Make toilet connect to the wall is enough. No worries about pipe and electric line.
*you wake up well rested in your house*
Submitted 2 weeks ago by to [deleted]
Comments 2 weeks ago 2 weeks ago
Fully-furnished detached 3 bedroom house overlooking a river, close to city center, no HOA
- $45,000 and you earn at minimum $200 a week 2 weeks ago
It’d be interesting for one of these games to have realistic planning and permitting mechanics.
“Your permit is delayed a week because the only person at City Hall who reviews them is on vacation.”
“To add a 6 ft fence, you need to go before the local planning board and convince them it’s necessary. You can reduce the height to 4 ft to avoid this.”
“The power company installed the meter on the wrong side of the house. They will relocate it for $10,000, and the earliest appointment is in three weeks. If they don’t, you have to relocate the HVAC unit and reroute the ductwork to account for that. Further, the electrician will charge $9,000 to adjust the wiring for the different meter location.” 2 weeks ago
Uh oh! You fell off a ladder and broke your wrist. Now you’re bankrupt! 2 weeks ago
Or the classic, “You can have this built by next week, but let’s just pretend that it’s a simple loft conversion, and we’ll leave the scaffolding up for a bit so that you don’t have to pay so much property tax.” 2 weeks ago
$4.5 mil. If you’re lucky. 2 weeks ago
Single family, detached housing on otherwise empty lots, in a low density, residential only suburb is not affordable housing. 2 weeks ago
Now it is.