- Comment on If it's not a text, the phone/video call is all about you and what you want. So I may as well join in. 1 week ago:
I guess I do it for a couple of reasons. My mind wanders a lot, looking at myself keeps me a bit focused and ensures I don’t do anything silly. I also try to put myself as close to the camera as I can, I know you often come off better looking into the camera when speaking.
- Comment on Day 220 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots 1 week ago:
Can’t believe you didn’t build a little outpost on that mountain!
- Comment on braaiinnss 1 week ago:
If they didn’t want to have a face they shouldn’t have evolved two small rings above a large ring!
- Comment on Developers: "Yes, the users love cluttered homes, just put everything there and ignore guidelines" 3 weeks ago:
It’s basically in use today. Apparently younger generations are more used to searching for files rather than structuring them.…/students-file-folder-directory-str…
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 4 weeks ago:
Agreed. Like I get “hurr durr statistics”. But you’re not very likely to be in a car crash on any given day, but you still put your seat belt on. That people can’t take the backseat for just a second and have some empathy for the struggles of other people without butting in with whataboutism. You’re even allowed to share in their struggle. I don’t fear I’ll be SAd, but of course I fear physical violence, so use your commonality to support each other rather than trying to one up.
- Comment on Sand Boa 5 weeks ago:
It’s an all or nothing unless you want to be the ruler who decides whose phobia is common or sever enough to justify a content warning.
Sorry, Jane Doe, but your xanthophobia just isn’t common enough to warrant a content warning.
I don’t mean to demean you, but saying that your particular phobia is bad enough to warrant a cw, but then saying that someone else’s isn’t, comes off as quite a poor take.
- Comment on Checking in 1 month ago:
Two for one. I like it.
- Comment on Can't throw me off the scent 1 month ago:
Ah yes, the feudal system was ideal for fair treatment and everyone had a roof over their head and a full belly.
- Comment on Anon wipes his ass 2 months ago:
But then everyone doesn’t have a 3% chance 🤔 /s
- Comment on Hurry 2 months ago:
That looks actually great.
- Comment on Left. It wouldnt know how big the pants should be on the right 3 months ago:
I was gonna argue for the left side as each child can be seen as the root of its own tree. But your logic is flawless, it’s clearly the correct answer.
- Comment on [Thread] Mental Math 3 months ago:
Don’t be fooled to think computer neural networks is how the brain is structured. Through out history we’ve always compared the brain to the most advanced technology at the time. From clocks, to computers with short and long term memory, and now to neural networks.
- Comment on Remedy Has Recouped 'Most' of the Development and Marketing Expenses for Alan Wake 2 3 months ago:
What? Surely seeing something popping up on steam and buying it happens far more than someone spontaneously buying a game in a store when walking around town/ a mall.
Maybe I’m a recluse, but I can’t remember last time I went into a store that stocks a meaningful amount of games other than second hand shops. Are physical games really that large of a margin anymore?
- Comment on pump up the jamz 3 months ago:
Okay Satan, calm down.
- Comment on Random Screenshots of my Games #35 - Cry of Fear 4 months ago:
One of my favorite Let’s Play games. I tried to play it myself for 5 minutes before hard noping out. I’ve become a bit braver since my teens, so maybe I should give it a shot myself some day.
But it’s amazing to see just how far you can push HL’s engine.
- Comment on How to clean a rescued pigeon 4 months ago:
Ah yes. I always forget to remove the label from my hunted bird. Cleaning “the top bone” is such a chore as well.
- Comment on Cheeky 4 months ago:
That’s fair. It was just my understanding that one of the leading causes to death was that the teeth started to rot away. I clearly need to brush up on my human history a bit!
- Comment on Cheeky 4 months ago:
Yeeeah but they also only lived to like 30.
- Comment on Day 62 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 5 months ago:
Oh you’re right! That’s an embarrassing mistake to make. I never got the stealth suit from Old World Blues.
- Comment on Day 62 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 5 months ago:
If I recall it’s from the “China invades Alska simulator” one. Can’t remember the name if it. Probably a good sign I need to go replay new Vegas!
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
Fucking hell. That’s a bit in the nose isn’t it?
- Comment on Seconds 5 months ago:
Well the modern definition of a kg is based off of the second and the metre :P
- Comment on Stop wasting my time 6 months ago:
Thanks for clicking it! My skin crawls just looking at the ads and banners in that picture.
- Comment on Stop wasting my time 6 months ago:
Anybody tried the link yet?
- Comment on Children is bugs 7 months ago:
I totally agree. We should also wait with naming children until they can choose one they identify with themselves.
- Comment on How to know you'll turn out trans? 8 months ago:
I think they mean no consequences as in friends and family won’t have any upsetting reaction, work will still be the same, and so on. Like picking male or female in a game, it rarely matters what you pick, the game just rolls with it.
- Comment on The internet connects people 8 months ago:
I completely misread what kind of leak we were talking about.
- Comment on Is lemmy now what reddit used to be 10+ years ago? 8 months ago:
Mm yes, reddit started with out with tens of thousands of users over night.
I think the situation here on lemmy is pretty comparable to early reddit. People forget it started out as mostly a nerdy programmer centric site as well, and then grew from there. It’s a bit jarring to see people here insisting on artificially creating communities and pushing/guiliting people into posting more just to bring the numbers up. “the narwhal bacon’s at midnight” (although it was always cringe) started because reddit was a niche site less known than 4chan to begin with, so it was just a nonsensical dog whistle.
Do I miss the focused subreddits around specific topics? Sure, but I also think they will come naturally with time if lemmy survives just as they did with reddit. And the whole reason we’re here today to begin with is because of an unsatiable hunger for growth.
- Comment on Images leak of Valve's next game, and it's an Overwatch-style hero shooter 9 months ago:
Who are these “they” that has admitted it’s a bad law?
It’s one of the best recent pieces of privacy legeslation. It’s not the EU’s fault that websites are scumbags insisting on making life difficult for people.
- Comment on Every time I get an email about 9 months ago:
It is honestly disgusting when they list the number of parties, especially when you see 100+ vendors on the “Legitimate purpose” toggle. Fuck off you have a legitimate purpose to my browsing.