- Comment on "Quick" security check... I had to do 15 of these... 5 months ago:
I literally ragequit that captcha. Mine was showing floor plans and grainy “pictures” of a room asking me to pick which floor plan matched the picture from that perspective. I swear to you, none of them actually matched, progress reset constantly because I’d invariably pick the wrong one. It provoked such a primal rage in me, it felt like I was being gaslit into believing I was wrong when actually that captcha was cursed to hell and back. Thankfully my very patient partner managed to get through them for me and I only had to do it once to get the launcher to recognise my new pc.
- Comment on Thanks to science, men can now locate the clitoris with micrometer accuracy. 5 months ago:
The point they’re making is that what you’re looking at in the picture isn’t NSFW. The title is deliberately misrepresenting an advert to make it seem NSFW, a classic shitposting tradition.
- Comment on Bumble 5 months ago:
As a guy who used to be on bumble (met my partner there) I will say that any conversation that started with ‘hey how’s it going’ just went nowhere 100% of the time. It’s so easy to ask literally anything else. We don’t know each other, what’s the point in asking how it’s going if all you’ll ever get as a reply is either “good, and you?” which doesn’t break any ice and introduces a lull on the conversation 4 messages into the chat or if it’s an honest “pretty shit, actually” the tone of the conversation becomes immediately weird because you don’t know each other enough to pry into that.
Things you could ask:
- cuddled any cats lately?
- what made you smile today/this week?
- what song have you played on repeat lately?
- play any games lately? (depending on if they list games as their interest, most matches I got listed board games)
This way you’ll immediately either find common ground or find differences between your everyday experiences that you can talk about.
- Comment on What fresh fuckery is this? 5 months ago:
Literally did this 10 hours ago using this guide: You need an earlier version apk than APKpure has though (19.16.39). I was surprised with how easy it is tbh. Just had to find a decent site to get that particular apk from but that’s a simple Google search away.
- Comment on Anon sets a trap 6 months ago:
It’s a secret third option, I suspect. You stated that everyone is equal so (by my interpretation) they meant to show you the difference between theory and practice. As in “if you’ve ever worked in the service industry you’d have experienced first-hand that often you are not treated as an equal”.
Everybody is equal, but many assholes don’t see it that way.
- Comment on GLAMour 7 months ago:
I’ve lived for 33 years, 12 or so if those years heavily featuring K’nex and only after reading your comment realised that K’nex is a phonetic play on “connects”.
- Comment on Anon reflects on e-sports 8 months ago:
My guess would be the TV wasn’t in ‘game mode’. Which is to say it was doing a lot of post-processing on the image to make it look nicer but costs extra time, delaying the video stream a little.
- Comment on Implications 8 months ago:
Yes, or someone did show up despite knowing the risks because they trusted Hawking to understand the dangers of revealing the secret of time travel and not sharing it with any living soul. If time travel were to ever become possible and somewhat commonplace then the chances are probably close to zero that everybody chooses not to attend this party (assuming the invitation remains famous for long enough). Perhaps the party was crowded with people thinking the same way.
It’s much more likely that it all just played out exactly the way Hawking said it did, of course. But it’s a fun thought experiment to play around with.
- Comment on near zero 8 months ago:
It’s a pot of gold. Obviously there’s a leprechaun involved who will be presenting the riddle.
- Comment on near zero 8 months ago:
Is it really that confusing? If it had said there was a pot of gold the implication is clear that the person who reaches it will be rich. You ask “why a nude woman?” and the answer is simply because, just like being rich, desiring a sexual partner is a common desire.
- Comment on Corvids 9 months ago:
Kids these days fr going “the olds these days” unironically.
- Comment on I knew it 10 months ago:
I don’t think they’re necessarily saying their housemate is wrong. I took it as them just pointing out how it gets old fast.
- Comment on Meow⛺️irl 10 months ago:
Not to be pedantic but that looks like a teepee, not a yurt.
- Comment on But I want to meet the White Queen! 10 months ago:
I thought the same thing. Though it looks like the mirror is at an angle in the corner so I could imagine approaching it from the left or right means you don’t see your reflection until you connect with it.
- Comment on Totally hiring this guy instead of a eulogy. 10 months ago:
I believe beardyman to be skilled enough to indeed make it a surprisingly respectful event. Right up until the end when he suddenly launches into fartnoise DnB, of course.
- Comment on Flying type i guess 11 months ago:
A brick is more aerodynamic than a Wrangler. Fun fact about bricks: they’re rock types but some dedicated trainers have been known to make their bricks use the Fly move without ever using the HM.
- Comment on Prison Architect 2 - Official Announcement Trailer 1 year ago:
Ah, that’s good to hear! I myself haven’t played Victoria 2, I’ve played EU4, CK2 and CK3 a lot and was really excited about focusing on economy and population rather than map painting in Vic3. I saw the lackluster reviews on release and beyond and assumed it just missed the mark like so many sequels do. I’ll check it out some more. Thanks for your input!
- Comment on Prison Architect 2 - Official Announcement Trailer 1 year ago:
I still haven’t bought that, and looks like I won’t be for a while at least, maybe never if it doesn’t pan out. I was so excited for Victoria 3 but reading the reviews they indicate that it’s also a shell of the former game. Waiting until the game is fully released before letting in any hype has served me well lately.
- Comment on Anon likes bikes 1 year ago:
Oh sure I get what you mean. In my idea of bike centric cities decent public transport is assumed by me simply because that is so ingrained in my experience with living in a place where the car has the lowest priority. Streets are disappearing and turned into bike paths where cars are explicitly “guests” and have to give way for cyclists. Public transport gets dedicated lanes and even roads and bypasses stoplights entirely by tunnelling under crossings. The result is that driving here is an absolute nightmare, you’d really have to have a good reason to justify taking the car into the center instead of taking the bus, tram or bike.
- Comment on Anon likes bikes 1 year ago:
A bike centric city would be just as, if not more, wheelchair friendly as a car centric one. There’s detachable front wheels that can be attached to wheelchairs and pedalled by hand so wheelchair users can use bike infrastructure just as well.
- Comment on Coincidence?! 1 year ago:
I’ve never understood this picture. Is the joke that there is no optical illusion? I have never seen anything else than all of the plates being right side up.
- Comment on They're all dead now, I wonder who got the last laugh? 1 year ago:
Also the bacterial genus known as listeria.