- Comment on sussvival instinct 6 days ago:
Gramgram is that you
- Comment on Sounds logical to me 1 week ago:
try an Essex lady
What’s this?
- Comment on Moon Worshippers 1 week ago:
Absolutely. But the 50% I can see is moderately real idk
- Comment on Old photos in real life 1 week ago:
Whoa it’s so awesome that straight guys have their own version of this. Bless them.
- Comment on When you refuse to get nothing out of your 8 hour drive 3 weeks ago:
Yes it’s called doggystyle for when the recipient resembles a doggy.
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 4 weeks ago:
Gotta do it Scottish
Naught one one fo fo 9/11
- Comment on Looking back on your mom saying you can't believe everything you see on the Internet (she's now in a boomer QAnon Facebook group) [Day 83] 5 weeks ago:
Has there ever been a time in history where people lose family members who are not dead and not physically far away?
It’s almost like having a family member with Alzheimer’s: they look like they’re present, but they are irrevocably far far away.
- Comment on Anyone remember this? 5 weeks ago:
Xul has entered the chat 👻
- Comment on Merry weekend yall 5 weeks ago:
Room-temp vodka hits the spot, if oblivion I seek
- Comment on RIP (again) 5 weeks ago:
all 4
Amateurs. What about our poor stepparents’ parents?? Step-granny’s really had a hard winter this year.
- Comment on A prophet!! 5 weeks ago:
This is exactly the kind of news I always want to get the CSMfHT’s take on!
- Comment on I mean I would totally give it a try 5 weeks ago:
He’d do the same for me
- Comment on Attempt to motivate people to take the stairs 1 month ago:
This is what that sounds like to this laaaaaazy person over here
- Comment on Patch this Bish! 1 month ago:
Oh the old 2038 problem. Got it.
But we need something v2.0 times as good as that, so like v4072.00 if my calculations are correct.
- Comment on What's the deal with Signal? 1 month ago:
Signal likely does not have
CIA financial backing
But this is the kind of information that can be only dispositive.
That is, because we cannot prove a negative, and the only time you can be certain about whether an organization—especially one like the CIA—has provided funding for something, is after it has been proven.
- Comment on From now on, I wish to be addressed as Lt. Commodre Squid 1 month ago:
But where else could he find another spouse?
- Comment on Anon has a business idea 1 month ago:
Jesus Christ, sheeple, I’m not 800 years old.
- Comment on Praise him 2 months ago:
Listen, here Meth Is Guy
- Comment on Praise him 2 months ago:
The waxy flame has to be pretty bad for your health
- Comment on Retribution would be not pulling out his teeth but his testicles 2 months ago:
It’s wild that just 25 years ago, this would not likely be the reaction.
Hemlines go up and down
Preference for badonk goes up and down
A manly penis size and high-heel height are also super culturally defined
- Comment on Retribution would be not pulling out his teeth but his testicles 2 months ago:
Left and right, right?
- Comment on Retribution would be not pulling out his teeth but his testicles 2 months ago:
Gay guy here and I had trouble parsing the headline. I was relieved by the top comment. Phew.
- Comment on Trømp 2 months ago:
Even a Danish-sized danish would work
- Comment on Trømp 2 months ago:
Are there still any phrases that Finnish people say that you can clearly understand?
- Comment on Yaay 2 months ago:
- Comment on Cheers Bro 2 months ago:
In this house,
𝑦 = −|𝑚𝑥| − |𝑏|.
- Comment on Anon gets corrected 2 months ago:
Niiiiice. This is like porn in the 00s.
- Comment on Got my boy Crassus on speedial 2 months ago:
I have empathy for the ’20s US GOP because I, too, once had the sadism of a seven-year-old at play.
- Comment on Anon gets corrected 2 months ago:
Yo, something like that, send nudes