- Comment on Yeehaw 2 months ago:
That ssntenx scra.med mynbrain thogs
- Comment on bird flu 2 months ago:
Chuds will exacerbate the bird flu by engaging in every unnecessary behavior that can cause transmission just because somebody informs them not to.
- Comment on FRAG OUT! 2 months ago:
God forbid a little girl who isn’t pure white ever feel represented by the media she consumes.
- Comment on Can't unsee 2 months ago:
A characteristic of these ghouls is that they all grotesque mouth shapes. The shape of their mouth on their face is just objectively ugly somehow.
- Comment on Come on already, it's the XXI century. 2 months ago:
Young Earth is the culprit. Catholics have been onboard with the big bang since a long time ago
- Comment on My Beans :( 2 months ago:
Absolutely savage
- Comment on master manipulators 2 months ago:
When I was a kid Mr Kitty moved in despite belonging to the neighbors across the street and the stern objections of my father armed with a squirt gun.
- Comment on Sovereign citizen. 3 months ago:
He misspelled the magic word that grants immunity from laws. Also his license plate has the wrong color border to supercede State Troopers authority over his vehicle.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
What a hamfisted attempt to make a non-existant point.
- Comment on Helth 3 months ago:
What type of malady requires one to permanently lie face down such that they require a power-bed to get around?
- Comment on Carcinisation? 3 months ago:
I am looking for intersections with two catepillars of drafting vehicles that slightly intersperse to cross each other at right angles by microtiming the gaps to avoid collisions by microseconds.
- Comment on rollin' deep 4 months ago:
footnote a steel plate was dropped on this foot prior to rolling the ankle in an unrelated incident that broke the 5th metatarsal in Chapter 7
- Comment on Drink the climate change away 4 months ago:
Foamy diarrhea
- Comment on it's just a suggestion 4 months ago:
Totally not because the whole world industrialized and modern medicine made its way into China. This trend could be in spite of Mao and not because of him.
Correlation does not equal causation.
- Comment on it's just a suggestion 4 months ago:
A famine caused because of his agricultural reforms such as telling farmers to plant their seeds twice as close together to double yield. Or how about killing all the sparrows who were thought to be pests but actually ate the insects. Then when all the crops fail to roll in after harvest you send goon squads out to bully and arrest farmers for “hoarding food” when in fact the crops failed partly because he enforced these asinine policies.
Now if they could recognize shits going wrong then that would help but nobody wants to tell Mao he was wrong about some of his “great leap foward” reforms so they just continue to scapegoat and abuse the now starving farmers.
He did a lot of good things but if your fail to look at things then you are just a fanboy propagandist for autocracy.
- Comment on it's just a suggestion 4 months ago:
Where?! In his house? The banana shack? Are they just in a pile that he sits on like a dragon? Who guards his pile while he goes to take a shit?
- Comment on it's just a suggestion 4 months ago:
How can a primate hoard resources? They have no storage methods
- Comment on it's just a suggestion 4 months ago:
Unfortunately Mao was an idiot surrounded by sycophants who killed more of his countrymen through incompetent policies than Stalin did with his purges.
- Comment on [Thread] Mental Math 4 months ago:
Birb Borg Cloud
- Comment on Beautiful 4 months ago:
Let it breath before you kill it forever.
- Comment on [Thread] Mental Math 4 months ago:
Or tiny birds that can expertly navigate wind currents with an almond sized brain using real-time force feedback. The computational power at their disposal is very well optimized for what they do.
- Comment on Nobel Prize 2024 5 months ago:
omg what is even the point of scientific progress and the advancement of human knowledge unless one specific person gets all the glory. What is science even for if not the validation of some human’s individual ego.
- Comment on hmmm 😈 6 months ago:
I find him personally disagreeable for reasons that I find difficult to articulate. I just don’t like his vibe.
- Comment on Which fruit fly are you today? 6 months ago:
The star of the show is irrelevant to the performance
- Comment on Which fruit fly are you today? 6 months ago:
Green for go red for no.
- Comment on hmmm 😈 6 months ago:
Toby McGuire is a bad person.
- Comment on rabioli 6 months ago:
Damn you Bill Gates!!
[shakes fist at sky?]
- Comment on Don’t you DARE come home with the artificial variety! 6 months ago:
Big Clam has been suppressing synthetic clam juice research for years
- Comment on Omg 6 months ago:
Sometimes I drive to a second McDonald’s late at night because I don’t want to experience the shame of going through the same drive-thru twice.
- Comment on Anon doesn't like reddit 6 months ago:
I had a 10+ year old account with like 1.5m karma get full stop banned for reasons behind my comprehension. I wasn’t doing ant overt racism, misogyny, violent rabble rousing… Nothingworse than vehemently disagreeing with somebody and calling them an idiot or a clown.
I only suspect I triggered a nerve which got me mass reported to an extent that I got caught in the dragnet. Being disagreeable was a ban worthy offensive maybe??
Overly sensitive fuckwits with brittle feelings. I am the same ol’ dumbass I always was but the culture shifted towards “business casual” away from being more like “diet 4chan”