- Comment on Let's gooooo 1 week ago:
And x-ray technicians. If your ehs representative say there are too many rads… RUN!
- Comment on People complain that it's poor design that humans eat and breath through the same pipe(throat). Are there any animals which don't though? 2 weeks ago:
Very interesting thanks… Now to do more research because this has buged me
- Submitted 2 weeks ago to [deleted] | 38 comments
- Comment on DOGE Quietly Deletes the 5 Biggest Spending Cuts It Celebrated Last Week 2 weeks ago:
Someone please add the option to mark my gender as “the gender previously known as Twitter” since I cant mark it as X.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
At one point in my past I was the “stinky coworker”. I wore deodorant, I showered daily, I washed my clothes after every wearing. My boss did have THAT conversation with me, and started using cologne to cover it. Don’t think it fixed it but it covered it enough that I kept the job for a bit.
Eventually my mother, who I was living with, bought a new washer / dryer. My stinkiness factor went to effectively nothing. I’m pretty sure there was some mold/bacteria/whatever in the old washer that was causing the stink.
It may not be the stinky persons fault, and they may not even know what’s causing it.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Ice T and Kodak Black agree that pimping ain’t easy, not sure about the roles…
No hate, just making a stupid joke
- Comment on Player two has entered the lobby 2 months ago:
If this was named Mario I would check myself with a psychologist.
- Comment on How was trying to get a job different THEN vs NOW 2 months ago:
That is one reason another is one my company does often. See in most cases you get hired as a contractor, so no pto no benefits no holiday pay etc. So let’s say a manager has a contractor who is really good and they want to make them a permanent employee. First they have to convince upper management that the manager deserves a full time employee. Now they have to create a job offer, open to all internal and external applicants. They need to collect/sort resumes, they then select a series of people to interview. Now in 99% of cases the recipient is already choosen and the interviews don’t matter but they have to put on a show. Then the manager has to explain why the other applicants are worse and the employee who is still a contractor actually deserves the permanent position. Then only then will the contractor be offered a employee position.
Also we must keep 20% of all the workforce at each site as contractors. So full time positions only appear when either a bunch of contractors are hired or employees quit either of which throws off the ratio. We have lost many great employees due to this policy.
- Comment on Interesting. It's a constant reminder 2 months ago:
Schrodinger’s washed hands
- Comment on I prefer alpha male hydrocarbons 3 months ago:
Fucking Dave…
Not you Dave2, specifically u/FuckingDave
- Comment on Jimmy Carter Casts His Ballot for Harris in Georgia 4 months ago:
This is out of curiosity but if someone casts a absentee ballot and then dies before the vote is counted, does it still count?
On one hand I see “dead people shouldn’t vote” but on the other “he voted when he was alive and it was only counted when he was dead”?
I know this situation doesn’t normally come up but is there legal precedence?
To be clear I respect and Carter and hope he is still alive for quite some time but him being in hospice and voting brought the question to mind.
- Comment on Society problems? The Pokemon Company is here to help. 5 months ago:
Fuck tine. … To buy a new biiemmm
- Comment on Anon's family is in mourning 6 months ago:
Yeah, ok but that means for it to be a adult bird or at least old enough to fly either 1. Young birds don’t have a soul. 2. His soul was in 2 bodies at the same time.
- Comment on 👁️ 🌹 💨 💨 6 months ago:
Actually I think that would then add a additional charge for registration fraud
- Comment on 👁️ 🌹 💨 💨 6 months ago:
I don’t know about blue but here is all the math to turn a red light green… Don’t think of doing it though while you could probably get out of a ticket for running a red light I don’t even know what the fine is for driving many thousand times the speed limit is.
- Comment on AI stole my job and my work, and my boss didn’t know or care 6 months ago:
Their bosses bosses boss probably knew… Their boss may not of
- Comment on So is the global IT crash fixed yet? 7 months ago:
Hold up… You thought maybe you downloaded malware (which in this case that was not the only cause) so you took it upon yourself to reinstall windows on a company issued laptop?
Why are you trying to fix it? Submit It ticket and it’s their problem.
If you suspect malware alert it security immediately. Many malware act as a gateway to lock other systems. Yes you might get in trouble but I’d rather be yelled at for downloading something then yelled at for infecting my company servers will ransomware/malware.
Atleast in my company a computer connecting without a company supplied image of windows will be denied. Completely understand you not connecting to the internet.
This problem was not caused by you but could of been… Take this as a lesson to be more proactive in the future.
- Comment on How do Texas residents afford electricity? 7 months ago:
In the apartment I just moved out of, even after several complaints I had summer electric bills $600+ and it was still hot…night before I moved it was 91 outside and 89 inside. So far my new apartment is better but haven’t seen any electric bills yet
- Comment on Steve Wright, former Radio 2 DJ, died from ruptured stomach ulcer 8 months ago:
Is this also Steven wright the comedian ?
- Comment on Microsoft CEO of AI: Online content is 'freeware' for models • The Register 8 months ago:
The Linux source code is also online…
- Comment on there is always one 9 months ago:
my entire family has diarrhea it runs in our jeans…
- Comment on Jokic having fun at the horse race 9 months ago:
How does have 2 left hands?
- Comment on It is apparently controversial 9 months ago:
Depends on where you live… Northeast us most likely a black bear, as long as its not a mother protecting its cubs make some noise and it will leave you alone. If your in the artic, how the hell are you in woods but ignoring that’s and it’s likely a polar bear and you are dead.
- Comment on Either way, I'm getting super drunk. 9 months ago:
Another fun similar idea is drunk chess. Each piece has a value(for example pawns is 1), there are tables you can look up it’s standard in chess. Each piece you take, you take its value in shots(highly recommend shots of beer). There are strategies this brings up. For example your opponent hangs a queen in early game, you can take it but now you would need to 6 shots making you likely to mess up the late game.
- Comment on It is very therapeutic to garden, though. 9 months ago:
Ok, I’m just curious, do you have a source for that soil antidepressants statement? Not being argumentative, legit want to read the source.
- Comment on Bugs me when audiobook series do this 10 months ago:
I doubt it’s money. Nick podelh is a well known and likely well paid voice actor. My guess is scheduling conflicts.
- Comment on Pros and cons of getting a job at a very small software company? (14 employees) 11 months ago:
Mostly but that doesn’t make as good of a story 😁
- Comment on Pros and cons of getting a job at a very small software company? (14 employees) 11 months ago:
Long story short… Most of the money the company earned was from the credit union. I went through a depression phase and tried to kill myself (I’m doing better now) so I was inpatient in a mental ward for about a month.
The credit union got a computer security audit from the ncua(similar to fdic but for credit unions). My boss could not access any system. No servers, no firewalls, no intrusion detection systems, nothing. I had the passwords but was unable to be contacted and “documentation was a waste of time”.
They failed the audit. Credit union basically asked “we pay you for computer security, we failed an audit for computer security, so why do we pay you?”
Contract was lost and company went under shortly afterwards.
- Comment on Pros and cons of getting a job at a very small software company? (14 employees) 11 months ago:
Ok, I’ll give my experience. I was hired as basically a paid intern. I was in high school, I “knew” computers like a nerdy teenager knows computers… Not real knowledge of their workings but I played with some programming(I got hello world to work using perl) , I could install linux(in the early 2000s, I bought copy of Debian Linux on 7 cds). I was basically told I would be an assistant to the other computer technician.
A week after I got hired, he got fired. For the next several months people got hired and fired after a 2-3 weeks. The company was 3 people, myself, the owner, his wife did the accounting. I didn’t know what I was doing, googling what I could to figure stuff out(i now know that’s normal but also now know how to Google correctly). I leaned on the owner to figure out things. I don’t know if your job is in computers but these are things I learned later were absolutely idiotic.
If a computer came in with a suspected virus, standard protocol was no research or investigation… Format and reinstall.
We had corporate clients (main client was a credit union), we gave the windows CD and license code to each teller with no record of what they were. He sold the license at the price he bought then for from staples.
All servers had local admin accounts. All local admin accounts had similar passwords. I was the only person who knew what those passwords were.
My boss thought time spent documenting was time wasted.
Anyways I stayed there for 4 years. It was not perfect and I learned so much wrong stuff. It was a decent job, my boss had really weird rules(why so many people got fired), and my time would of been spent better learning correct information.
That said I ended up causing the company to go bankrupt and the owner and his wife are now Christian consulers…
- Comment on Do birds find it unpleasant to be out in the rain? 11 months ago:
I’m an expert in bird law but bird doctoring… Ehh…