- Comment on The struggle is real 3 days ago:
Many games do this intentionally btw. Make you lose some rounds and then give you an easy one to keep you hooked
- Comment on Take-Two sues GTA 5 account boosters for pressuring "innocent" players into buying unauthorized goods 2 weeks ago:
Hopefully this’ll increase their publicity and Rockstar “loses” even more revenue because of this
- Comment on 1080p viewing experience 3 months ago:
Youtube uses VP9 for all resolutions most of the time. 1080p and below offer AVC as fallback encoding
- Comment on 1080p viewing experience 3 months ago:
That’s because Youtube uses a bitrate of 4-7mbps for 1080p. 1440p gets arround 13mbps and 4k something like 46mbps iirc
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
This has always been the case when “buying” things on Steam. Almost every digital good you buy is like that
Only thing that changed is legislation is finally catching up and these companies won’t be allowed to use the word purchase/buy anymore in the near future
- Comment on ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 5 months ago:
Not with that attitude
- Comment on Tough Shit 5 months ago:
This was very informative
- Comment on What bug is this? 5 months ago:
Looks like a Rabbeet
- Comment on 75% of all PS5 owners prefer Performance Mode according to PlayStation 6 months ago:
What companies read in this comment: Fuck optimization, put DLSS in and demand higher specs from players
- Comment on MW2 remastered multiplayer mod shut down by Activision day before launch 7 months ago:
I really hope those people will refund the game. Won’t hurt Activision much, but every bit counts
- Comment on LinkedIn 7 months ago:
Imo, it can be generalized that most people in power are asshats because the only people that want to wield power do so for all the wrong reasons
- Comment on Microsoft and Reddit Are Fighting About Why Bing’s Crawler Is Blocked on Reddit 7 months ago:
They can try to block crawlers all they want
They will not succeed without restricting access to Reddit to an unusable degree, since crawlers can be coded to imitate real users close enough. Combine that with enough proxies and they can’t do jack shit
Also you could get arround the Referer header quite easily via redirects (unless Reddit went ahead and used a Whitelist for those, which again would be a very stupid decision) and some more methods
- Comment on I'm all of them 7 months ago:
When I jump into some place with a pretty low ceiling (like catacombs in Dust 2) I sometimes duck irl to not hit my heod
- Comment on Somehow USB disks are still the easiest and most reliable way 8 months ago:
Is ADB faster than MTP
Yes, at least for every device I had in the past 6 years. By a lot actually
- Comment on Somehow USB disks are still the easiest and most reliable way 8 months ago:
ADB via USB for speed, rsync via WiFi for everything else
- Comment on TIL the clearest photo ever of the Kuiper belt was taken in 1964. 8 months ago:
Don’t worry, just give it some more centuries and it’ll count as archeology instead of grave robbing/defilement/whatever
- Comment on NVIDIA talk up their transition to open source GPU kernel modules 8 months ago:
Does this mean pre Turing will stop getting updates?
- Comment on How to efficiently remove duplicate photos across multiple Google Photos accounts? 8 months ago:
Easiest way is to download all and let something like dupeGuru do the rest
Afaik google makes that extremely annoying and they strip your images metadata when getting them from takeout so keep that in mind
Also, for your own good create a backup before deduplicating, just in case you do something wrong (this also let’s you experiment with your duplicate file finder of choice without having to be scared about fucking up)
- Comment on Lossless Scaling: Frame Generation For Every Game - But How Good Is it? 8 months ago:
Same problem as Magpie, that’s because they wrap the game window into another window which has desynced refresh times and horrible input lag. I really don’t know how people can play using this
- Comment on is this the right way to establish boundaries with my nosy coworkers at the hospital? 8 months ago:
This won’t go well
- Comment on Help me out here 8 months ago:
Relevant last place comic:
- Comment on Elden Ring Twitter warns of DLC spoilers being posted everywhere 9 months ago:
The game’s story is not exactly full of twists and turns.
Tell me you don’t know shit about ER’s lore without saying you don’t know shit about ER’s lore
- Comment on Uncle Dad voted for him right before he went to get the meth from Aunt Grandma! 9 months ago:
It’s a SHITpost, you’re not supposed to taste them…
- Comment on Does Multipoint functionality in headphones allow you to listen to two different devices at the same time? 9 months ago:
but I don’t know if you can just reverse a splitter to have output from 2 sources into a single input. 🤔
Can’t you just chain them? When I connect my Phone via bluetooth to my PC ai can connect said PC to my speakers which will play both’s audio at once
- Comment on Until Dawn Arrives On PS5 And PC This Fall 9 months ago:
Finally, been wanting to play this since forever. Would never buy myself a console though as I hate arbitrary locks
- Comment on Anon is suspicious 9 months ago:
I hate when my freshly grown pizzas start doing that. Always a bother to chase them as soon as they’re rolling away
- Comment on New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC 10 months ago:
That’s a wtf for you? You must be new to the internet then
- Comment on Sums Up My Feelings on HOAs 10 months ago:
Like there is not enough drama in the world already
Let’s fake some more to farm some clicks and get 5 seconds of fame
Doesn’t matter that real problems will get drowned out by idiots doing this
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Why is it that smaller people can do seemingly obvious features like custom user-controlled site rankings, but the big players are completely incapable of that?
Because that would give controll to the user. And we all know they hate us having that because they can’t shove their shit down our throats then
- Comment on Euro bottles are so much better now 10 months ago:
User errorSkill issueFTFY