- Comment on Infinite Hotel Paradox 5 weeks ago:
I thought it was that the guest in room one was doing some weird diaper/puppet sex shit and the prospective guest was no longer interested in the room.
But maybe that’s a me problem.
- Comment on Doppler 5 weeks ago:
Even ignoring the tires interacting with the road, you have air molecules.
Here is a cool What If?" from xkcd about throwing a baseball at 0.9c.
- Comment on What Refutes Science... 1 month ago:
And better science refuted their junk science. What’s your point?
- Comment on I don't have to check the price because I know I can't afford it. 2 months ago:
Over $1/oz is expensive. The bougie shit I buy rarely goes over $2/oz and the cheap stuff (still real cheese, not crap like Velveeta or Kraft singles) is $0.25-0.30/oz, and on sale even cheaper.
- Comment on Time for a road trip 4 months ago:
I’ve always liked that one. On a scale of fanny to gash, how impolite is it considered over there?
- Comment on Young Frankenstein is not available for streaming 4 months ago:
It’s three hours of someone almost, but not quite, removing a splinter.
- Comment on Young Frankenstein is not available for streaming 4 months ago:
Couple things I’ve tried to watch recently that I couldn’t find anywhere. I was even willing to buy it (streaming, maybe they’re available on physical media).
Basketball Diaries
Less Than Zero
Very annoying.
- Comment on your mom falls significantly faster than g 4 months ago:
This would make a good “What if?” For XKCD. In a frictionless vacuum with two spheres the mass of the earth and a bowling ball how far away do they need to start before the earth sized mass will move 1 Planck length before they come together?
- Comment on Anon recommends a cast iron pan 5 months ago:
Do I want to know what a virgin boy egg is?
- Comment on That explains it. 6 months ago:
Lingua franca dude. I’ve never heard “hit the wall” used outside the man-o-sphere. Maybe not exclusively incel, but incel adjacent at least.
- Comment on That explains it. 6 months ago:
Yeah, they kind of had a point until they busted out the incel-speak at the end.
- Comment on Supportive dad 6 months ago:
Yeah, certainly seems fake. But I can conceive of someone that’s NB, fluid, or something else who is unable/unwilling to admit that to themselves or choosing to remain cis presenting for social reasons deciding to present as a woman due to a micropenis.
But yeah, fake.
- Comment on Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race? 6 months ago:
Exactly. I get the frustrations of the son and grandson of factory workers that finds it hard to imagine anything more than working at Walmart wanting to tear it all down. What I don’t understand is my neighbor in Dana Point.
- Comment on Planetary travel guide 8 months ago:
The planet is great. It’s the fucking occupants that are a problem.
- Comment on For edge lovers 9 months ago:
I suppose you could bake a brownie sphere in microgravity. That might be hard to get the center cooked without burning the surface though. Maybe a metal ball as a pan that you could coat with batter.
- Comment on Anon wants to ride a zeppelin 9 months ago:
It’s understandable. When I got into the aviation industry I was very surprised to learn how many GA accidents and fatalities occurred in a year. Unless it’s Kobe, or newsworthy for some other reason, it usually doesn’t get past the local news.
- Comment on Anon wants to ride a zeppelin 9 months ago:
Depends on your definition of crash. If you mean it starts in the air, some occurred on the ground. If you click through to the GA tab on the NTSB stats it breaks them down and you can see standing and taxi accidents. Unfortunately it’s a total from 2008-2022, but for those 15 years 457 were in taxi and 245 were standing.
- Comment on Anon wants to ride a zeppelin 9 months ago:
It’s absolutely true. General aviation aircraft crash all the time, more than once a day.
For some reason I couldn’t find a FAA Administrator’s Fact Book for anything more recent than 2012 (statistics for 2011 on most things, 2010 for some).
In 2011 there were 1450 general aviation accidents, about four a day.
In 2010 there were 450 general aviation fatalities.
- Comment on Pray they don't alter it any further 10 months ago:
I don’t recall that happening to any of the many services I subscribe to. I’ve always paid for no commercials and I’ve never had commercials without having to change plans, although I think the name has changed sometimes. Maybe my price went up and they added a new commercial tier near the price I used to pay? Could you give an example?
People keep using this term enshitification but my experience has only gotten better and better since I cut the cord and now more companies offer streaming increasing what is available to me. My total price has gone up as more things become available but it’s still less than half of what I paid for cable.
- Comment on Pray they don't alter it any further 10 months ago:
It sucks that Netflix doesn’t have as much as they used to because stuff has been pulled for other services but the value proposition for streaming still blows cable out of the water, even with price increases. Adding free or low cost commercial tiers for more price sensitive people doesn’t give me commercials.
With all the premium channels and three HD-DVR boxes I used to pay over $200 more than a decade ago with much of that going to a shitty middle man company. And that’s for commercial, appointment TV. Even with the premium stations you had to DVR shit to watch later. I subscribe to a ton of services, even some fringe ones, so I almost never come across something that I can’t watch immediately, with no commercials. And with annual rates, discounts from my phone company, and kickbacks from credit cards I’m still under $100. And now the money goes to companies that actually produce content, even if some of them suck for other reasons.
With what I’m getting I would pay double what I used to for cable, but as it is I’m paying half.
- Comment on Anyone else? 10 months ago:
I didn’t even dislike Skyler because of her personality or the things she did. I didn’t like the time spent on her b-plot when there were so many much more interesting things going on.
I didn’t dislike her at all at first, because I didn’t start watching the show until season 4 was airing. While I was binging the first few seasons if a Skyler heavy episode came on when I was super keen to know what was going on with Gus, or whatever, I’d just continue watching the next episode.
But once I got to the point where I was waiting all week for an episode, looking forward to seeing what happens with the cartels, cops, etc., that was when I found myself thinking “fuck, it’s a God damned Skyler episode.”
- Comment on Political Science 10 months ago:
Even ignoring the primary argument of bodily autonomy, you can’t be pro-life without being superstitious and anti-science. Being pro-science allows you to base your opinion on things like viability and brain activity instead of things like conception and heartbeat which are meaningless outside of religious nonsense.
- Comment on Anon watches The Last Samurai 10 months ago:
Oh yeah, it’s absolutely a very interesting period in Japanese history and if Cruise’s character was used as a symbol of the fear of westernization of Japan post Meiji Restoration, that would be cool.
But he was just there as a big name for box office draw, and probably as an excuse to ditch a lot of subtitles. If I’m inclined to be ungenerous, I have a few other suspicions as well.
It’s kind of like Kundun vs. Seven Years in Tibet. But at least with the latter, it was based on a book written by the real life traveler.
- Comment on Anon watches The Last Samurai 10 months ago:
I like Paul Mooney’s take on that movie.
You’ll have to look it up yourselves though. My complexion prohibits me from accurately quoting almost everything that Paul Mooney has ever said.
- Comment on Recognize the mother of Wifi 10 months ago:
What are you worried about? This is 1874…you can sue her.
- Comment on Or we could do metric time 11 months ago:
All covered in the link. The addition of January and February and later moving the new year from March to January is the reason Sept-Dec are no longer the seventh-tenth months. Not July and August, which were renamings, not additions.
- Comment on Or we could do metric time 11 months ago:
That’s a common misconception. For the Romans, the year used to start with March and only have ten months. January and February weren’t even named. Several calendar changes followed over the centuries. Adding two months. Moving the new year to January, which made September-December no longer 7-10. Adding random one off months to realign with the seasons. And a couple different tries at leap days.
- Comment on Just 5 more minutes 11 months ago:
I understand where you’re coming from and I’m pretty much an atheist, but if that happened I would at least consider taking a stroll over to the temple.
- Comment on Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing. 11 months ago:
Florida is beautiful. It’s a damn shame about the culture that’s developed there.
- Comment on Don't call before 9, my minutes aren't free 11 months ago:
I stayed with Sprint through years of them being the shittiest in my area because I was grandfathered into free nights starting at 5pm. Just taking non-stop at 6pm like a baller.