- Comment on I’m probably no longer center-left. If you could decide from my thinking, what political affiliation should I research to see if it fits me? 5 days ago:
Why do you say you don’t care about climate change, and what would make you care? Climate change is one of those things that’s going to suck for all of us, so even if you have no empathy for anyone else, it’s kinda surprising that you don’t at least care about how it will affect you.
- Comment on Why doesn't phones numbers have a "DNS" servet so we can just type in words like we do with the internet? 2 weeks ago:
I laughed out loud when I read the title of this post. When I’m helping my customers with their domain DNS records, I always analogise DNS to “a phone book for the internet”. I love that we’ve come full circle and phone books are “DNS for the phone system” 😂 (also goddamn does this make me feel old 😭)
- Comment on Is it wrong to like AI Art work? 2 weeks ago:
ITT: “you are not allowed to like things I don’t like”
However you feel about how the models are trained, telling people they’re not allowed to like the results is going to be a losing argument. People like what they like, and you can argue with them but you won’t stop it 🤷
- Comment on Liquid Death Quietly Adds Stevia to Tea Drinks 2 weeks ago:
“Death to plastic”
“Here drink from this plastic-lined can” (plasticstoday.com/…/liquid-death-may-murder-your-…)
- Comment on What's the deal with Signal? 4 weeks ago:
Or just accept that not everyone will be having a secure conservation, but more will be secured as more and more people like me convince our family members to use it and eventually we transition everyone away from SMS?
No, of course not, why would we build a critical mass of users like that?
Since they removed SMS support my entire family and all my friends uninstalled signal, except a few who keep it to talk to me, and my half dozen friends privacy-conscious enough to care. Objectively, removing SMS support harmed Signal’s popularity and made everyone less secure. The argument for why they did it was at best myopic and also, in my opinion, utter bullshit.
- Comment on Do cats have intrusive thoughts about eating their humans? Conversely, do cats get scared of humans eating them? 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
I dunno, hive mind is starting to sound pretty good right about now.
- Comment on Are there any games like Starfield? 1 month ago:
I believed in Chris Roberts because of Freelancer and backed it on Kickstarter, and have watched from the shadows as the story has unfolded. I occasionally dipped my toes in to see how it was coming along, but the performance was awful on midline hardware so I put it back down and waited. Now that the turmoil at the top has come out and people are leaving, I don’t hold much hope for the future of the game.
I think the reason it gets a ton of hate is that Roberts had gone and proven that Microsoft were absolutely right to take Freelancer away from him so it could get finished. They weren’t shackling a maverick genius, they were mitigating losses from his poor leadership.
- Comment on Are there any games like Starfield? 1 month ago:
Came here to suggest it and here it is, the newest comment! The modding scene is insane, too, for such a relatively small and unknown game.
I love Starsector. I just wish it was written in something more performant than fuckin’ Java. But, if it were, there probably wouldn’t be the mods for it there are today.
One of these days, I’m going to get around to writing a quest line of my own. Honest.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
It does, doesn’t it.
- Comment on Happy birthday Anon 1 month ago:
My best friend once said that it could always be worse: you could have shit on your head, that always makes it worse. Even if you’ve already got shit on your head, having more would without question be worse.
It made me laugh, which is what I needed at the time, and there’s not really a long to this story other than that has stuck with me for decades.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
I gotcha. That’s rough, I’m sorry to hear he was such a shitty husband. It’s probably true that a job would be more demanding and take more time from your studies, so all up it sounds like you could be in a worse spot, and at least this is family and you care about him. It’s good of you to help him like this; working all day often gets overlooked as a source of major fatigue. I can’t say I don’t relate to some degree, I just order delivery when I’m tired instead of demanding my wife do the cooking.
Still, this is hardly anyone’s dream life. I hope your studies go well and you’re able to get out on your own soon!
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
I can see why your mum left. Is this something you want to change, or is it something you’re willing to put up with? Do you work as well? If you do, is it feasible to split the cost of a maid or similar?
- Comment on If you have diarrhea and you hold it in will your body retain some of the water? 2 months ago:
- Comment on Only for Nintendo game cube 2 months ago:
It’s not meant to stop you getting caught, it’s to distribute information. But it works sometimes, when people forget to look, and copies are easy to make and distribute.
- Comment on Only for Nintendo game cube 2 months ago:
On a completely unrelated note, I think it’s important to take some time every now and then to remember important historical data security techniques such as steganography: hackeracademy.org/steganography-hiding-secret-fil…
- Comment on 'Caves Of Qud': Roguelike RPG Finally Launches After 17 Years in Development (And It's Really Good) 2 months ago:
Yes, it works fine on the Deck! I find the controls less convenient than kbm, but that might just be me; everything you need is mapped and it feels quite intuitive after a bit.
- Comment on It's also -18 with the wind chill and some dood on my bus is in shorts so I choose violence again. 2 months ago:
Where, holding the engine in place?
- Comment on Some interesting points being made on this video about the CEO assassin 2 months ago:
I’m not rewarding your clickbait bullshit on such a contentious topic, Account That Is Only A Week Old. Summarise the points in the video, say what you found interesting/agree/disagree with, whatever, but contribute something instead of just leaving this steaming pile here for everyone else to step over.
- Comment on It's always the ones you least suspect 2 months ago:
Lol well I took offense to slop more than shit because while ai allowed me to generate it in like 3 minutes the idea was mine (and apparently a few other people’s as well, I saw some others on the New feed), and I proudly don’t need ai to help me think of shitpost ideas - just to bring them to life in full technicolour glory, and with less effort than mouse-drawing in MSPaint
- Comment on It's always the ones you least suspect 2 months ago:
I’m sorry, you must be lost. This is /c/lemmyshitpost , there’s a sign and everything. If you want effort go elsewhere.
- Submitted 2 months ago to [deleted] | 7 comments
- Comment on Physics be like that 2 months ago:
Would effectively eliminate cases of food poisoning, though.
- Comment on feral naming 2 months ago:
Yeah fair, I’d have a bit of anger too if I’d been force-fed woodlice as a child.
- Comment on feral naming 2 months ago:
Man, what the fuck did the roly polys do the the Netherlands?!
- Comment on Caves of Qud 1.0 OUT NOW! 2 months ago:
It’s good on Deck? I was waiting for a sale, but not anymore.
- Comment on How am I supposed to obtain income? 2 months ago:
I know you’re looking for more immediate and stable income, but: Are you able to make anything? If you want to try your hand at a business, I’d be glad to help you with the tech stack side of things pro bono. I can get you set up with domain, email, website, and a marketing suite at least; I’ve also started four companies of my own so I can help you with the paperwork and structure stuff for that if you wanted.
I do this sort of thing entirely via email and video call for SMEs at my day job. It wouldn’t be steady at first and you might have to stop when you find a job… But in the meantime, while you’re looking, it’s work you can make for yourself. And who knows? Maybe it would become enough to sustain you on its own.
Just spitballing, anyway. Offer’s there 😊 Good luck!
- Comment on Not something urgent, but the Aussie parliament passed new laws yesterday and it could impact Lemmy.world (in a year) 2 months ago:
What “Lemmy” will be arguing this and where, please?
If you have a company, that’s easy for a government to go after. Lemmy is software built and run for free by randoms on the internet. They might try to go after the devs if any of them reside in Australia, but they’d have a very hard time stopping it. We’ve seen that sort of effort fail before, when China and India tried to ban Bitcoin. We see it in North Korea even now, where people still access banned networks and content all the time.
- Comment on Meaty lifehack 2 months ago:
… who said anything about the body parts being human?
And why did you assume they were? ಠ_ಠ
- Comment on The Prisoner's Trolley Problemma 3 months ago:
Don’t pull the lever, then there’s three thirds of hot cousin to go around regardless of the other person’s decision. Philosophy is easy.