- Comment on Anon goes on a first date 1 month ago:
Surely if you only look at the picture you’re only interested to fuck. Openly or deceptively.
- Comment on Disgusting money driven mindset 1 month ago:
It works I think, it says in the message at the end that it includes sharing personal information.
- Comment on *cough cough* GOLLUM *cough cough* 1 month ago:
Sméagol is from a race that was closely related to hobbita, but not exactly hobbits.
- Comment on how badly could a pelican fuck me up in a fight? 2 months ago:
I reread the post replacing “pelican” with “politician”. I haven’t laughed this much in weeks. Thank you.
- Comment on Anon meets a girl at a wedding 2 months ago:
Groups often came together to party and marry people.
There are even rules, like exogamy is common.
- Comment on Causes of Death in London (1623) 2 months ago:
I’m especially doubfounded as I thought that before there was an important police force and a mature legal system, murders were far more frequent than after.
At the same time, it’s possible I’m imagining 1632 London to be more primitive than it really was.
- Comment on Amateur Entomologists 3 months ago:
I like your enthusiasm. Can’t say I’m looking forward to figure out that part, but I’ll try. Thanks
- Comment on Amateur Entomologists 3 months ago:
I went and saved the queen from that war that happened long ago. Then it appeared I had nothing left to do. I stopped there.
- Comment on Rip 5 months ago:
Pasteurization is even below what most would consider as cooking temperature. It’s getting your food really hot for a while but not boiling. It’s kind like edging but in cooking.
- Comment on Rip 5 months ago:
Can you even destroy minerals by heat? If there’s an element there it won’t go away. Though I guess the molecule could change and it could be less bioavailable.
- Comment on Rip 5 months ago:
There was a king of ancient times who would microdose poison in order to get immune. To his defense, he lived in ancient times.
- Comment on Anon has a special request 5 months ago:
When I read this, I was curious how possible it would be, if there’s sufficient offer in the market… I found this vendor page. So, there would probably be enough offer as there are taxidermists who need to clean big game skulls, which require thousands of larva and adults, and the vendor say you should email them if you need more than 10’000. I couldn’t learn how much time it would take, but they do say that more = faster, and to communicate with them to fit your project timeline.
- Comment on Regain Control in my ass 5 months ago:
Zero State in my Ass
- Comment on Anon comes out to his religious parents 5 months ago:
Sounds like a clear cut case to me: you’re lesbian. Not sure why you are doubting.
- Comment on Anon comes out to his religious parents 5 months ago:
A straight man who doesn’t like neither porn nor sex.
- Comment on Anon comes out to his religious parents 5 months ago:
Did you try looking at photos of naked people?
- Comment on Crystals 6 months ago:
Wait, so you’re telling that to not feel ashamed of liking rocks for how they look, they believe silly things about them?
- Comment on Mushroom Guides 7 months ago:
Why shouldn’t we eat mycelium?
- Comment on *doing my best google impression* Did you mean: turn in up? 7 months ago:
Good to know. And that’s worrisome.
- Comment on If everyone is fired by AI, who's going to buy the products and services made by the companies if no one has money anymore? 7 months ago:
This is a common question in economics.
It’s called technological unemploymemt and it’s a type of structural unemployment.
Economists generally believe that this is temporary. Workers will take new jobs that are now available or learn new skills to do so.
An example is how most of the population were farmers, before the agricultural revolution ans the industrial revolution. Efficiency improvements to agriculture happened, and now there’s like only about 1% of the population in agriculture. Yet, most people are not unemployed.
There was also a time in Englans when a large part of the population were coal miners. Same story.
Each economic and technological improvement expands the economy, which creates new jobs.
There’s been an argument by some, Ray Kurzweil if I remember correctly, but others as well, that we will eventually reach, a point where humans are obsolete. There was a time when we used horses as the main mode of land transportation. Now, this is very marginal, and we use horses for a few other things, but really there’s not that much use for them. Not as much as before. The same might happen to humans. Machines might become better than humans, for everything.
Another problem that might be happening is that the rate of technological change might be too fast for society to adapt, leaving us with an ever larger structural unemployment.
One of the solution that has been suggested is providing a basic income to everyone, so that losing your job isn’t as much of a big problem, and would leave you time to find another job or learn a new skill to do so.
- Comment on Anon freezes time 7 months ago:
I like it.
- Comment on Anon freezes time 7 months ago:
Yes, see my other answer.
- Comment on Anon freezes time 7 months ago:
The scenario doesn’t really make sense as the electro-chemical activity in your brain woul be stopped as well, so tou couldn’t be conscious.
But if we suspend disbelief, you could say that you’re stuck with the image that got to your retina when time stopped. Which means that you couldn’t see the protagonist moving!
Also, realistically, he couldn’t even move as he’d be against a barrier of unmovable air.
- Comment on Anon freezes time 7 months ago:
Good thing is that since time has stopped, you won’t get your eyes burnt since light stopped travelling as well.
- Comment on Anon freezes time 7 months ago:
Didn’t even think about this. I thought of how crushingly boring and annoying it must have been to have been unable to move at all. For 6 months.
And now I realize it must have been dreadful, at first.
- Comment on Anon gets an ultimatum 7 months ago:
We actually used to see this term more often back around the 2010s when 4chan had a bigger presence
- Comment on Anon vibes with his gf's brother 7 months ago:
Great story, thanks
- Comment on Anon vibes with his gf's brother 7 months ago:
How did it start?
Was it on Archive of our Own?
- Comment on App development 8 months ago:
What I would change in my case:
- Engage with people, even if it’s awkward or you have something more fun and that takes less effort right now
- Get a basic understanding of personal finance (read a book or two)
- Don’t be content with the bare minimum. You’ll spend a lot of time working. Try to get as much as possible for yourself for every hour working.
But I think each person’s realities will vary a lot. For example, regarding the first bullet point, maybe you’re extraverted and already a social butterfly, in which case the advive doesn’t apply.
- Comment on How many people actually want fully on-site IT jobs? 8 months ago:
Doesn’t that encourage urban sprawl?