- Comment on Withdrawal is going to make people go mad 4 months ago:
On slave plantations
- Comment on I need pics of fat tigers to send to my mom. she hates pics of fat tigers and every few months I send her a bunch. 4 months ago:
No one wants to hear about you masturbating sicko
- Comment on Fritz Haber moment 4 months ago:
For some reason this is a joke about genociding transgender people
Yeah cool people are upset, how about don’t make it worse by joking about gassing trans people for fucks sake
- Comment on Haters will say it’s fake 4 months ago:
Misogynist bullshit. Very funny.
- Comment on Anon decides to live like the ancient Greeks 4 months ago:
- Comment on Anon decides to live like the ancient Greeks 4 months ago:
Incel propaganda
- Comment on anon working as behaviour interventionist 4 months ago:
wow hey look
the solution is enforced monogamy, the kids need dads, women do bad
- Comment on Police use capsicum spray on neo-Nazis after clash at Melbourne asylum seeker rally 5 months ago:
Two weeks ago, a victoria police piggie of 40 years was suspended with pay for doing a nazi salute at the police academy 2 days in a row.
Don’t expect cops to deal with the child grooming neo-nazis.
- Comment on When someone brings your old comments 5 months ago:
Joking about being a racist and trying to make it look cool, might mean youre a racist.
Why are people upvoting this? Examine your preconceptions before they examine you.
- Comment on Don't do it. 5 months ago:
Leaving all of them is in itself a human impact on the environment, you wouldnt find a single maple in a forest, but you also wouldnt find a field in a forest. if youre concerned about bugs I’d still be removing at least some leaves
really theyre a resource I’d collect them for compost heaps
- Comment on Don't do it. 5 months ago:
Telling my neighbours I’m studying successional plant communities over the next 10 years, and never gardening again
- Comment on What a musical genius 5 months ago:
Ah 1990, the year rap was invented, yes
- Comment on Women in STEM 5 months ago:
The nobel prize is a fucking self congratulatory sham anyway if you read about its history
- Comment on Anon wants more pizza 5 months ago:
to convince you to hate people. Why are we celebrating this shit?
- Comment on Anon wants more pizza 5 months ago:
A fake story about how fat people and women are evil, nice
- Comment on Random Screenshots of my Games #4 - Class of '09 5 months ago:
Those symbols on those shirts are an equivalent to a swastika, maybe dont share these, or recommend this game (sounds like a shitfest), or admit you’re okay with your friends being nazis even in a game, sheesh
- Comment on Has anyone let David Icke know about this? 5 months ago:
You can fold an australian $5 note to uh, uhhh…
- Comment on Trump rallies plummeting! Sell! Sell! Sell! 5 months ago:
- Comment on Very insightful 5 months ago:
Woman regularly paraded around by antiwoke brigade has thoughts on Greek epic
not a great vibe, but I still like the joke
- Comment on Important information 5 months ago:
Changing a few letters doesnt change what this joke is (misogynisy),
Ah yes, those mean people, having sex, without you.
- Comment on Kotaku being Kotaku 6 months ago:
I made it about as far into the Borderlands movie as i did with the monsterhunter movie, bailing after about a 3rd of the film.
Not really super popular take, but the sexual politics (as in the way the story treated women) in both were something I struggled to get past. Plus they were both goofy and not in a very fun way.
But i think i teenager might have liked it
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
ITT: people with big hurt feewiingssss
its okay babies, you eating meat doesnt hurt anyone! Youve never done everything wrong! Its no worse than how most of us innately benefit from imperialism, we’re so far removed! Phew!
lol, we’re all always so quick to start crying about hoe annoying and rude veeeegans are. We could all consume less animal products. Its ultimately not an issue of personal responsibility, its systemic and engrained in our society.
getting all pissy because someones telling you the truth and it makes you uncomfortable is embarrassing, I’ve been there. I still eat meat more regularly than I’d like to. I dont need to justify it, I think its bad that I do, I’m doing my best over here.
Obligate carnivore! I dont give my cats water! Only meeeeeat, rahhhh I’m a big man-or-similar!
inB4, hurt feeling downvotes 😳
- Comment on Oof ouch owie 6 months ago:
Youre not going to convince a fascist not to be a fascist by making them feel bad about it. If that was possible, there’d be no communists.
Organising in your community, your workplace, and looking after yourself is what i think our friend was getting at
- Comment on Oof ouch owie 6 months ago:
The sexualisation and humiliation of a person who cant object or consent is whats getting me.
people will excuse themselves of a lot when they don’t like someone.
I abaolutely do not care that she died, and her politics cant be handwaved away with ‘she was indoctrinated’, which would also equate to her having no agency. She knew what she was doing.
- Comment on after 40 all meals are horror 6 months ago:
Eating is a chore, I watch a video so i dont think about it, instant noodles are real easy to make at work, toss in some broccoli if youre feeling like a but fancy
- Comment on People warn about culture shock, but nothing prepared ne for this solid toilet paper roll in Vietnam 6 months ago:
^ this user does not wash their asshole
- Comment on People warn about culture shock, but nothing prepared ne for this solid toilet paper roll in Vietnam 6 months ago:
Its literally tissue paper, I think youre being pretty dramatic
looks like itd be more ecofriendly because its mot bleached, and its not shipping around with a heap of empty space for the (now i think about it) oversized cardboard tube
- Comment on The Age retires Michael Leunig after 55 years 6 months ago:
Good riddance
- Comment on Palms 8 months ago:
The definition of tree exists within the context of all that came before it? 🌴
- Comment on What song would cause you to do this to yourself ? 8 months ago:
The national anthem