- Comment on Select a tip 4 weeks ago:
Exactly, and the only thing they have is increasing the guilt factor. But they’re gonna learn when put up against a cliff and a little guilt trip I’m just gonna take the guilt.
- Comment on Select a tip 4 weeks ago:
My tipping follows the inverse of how much I am paying for the product. If the product is well priced and the service was good I have been known to tip 100% for excellent service. Now that everything is nearly double the cost of what it used to be I am more inclined to tip 50 cents to a dollar max.
They should be paying exceptionally well for what they are charging, but we know that isn’t the case. I don’t have unlimited wealth to spend either, fuck me for being poor and wanting some comfort “restaurant” food occasionally.
- Comment on is Chat-GPT refusing this image? 5 weeks ago:
I use the assistant on kagi, model is Claude 3.5 Sonnet
- Comment on is Chat-GPT refusing this image? 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on is Chat-GPT refusing this image? 5 weeks ago:
Y’all need better AI :) The one I “use” gives a good argument in favor of the musk is a fascist interpretation
- Comment on Overexplaining things 1 month ago:
I feel called out
- Comment on I know what I have 1 month ago:
heartbreaking… beautiful statue of danny devito is AI generated
- Comment on Please create a non-secure password. 1 month ago:
Even worse the password was accepted in full when registered, but the login field won’t accept the full length.
- Comment on I got into the wrong career lol 1 month ago:
Money makes things possible, people will do things they love for the passion of it, but without enough money it isn’t feasible. It’s capitalism, folks
- Comment on Not enough people buying Premium, eh? 2 months ago:
Fair, the only reason I was watching that long was because I was just a young child, once I was able to provide for my own entertainment I never looked back to TV.
- Comment on Not enough people buying Premium, eh? 2 months ago:
We’re back to television content-to-ad ratios
I hate ads too but we’re not here yet. When I stopped watching tv it was like 30% and I am sure it got worse the decade after I quit while it was still relevant.
- Comment on Literally c/THE_PACK 2 months ago:
I’m highly proficient in a much more self gratifying field than I was in just ~2 years ago, so I’d probably intimidate just 2 year younger me, let alone 4 or 7 year younger me.
- Comment on Anon is a nostalgic gamer 3 months ago:
Game companies have definitely done their best to try and make multiplayer gaming more and more lonely. I settled in quick to single player cause at least I could have fun and not simultaneously be lonely and dominated by some hyper competitive toxic game matched tryharding BS. Me
- Comment on Save big money, but not your soul. 3 months ago:
Pttern seeking monkey brain strikes once again.
- Comment on What's Mastodon precious? 3 months ago:
Have you considered that US standard unit users know that and it’s just annoying when someone points it out unnecessarily for the hundredth time?
- Comment on How true is it? 3 months ago:
this picture is highly accurate, my last dr got me to 1440p (20/15) eyesight
- Comment on Anon goes on a double date 3 months ago:
Sorry for misunderstanding ya, I just got off of a heated exchange where I was feeling a bit harassed so I took it wrong. 🫂
- Comment on Anon goes on a double date 3 months ago:
if that’s where y’all aren’t I’d consider it an upgrade
- Comment on Anon misses his German Sheppy 4 months ago:
I don’t read green-texts to cry 😭
- Comment on Anon goes on a double date 4 months ago:
“I’m over it”
“fuck you … rot in hell”
- Comment on fwiends 5 months ago:
lmao that’s a funny way to put it. I honestly have no clue about outgassing, I’ve worn glasses my whole life and I don’t recall ever having issues. I also have no allergies or sensitivities whatsoever though. My partner is sure that it’s just eye strain or adjusting to the new “biome” of stale air you have for your eyes now, she just got a pair after needing them for years and she had a lot of trouble adjusting to them and still never wears them all the time.
I never would have thought of burning as a way to describe it but I looked it up and apparently it is a fairly common concern if you never wore glasses and got a large prescription, the glasses focus the light in on your eyes and your eyes aren’t used to that. I actually do have trouble in daylight cause of my extreme prescription and never thought it could be possibly related to the glasses, I just thought it was that way due to my silver irides.
- Comment on fwiends 5 months ago:
I figure you’d also have a rash if it was a sensitivity strong enough to make your eyes burn, but the only other things I could think of I feel you’d already have figured out… Not blinking enough cause no wind on your eyes to help trigger blinking, eyelashes getting in your eye, or eye fatigue from the correction and not taking breaks to look at something far away…
- Comment on Your stupid decal finally makes sense! 5 months ago:
I want to go there just to get the shirt tbh
- Comment on What if Everyone Did Something to Slow Climate Change? Researchers are looking at the impact that individuals’ actions can have on reducing carbon emissions — and the best ways to get people to adopt 5 months ago:
If everyone took action it would be pretty quick and drastic. But the problem is they aren’t meaning actually everyone. They are talking about the peasants, cause in actuality everyone taking action would include the few who contribute the grand majority to the problem, the few who uphold policies that cause people to damage the world, the few holding profits over meaningful and long-lived global health. But NYT is talking not about them, not about the real problem, they are talking about individuals forced to contribute to global warming by way of interaction in a system run by the real problem people and that is why it cannot be true and meaningful.
- Comment on You probably shouldn't trust the info anyway. 5 months ago:
I’ve seen a big uptick in that word usage, I don’t like seeing them and use a replacing extension to intercept and censor them to a more appropriate word, while showing an asterisk so I know it was censored. Now I don’t have to see the word, but I still get to see who is being a bigoted jerk.
- Comment on You probably shouldn't trust the info anyway. 5 months ago:
- Comment on Anon goes to dinner with coworkers 5 months ago:
Because the british bought all out their food sources, subjecting them to a famine where they had to grow potatoes to survive.
- Comment on Steam Families is here - Steam News 5 months ago:
Steam said my partner was ineligible, so no, steam gets final choice. 😢
It’s like the meme, is there someone you forgot to ask?
- Comment on Do lesbians like boobs as much as straight guys? 5 months ago:
Feels a lot better when my partner grabs them tbh
- Comment on Anon visits New Zealand 5 months ago:
I don’t know, I have a not insignificant amount of indigenous blood (not Maori) and without any cultural ties I don’t think it’s significant as an individual. My family was raised and then raised me with no real connections to any of our hereditary cultures.
I don’t really have an interest in submerging into a culture that is foreign to me, nor am I interested in attempting to benefit from any sort of reparations. I’m just a white girl with a large fraction of indigenous blood.