- Comment on I'm just happy you thought it was funny, dear 1 week ago:
not an internet person
This phrase confuses me.
- Comment on cherry pickers 1 week ago:
Thank you for explaining. I’m embarrassed I didn’t get it on my own but I’m grateful for the help.
- Comment on Anyone remember this? 4 weeks ago:
Ok, going to scream into the abyss here…
I had Netscape on my 486DX2-66 with a 33.6 modem. Win 95, along with ICQ, mIRC, some NNTP reader I can’t recall… You get the picture.
Everyone I’ve told this to thinks I must have been out of my mind. But for a period of time that I recall as months I had some sort of phenomenon where Netscape would stop loading a web page (could take 10s of seconds, you know) unless you MOVED THE MOUSE. Continuously. The animated “N” on would freeze and if you didn’t move the mouse the page would just be blank, or partially loaded. Move the mouse, it resumes. Stop moving the mouse, it stops. I used to have to move my mouse in figure-eights, cajoling the machine to not give up and keep downloading.
You’ll think I’m crazy, too. But when I share this story I keep hoping someone, somewhere had the same experience. And maybe, someone who knows what was going on will chime in on some obscure IRQ conflict in Windows along with some optimization used by Netscape in one iteration caused this bug for a brief moment in time.
- Comment on Basic courtesy 5 weeks ago:
I want to agree with this sooo badly. But I have some empathy for crazy gun guy. And in some dispicable sense, the gun guy is acting completely rationally, if being severely short sighted.
Hypothetical: You drop litter on the ground. On purpose because you’re a thoughtless asshat. Someone calls you on it. Shouting ensues. They slap a magnet on your car. You rip it off and throw it on the ground because you have already demonstrated your unwillingness to give a shit about leaving things to rot in mother nature. They, in response, give your car a nice new scratch with a key and the damage is now permanent.
What’s your next move? Walk away? Call the police? Try to get their license plate and submit to your insurance company? Shame them on Tik Tok?
You’ve lost because your opponent was willing to escalate to vandalism, a crime for which you suffer and that no one is likely to take seriously enough to bring justice.
Society has broken down in this little ecosystem of two. Anyone can injure you, threaten your livelihood. Take away your security. What’s stopping them?
Until you unholster that 1.5lb mechanism of steel, lead, and brass. Now, you’re back in control. You are secure. Things are certain again. No one will be scratching your car, breaking your window, stealing food out of the mouths of your children.
There’s a certain rationality behind it, is all I’m saying.
Of course, we as rational thinkers can see the folly inherent in this escalation. Every petty spat becomes a life or death scenario. If we assume the rule of law still punished outright murder, then you are right back to your original quandary of whether to walk away or be the ultimate kind of “right”.
This is where mores in a society become critical. Maybe we’ve lost our sense of right and wrong behind a veil of rule-of-law. Maybe we’ve become too virtual to truly have a society based on mutual values. Maybe I’m just high and should go stare out a window.
TL;DR: Don’t litter.
- Comment on Anon is about to be found out 1 month ago:
Can your employer compel you to provide a DNA sample?
- Comment on Anon is about to be found out 1 month ago:
Sus. If there was a security camera they would have checked that first.
Keep your head down anon, it is a bluff.
Also, stop putting shit in drinking water you sick fuck.
- Comment on When you see it.... 1 month ago:
DVI-L chef’s kiss
- Comment on When my husband calls me over for cuddles 1 month ago:
Awww. You got me in the mood for a cuddle.
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 1 month ago:
Amazing write-up. Thanks for the insight. I appreciate your contrast of the power/money dynamic in “Trump fascism” versus the ethnically driven dynamic in Hitler’s Nazism.
I’m having a moment of self reflection at my gut response of, “I hope FourPackets is right and all the human suffering and death is only due to defacto conditions and government passivity and not active genocide.” Both are awful but I guess this is the path we’re on.
- Comment on Is there any non-zero possibility Musk was not doing a Hitler Salute? 2 months ago:
First, I hope you’re right. Still a shitty world but less so than what I’m imagining. The whole “we understand power so we are smart and everyone else is not as smart” is spot on.
But, I think it starts with no intention of gassing the Jews. But after a few generals have been replaced with lackeys, and those “deportation camps” in Texas start to be more trouble than they’re worth, and how convenient it was when that one bunch of them happened to die, a new final solution starts to look more probable. And of course the perpetrators of the new genocide are not the bad guys. They’re making the hard choices. They’re the smart ones and of course it made sense to do it since digging a mass grave was cheaper than feeding 10,000 recently ex-Americans in a camp far away. That’s just good economics, people! You have to think like a billionaire!
That might have gotten away from me, but I do believe there’s a slippery slope and our new President and his orange skinned bff are waxing up the toboggan.
- Comment on Hurry 2 months ago:
Cherish that. Those dinners made with love, devoured in seconds, all in the presence of loved ones, are special.
- Comment on You hate to see it happen 3 months ago:
Ah, true. The depth of my equine racism becomes apparent.
- Comment on You hate to see it happen 3 months ago:
Did anyone tell the donkey it was vaccines for Senegal?
Just trying to understand whether this was a tragic accident or if the donkey is a racist asshole.
- Comment on Anon gives up dating apps 4 months ago:
- Comment on Why do some men dis other men who sit to pee? (& follow-up questions) 5 months ago:
Sincerely, thanks for being willing to provide a thoughtful response.
- Comment on Tough Shit 5 months ago:
Excuse me. I have to go take care of something.
- Comment on Anon sells girl scout cookies 5 months ago:
Always has been.
Teaches girls to be entrepreneurs so they can grow up and sell Tupperware or Pampered Chef or whatever bullshit is getting hocked about these days.
- Comment on Mike 5 months ago:
Is this a loss meme?
- Comment on Drake 5 months ago:
Best ride of the day.
Um, this thread. This thread was a ride. Not whatever the thread, um, was about. Damn.
- Comment on What? 5 months ago:
And this is the high quality and thoughtful Internet comment I’m going to end my night with. Thank you Internet stranger. There is good in the world, after all.
- Comment on Sorry to be a bother... 5 months ago:
That would be awesome for a person with a compatible gender. Like, you are so interesting and attractive I’m willing to expand my horizons.
- Comment on unzip 5 months ago:
Happy, even.
- Comment on Just for a moment 5 months ago:
Just left the same comment. It was surreal for the few moments you were on the bridge.
The other thing I remember vividly is the poor guy who ran up to one of the actors who was in full Klingon costume. The guy belted out some phrase in Klingon you know he had been rehearsing for weeks and stood there, proud and expectant. The actor glared down at him and in forceful English said, “I do not speak that dialect, human.”
I’ve never seen someone’s dreams be shattered so visibly and thoroughly in so short a time.
- Comment on Just for a moment 5 months ago:
I had the opportunity many years ago visit the Star Trek TNG experience in Vegas. There was a point where they rush you through the bridge of NCC-1701D. I had that same feeling in that moment.
Which was the point of the experience, of course, and I know if I had stayed for more than a quick walk across the deck the sensation would have fallen apart. But in that moment I was in the place I had seen so many times before. It felt familiar and registered as the same.
- Comment on Choosing violence 6 months ago:
It honestly was the thing that pushed me to Linux. Once I could no longer kill programs at-will I couldn’t handle it. xkill ftw.
- Comment on Anon investigates crime in 2096 6 months ago:
Goulash is delicious. But, having the thought of goulash without actually getting to eat goulash would be a terrible way to go. Poor guy.
- Comment on Imagine John Hammond actually built Jurassic Park, and HBO made a documentary about it. 6 months ago:
The amount of time this person spent looking through video to find just the right scenes, then carefully stringing them together, and then adding spot on music… I’m in awe.
- Comment on Ballaholic I'm guessing 6 months ago:
For my spouse and I there is no “my money” and “their money”. It is all our money.
If one of us wants to make a big purchase we have a conversation about it something like, “I’ve had my eye on a new graphics card. What do you think?” Then it goes either, “That’s great. Have fun.” Or, “Don’t forget we have little Jimmy’s orthodontist bill coming up.” “Oh, yeah, thanks for reminding me. Maybe later, then.”
I realize this isn’t the norm and it took us a long time to get there. Many couples, my spouse’s parents among them, argue over money and use it as part of a power play. We still have separate accounts for budgeting purposes, and around the holidays we have to be honest not to peek at bank statements and spoil surprises. But not having to worry whether you spouse is messing up your eventual retirement or little Jimmy’s college fund sure makes life a whole lot easier for me.
- Comment on I'm so sorry 6 months ago:
This one image justifies all the research and investment in AI. Well done, OP. I didn’t think it possible.
- Comment on Too easy! 7 months ago:
Fucking hell. I am the monkey.