- Comment on NZ Birbs 5 weeks ago:
I guess a kakapo and a kiwi met one day. Now i am a nocturnal horny bird who only gets suggels and feels lonely.
- Comment on Nom nom 2 months ago:
That is exactly how it is taught. Goog job.
- Comment on feral naming 3 months ago:
It is called a pissebed in Dutch…
Yet where i live we call them verkskes ( little piggies )
- Comment on Bat Drip 3 months ago:
Now… That is the cutest thing i saw today. And this afternoon i learned about mini cows. So that sais a lot.
- Comment on I'm sure everyone remembers 4 months ago:
I mis those days to. Cleaner air, relax living,…
- Comment on Is it just me or is this a terrible idea? 4 months ago:
Don’t forget the 'noicemaking’one if there are choises to be made
- Comment on Badgers 5 months ago:
That was a good boy
- Comment on Delectable 6 months ago:
Had a conversation for fun during lunch in school. What other fruit would tast good on a pizza…
Passionfruit, watermelon and Strawberry were the favorite ones to be tasted. Bad idee was kiwi, apple and cherrys. - Comment on Hello my name is Sacctonsayinlrlyn 6 months ago:
Constans cain ryllyn?
- Comment on Dutch toilets 7 months ago:
I know a poseidons kiss. Wonder if witches dovthe same.
- Comment on Dutch toilets 7 months ago:
Flanders here. Those shelved ones are not common but also not omg this is strange. But in kindergarden they are ( where i saw) mostly the norm. Handy to check stuff. ( Is it solid, no worms,… )
- Comment on shitpost 8 months ago:
O god that debate again…
Imo at least 975 years to early.
- Comment on Did everyone stick to yesterday's agenda? 9 months ago:
Yesterday from 1 - 3 i was with my family at my parents in law… Guess yes.
- Comment on Baby elephants 10 months ago:
Lol… You did not read what i meant to write. But realy. Lol
- Comment on Baby elephants 10 months ago:
In my opinion… All baby animals are kinda cute. Exept about 50 % off birds. They look like they are part off an unholy experiment.
- Comment on pick your side 10 months ago:
Green = bio / blue = my language / red = math / black = french / black = english / yellow = german / orange = geography / purple = history / other stuff a folder with flowers / stars on it.
Those colors I used in my last year off high school.
I will drop death befor I use a pink one.
- Comment on Internet comments 10 months ago:
Exept for the bestiality idee … I lust for that first part to…
- Comment on You are in this solar system, but we do not grant you the rank of planet 11 months ago:
I believe there was a mathematical constant to find the space ( km/ lightyaers from the sun ) where a planet should be. Do’nt remember the name tho. Is pluto on the next ‘free space’ ?
- Comment on Caption this. 11 months ago:
Now draw an owl…
- Comment on Anan La Italian BMT 11 months ago:
Mama la candy
- Comment on Derps of Tiktok 11 months ago:
Probably you are right about that … Pass the ( insert beername ) would be a close second.