- Comment on *you wake up well rested in your house* 2 weeks ago:
Now it is.
- Comment on How the hell is there not a Green Arrow video game? 3 weeks ago:
Honestly, I think the market is so saturated with superhero media (movies, games, tv shows) that anything that’s not at the top is at the bottom. I kinda know that Green Arrow is a superhero just from what I’ve heard and seen in other superhero stuff, but that’s about it. Most people that aren’t really into the superhero genre won’t bat an eye unless they market it as the next best AAA game, and then if it falls short of that it’s a bust.
- Comment on It's Wednesday my dudes, dudettes and more 4 weeks ago:
Thanks, that worked!
- Comment on It's Wednesday my dudes, dudettes and more 4 weeks ago:
Okay but how do I unmute this I want to listen to it but there’s no sound coming out
- Comment on It's Wednesday my dudes, dudettes and more 4 weeks ago:
Why is this on mute?
- Comment on I do what I can 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
Boy, those wolves must really like eating feminine-gay-teen meat. 🌭
- Comment on Thank god "shit" is censored 1 month ago:
You won’t find an answer.
- Comment on A bit rubbery... 1 month ago:
Freezing can kill bacteria, but only at temperatures far below what the standard freezer can reach. They do this for many seafood products sold commercially.
- Comment on RuneScape is planning on introducing Black Mirror inspired membership plans 2 months ago:
I’m sorry, what?! For RuneScape? I don’t know any other MMORPGs that charge that much, let alone for the simple game that RuneScape is.
- Comment on Is Soviet playground! Is fun! Go play on playground while Papa reads Pushkin. 2 months ago:
The sand at the bottom suggests otherwise.
- Comment on What games have you sunk the most time into? 2 months ago:
Uh oh I have 517 hours in Planetside 2. That’s only counting Steam game time, and not using the standalone client before I played on Steam or time spent in the closed beta.
I have almost 1,000 hours in Final Fantasy XIV and I have only finished the main game and first expansion. Although I mainly played before the first expansion came out and got back into it in 2023.
Other games include: World of Tanks Blitz with 755 hours on Steam, not counting mobile; Lord of the Rings Online with 714 on Steam, not counting standalone client before it was on Steam; Elite Dangerous with 687 hours; Star Wars The Old Republic with 572 hours on Steam, not counting the standalone client before it was on Steam; Elden Ring with 360 hours; Mount & Blade Bannerlord with 180 hours.
Honorable mention: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind on original XBox. I don’t know how many hours I sunk into that, but it was a favorite of mine.
- Comment on Looking for answers 3 months ago:
“Violence is not the answer” says country that won its place in the world through violence.
- Comment on Is there anything Lemmy has more/better content for than Reddit and other mainstream sites? 3 months ago:
While reddit has much more activity and posts due to the amount of users it has amassed over the years, I’ve found most of the stuff on the frontpage is just bots reposting the same memes over and over again to farm karma. On Lemmy, I see a lot more new OC and memes I wouldn’t see on Reddit.
The news posts seem to be about the same, but I find the comment section on Lemmy to be better for conversation. Reddit comment section on popular posts is basically just the top few comment chains, a lot of bots, and a plethora of single comments getting lost in the swarm.
- Comment on Porn 4 months ago:
You’ve ruined this for me, while at the same time making it so much better.
- Comment on Sega is delisting 60 classic games from Steam, so now’s the time to grab them 4 months ago:
Probably remasters or remakes. They don’t want to compete with themselves.
- Comment on the flies 5 months ago:
That scene in Idiocracy where the smart couple fail to reproduce comes to mind.
- Comment on the flies 5 months ago:
Being illiterate has no correlation with wanting other people to do all the work for me. We’re just lazy. Please do some homework before jumping to conclusions.
- Comment on Disney lost nearly a third of a billion dollars on two Marvel movies 5 months ago:
Easy. I’m the new CEO of the company we set up there. Employee salary is an expenditure, and being a company in that country, it qualifies for that rebate unless there’s more details I’m missing. I was also grossly over-simplifying in my original comment, I’m sure it’s more complicated than that. I also just attribute Hollywood Accounting (see other commenter’s post) to anything listed as a box office loss.
- Comment on Disney lost nearly a third of a billion dollars on two Marvel movies 5 months ago:
“I lost $100 million dollars making this movie. Coincidentally, I also paid myself $100 million to make this movie.”
- Comment on Disney lost nearly a third of a billion dollars on two Marvel movies 5 months ago:
“As the CEO, if I pay myself $100 million for making this movie, I will get $25 million of that back from government reimbursement.”
No big budget movie will ever make a profit because they make sure the big wigs get paid the amount the profit would have been. It is intentional.
- Comment on What can I do with US$10K that is a good investment? 5 months ago:
This might make sense for people with six+ figures sitting in a savings account, but the average person today doesn’t have enough cash to think about earning interest on it. For them, paying off a debt now would be cheaper in the long run. For the most part, at least.
- Comment on What can I do with US$10K that is a good investment? 5 months ago:
I like these points. Preventing a future expense by paying less now is always worth it, if you can afford it.
- Comment on Anon seeks enlightenment 5 months ago:
One can be folded into oragami. The other can be shot from a slingshot. I am truly enlightened.
- Comment on Home Depot 5 months ago:
I worked at home depot, and our manager made people sign a form before having a Hi-Lo load a pallet of floor tile into their truck because it would cause their suspension to bottom out. They’d do it, and drive off with zero leeway on their shocks.
We had one guy come in bragging about how his super-expensive hydraulic suspension could handle it. We loaded 2 pallets of tile into his truck bed. I bet he felt every little crack in the road driving to the job site.
- Comment on And you get to avoid traffic! 6 months ago:
I’ve solved this problem by simply being scheduled 7 days a week for the rest of eternity.
- Comment on Bean beam 6 months ago:
Now do beam beans.
- Comment on "It's better to piss in the sink than to sink in the piss" 6 months ago:
Wouldn’t the fart bubbles make the pee go everywhere? Like air bubbles in a garden hose when you first turn it on.
- Comment on Steering Wheel Manager oversteer adds support for more wheels and Flatpak 7 months ago:
I saw the headline and thought that “Steering Wheel Manager” was another one of the dumb simulation games flooding Steam. Guess it’s not.
- Comment on Did you know 8 months ago:
There are some things we don’t have to imagine, because everybody has experienced licking it. One such example is OP’s mom.