago:
One of my teachers was re-educated that way, from left handed to right handed and he hated it. But he could write mirrored with his left hand perfectly, which was an amazing feat. Sometimes he would write on the chalk board with both hands, the same word but mirrored, that was pretty cool.
- Comment on Nightmare Blunt Rotation 3 months ago:
'll just go find the next gas station crackhead, do some meth with them and ask them about their worldview, that honestly seems like more fun.
- Comment on Big Ol' Beavers 4 months ago:
Bieber is German for beaver. Finally someone made the connection.
- Comment on Trump cosplaying 4 months ago:
Covfefe? I think so.
- Comment on They turned a Pizza Hut into a Pizza Home 4 months ago:
That’s load bearing grease, don’t worry about it.
- Comment on How come the US does not put a bounty on Putin like they did Bin Laden? 4 months ago:
ze button and launching ze nukes.
But I’m Le tired.
Have a nap, then FIRE ZE MISSILE!
- Comment on I miss Adam West... 5 months ago:
Doesn’t matter if true or not, I choose to believe this now. Nobody ask for sources!
- Comment on Why do boomers hate squirrels so much? 5 months ago:
My grandpa took issue with the seagulls harassing everything else in his backyard, so he bought a slingshot and shot them with grapes “They don’t get hurt by a squishy grape, they get scared and the pigeons are happy about the grapes”
- Comment on I Worked For MrBeast, He's A Sociopath 6 months ago:
Destin at Smarter Every Day
I enjoy his content and like him and his style but I still have a bitter taste in my mouth from him being a former missile guidance engineer at Redstone and making this low-key military ad series. I mean he has been pretty upfront about his past career and such but he also knows that his channel is probably watched by a lot of children.
I don’t know, something feels off about it.
- Comment on Uh oh 7 months ago:
Who cares what this living example for why you should take your meds has to say?
I feel like all this attention it brought him only amplified his mental disorders. I sincerely hope that he is getting the help he clearly needs and that the media will leave him alone for the sake of his sanity.
- Comment on Get her a publisher 7 months ago:
Plot twist: it’s just furry porn written by some lunatic with a made up daughter
- Comment on Does voting for Biden change anything if I live in a deep red area of my state? (Ohio) 7 months ago:
Berthold Brecht:
Anyone who stays at home when the war begins and lets others fight for their cause must be careful: because whoever did not share the fight will share the defeat.
- Comment on Humans didn't invent agriculture 7 months ago:
And grapes