- Submitted 5 months ago to [deleted] | 2 comments
- Comment on Can somebody explain to me why this needs Bluetooth? 6 months ago:
BT can be used to track people. Maybe they need to know how many people are using it? Or they are stalking men who pee.
- Comment on US Email Providers - Other then Google, MS, Apple, ... 6 months ago:
Your welcome.
I used to use grc.com when I was a windows user, but Kubuntu is my home now. Love Steve, very talented.
I'm not a VPS person so I have no experience with their offering. It's always good to look at options even if you are not planning to transition to another product. You never know when it will all break. And it's nice to see what the marketplace is offering. Tech changes so fast anyway. - Comment on US Email Providers - Other then Google, MS, Apple, ... 6 months ago:
I never use webmail so I can't answer.
There is a spam filter but I have not had to use it since it changed. It's located in the cPanel, not email. I never get spam, ever.
I believe that SPF and DKIM are there in cPanel, you can search that in the knowledgebase where the FAQ is.
Pretty sure the the cal/webDAV are there, I don't ever use those.
I personally prefer POP3 because IMAP always polls your devices if the client is open and that can drain resources and batteries. Plus I only have certain email address on certain devices. That's just me.
I have never had problems using Namecheap for email. It's been 11 years of excellent service. Also their customer service is speedy and smart. They have a pretty good reputation.
I had Hostgator for a few years before they were bought by EIG which is a shady craphole. Also stay away from GoDaddy.
I have over time looked into other web hosts, but nothing compared to what I was getting for the price or my needs. I also set up a family member because their ISP had such garbage email service.
I find that paying for my email and using my own domains are much better because I don't have to be subjected to ads or data harvesting. Plus I get whatever email address I want. - Comment on US Email Providers - Other then Google, MS, Apple, ... 6 months ago:
Correct. This is web-hosting email. I personally only use POP3, but it has it all.
This is a sample help link. https://www.namecheap.com/support/knowledgebase/article.aspx/271/2186/cpanel-email-account-setup-in-thunderbird/
And this is the general FAQ https://www.namecheap.com/support/knowledgebase/subcategory/31/cpanel-email-faqs/Just a FYI, if you are sending too much email, or doing mailing lists you will get dinged. High volumes need more expensive accounts. The FAQ has more info. I would suggest the Stellar or Stellar Plus for Shared Hosting. I have an older discontinued plan that gives me a few more email addresses, but otherwise it's the same rebranded.
The cost for a year of Hosting $44.88 plus your Domain renewal ($15-22) a year depending on your TLD is cheaper than most providers that do email only. I personally always recommend Namesilo for domain registrations.
- Comment on US Email Providers - Other then Google, MS, Apple, ... 6 months ago:
Pay for hosting through Namecheap (lowest tier price) and use your domain there through cPanel in your hosting interface. Don't use their email only offering, it's more expensive. All you need to do is set up the domain and email addresses. You don't need to actually host a website. They have a web interface, but I use a client (Thunderbird).
- Comment on Outrageous! 6 months ago:
Sunflower seeds? You utter ANIMAL!!!
Must be nice to be rich. - Comment on Anon texts her very normal boyfriend 6 months ago:
My reply text would be, "We're done. Goodbye."
- Comment on My dad fought the Nazi's they lost. The world knows it. What is the deal with their recent resurgence? 6 months ago:
So just to add some factual context here. Your Dad fought actual nazis. The people we call nazis are not actually (nor will they be) that powerful. The world thanks men like your father for their success.
The losers we call nazis today also go by many names, christians, christian nationalists, evangelicals, KKK, racists, bigots, white supremacists, dictators, etc. But the one name that actually describes who and what they are is Fascists. - Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
As a human that has been alive for more than 5 days, here is my comment.
Personally I prefer a partner that is close in height to myself, not more than 1-2" shorter and not more than 4-5" taller. That's just me. Other Humans have different preferences.
My pet peeve is the annoying "short" guy who want's to climb the tall "tree". You don't have a chance in hell shorty!! There is nothing wrong with shorter men, unless you are this loser.
Just because someone is short does not mean that no one finds short people attractive. Some people only want to date short men and women. Don't listen to bullshit people and their weird opinions. Short, fat, tall, thin, older, younger, blond, brunette, red head, etc, someone wants to fuck you. Be warned, and be ready, and use a fucking condom already!!
- Comment on My dad fought the Nazi's they lost. The world knows it. What is the deal with their recent resurgence? 6 months ago:
It's because men with zuper tiny penis' need something to do, to prove how "manly" and "strong" they are.
- Comment on Just a prank 6 months ago:
- Comment on Palms 7 months ago:
Birds are not real
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VEkzweBJPM - Comment on I always order Popular Problem. 7 months ago:
We need an Engrish magazine on this here Fediverse.
Beans, Gentlemen! - Comment on First Christmas display of the year... in July 7 months ago:
Costco is SO greedy.
- Comment on Just another overly dramatic post 7 months ago:
In this episode of Dancing With Posts, Frankie & Lulu compete with a Goth theme.
- Comment on It just does. 7 months ago:
The sad part about palm oil (other than environmental) is, it blocks the taste of most foods. It's too heavy. Things just taste greasy and almost flavorless.
- Comment on You had your chance. 7 months ago:
Clippy is that pervert at the end of a Las Vegas bar just waiting to to be slimy.
Go away Clippy and take your AI wing man with you. - Comment on It just does. 7 months ago:
What store is carrying these awesome Peanut Butter Steak Fillets? I cannot wait to break out the BBQ!
- Comment on It just does. 7 months ago:
Correct, and the 'no stir' version is always palm oil.
- Comment on And he will not stop collecting data. EVER. 7 months ago:
I always thought he looks like Data from Star Trek, but got messed up in production. 3D printer error?
- Comment on Why is prostitution called sometimes world's oldest profession? 7 months ago:
I can't answer that question, but I want to know why it's called the oldest profession when sex work is still illegal in most of the world.
A profession is usually a legal job.
And sex workers should be legal everywhere as a human right. - Comment on Nutella 7 months ago:
Are you flirting with me? :)
- Comment on Nutella 8 months ago:
"Did you just shove your wiener in my nutella? You dirty, dirty boy!!"
- Comment on Hello I think you'll love this house. 8 months ago:
There was a clearance sale on windows.
- Comment on What's the worst hacking scene from any movie or show? 8 months ago:
In the mystery series My Life Is Murder, Madison puts a thumb drive into someone's laptop and presto she is typing, downloads and is finished in 60 seconds. No guessing a password or searching for files. Just shoves it in and takes it out. This happens in most episodes of the current season.
- Comment on Caption this. 8 months ago:
How to find the square root of a Llama.
- Comment on We cater any event! 8 months ago:
Oh I have had enough of Jim. What an utter, complete...
Wait. Which Jim are we talking about? It's not Jim with the big D is it?
BRB - Comment on We cater any event! 8 months ago:
Don't be silly. Where did you even get such a crazy idea?
Are you even serious right now???
I mean, I have no words...
A horse funeral, who even does that! - Comment on science 8 months ago:
Someone has a rock(hard) fetish.