- Comment on Nic Cage through the years 1 year ago:
Nic was really good in KickAss. Not going to spoil it for you, but there was a scene where his performance pulled my heartstrings. And I thought to myself “I did not realise he can be that good as an actor”. I also heard Nic is excellent in the recent movies Pig and Dream Scenario.
- Comment on Sophie's choice 70s edition 1 year ago:
Should we tell him?
- Comment on The lamest countries 1 year ago:
How else does the word “wrong” mean. You braindead jackass.
- Comment on The lamest countries 1 year ago:
Two wrongs don’t make a right, you cow.
- Comment on Two sides to Korea 1 year ago:
North Korea had higher standards of living than South Korea until the 1980s. Bombing hasn’t really got anything to with how bad North Korean system is.
- Comment on Two sides to Korea 1 year ago:
NATO intervention in Yugoslav wars, too. And American involvement in World War 2.
- Comment on Most legible scottish person 1 year ago:
The least politically loaded and agenda-pushing peopletwitter. That sub encapsulates the lightheartedness of Scottish people.
- Comment on Most legible scottish person 1 year ago:
I understood that, surprisingly.
- Comment on And this is why I no longer have cable. 1 year ago:
So disappointed to hear about what happened to Discovery channel. Though their Youtube channel is still amazing!
- Comment on it always interesting when multi billion dollar company's costing system is a 63 tab excel 97 spreadsheet at it's core... 1 year ago:
A friend who is senior by two years found out that a new hiree was getting paid more than he does for the exact same role. Understandably, he was pissed and left.
- Comment on The barbieheimer debate rages 1 year ago:
Saying the quiet part out loud.
- Comment on Take me back 1 year ago:
I don’t know about others, but I know many Spanish colonies only worked 4-hours a day up to the 1890s. It could be tradition, and also unlike other Western powers at the time, Spain had not industrialised as much and would still have to rely much on physical labour. So I think the combination of Spain and its colonies being too hot to work for long periods, and lack of industrialisation, made 4 hour day work the way of life for them.
- Comment on You guys need to stop 1 year ago:
“Real men use rocks to fight.” says the man to another man with a gun.
- Comment on Does anyone feel like an actual adult? 1 year ago:
I feel like I’m pretending to know what I’m doing.
No one knows what they’re doing but it’s provocative.
But seriously though, no one knows what we’re doing. As kids, we see adults and think they know what they’re doing but they’re only pretending. A lot of us also still act immature. We are still children in some form or another.
- Comment on If you look closely, you'll notice he doesn't treat people well. 1 year ago:
The likes of Patrick Bateman and Tyler Durden are “cool” because they represent the pent up frustration of many men to fit in. Are their violent actions justified though? No.
- Comment on Worst fear confirmed: You can't launch Modern Warfare 3 without first launching Modern Warfare 2 1 year ago:
Nah fam, you and your friends are just getting old. It’s the kids these days who are suckers for buying cash-cow and money milking games. Because they are kids and don’t give a shit about money with respect to quality.
- Comment on Here's what a random person on the internet thought of The Outer Worlds 1 year ago:
I also chat my way through the Outer Worlds. You could easily beat the game with just high speech checks. Although with the final boss, my speech check want high enough.
- Comment on Sigma Grindset 1 year ago:
These characters represent the repressed feelings of many who feel under pressure by authority so they are exalted in the eyes of particular people, such as teenagers and young adults. Bateman, Joker and Tyler Durden have the common denominator of going against the norms so many feel related and entranced.
- Comment on Just 9% of British voters think Brexit has gone well, poll finds 1 year ago:
I have a Swiss friend who just is waved through in airports. And the Swiss have never even been part of the EU to begin with!
- Comment on And now Bezos is trying to inserts ads everywhere 1 year ago:
That’s fair. There are not as many documentaries as I expected too. Many of the documentaries there are actually old and re-broadcasted from other TV channels around the world years ago. In a way, there is a sense of exoticness to them because otherwise they would have been forgotten by the passage of time and restricted by geographic distribution.
- Comment on And now Bezos is trying to inserts ads everywhere 1 year ago:
You don’t like Curiousity Stream?
- Comment on How is woke a religion? 1 year ago:
I’m not trying to dismiss or diminish the oppression that happened to Native Americans, blacks and other minorities in the US, but abuse of free speech hasn’t really been a factor into it-- not that I could think of. There have still been people who voiced out against the oppression and those people weren’t silenced or killed for doing so (aside from those who suffered from mob justice, which is different to government-sanctioned killings like the Holocaust).
- Comment on How is woke a religion? 1 year ago:
Good point.
- Comment on How is woke a religion? 1 year ago:
The US never, in its history, had a collective trauma of unstifled free speech that led to any mass hate speech which then led to genocide. That’s why many Americans are absolutists. But considering the Jan 6 capitol attack two years ago, being instigated by the words of Donald Trump, I think sooner or later a worse incident will come eventually. And the country will come reckoning with their absolutist approach to free speech.
- Comment on How is woke a religion? 1 year ago:
Hatred had been allowed to flourish in the run up to both genocides and eventual stifling of free speech, precisely because the undemocratic forces took advantage of freedom of speech to gain power themselves and then stifle any dissent.
The Rwandan genocide in relation to media and free speech is slightly different. It is the government affiliated radio station that encouraged to hate the Tutsis by constantly calling them cockroaches. Interestingly, there was a debate in the US government at the time to block radio signals from the radio station, but decided not to for “commitment to freedom of speech”.
- Comment on How is woke a religion? 1 year ago:
The questioning is stupid. There is no nuance on the categorisation of frequency because “always” and “sometimes” are put together. They do not mean the same thing! “Always” means “all the time”, “sometimes” means “on occasions”. I am an advocate for free speech as much as the next person, but there is limit to that right because history has shown what can happen if free speech is absolute-- which led us the Holocaust and the Rwandan genocide. Therefore, “sometimes” you COULD shout down someone depending on the content being spouted. So, on a case by case basis, “on occasions” you could shout down someone.
As another poster pointed out, the company who made the survey is conducted by conservative group, FIRE, which is Koch-funded so obviously there is clear bias in the framing of the survey.
- Comment on Well, fuck you too. 1 year ago:
The one and only good PSA ever created is the famous Thai government encouragement on the public to stop drinking, go to school, get a job, and use their their knowledge and gained expertise to help others.
- Comment on Well, fuck you too. 1 year ago:
I am hearing that tune with teenage me playing the flute in school. I can hear the horrible screeching noises coming out from that plastic tube.
- Comment on Bernie Sanders Champions 32-Hour Work Week With No Loss in Pay 1 year ago:
My old place could really do this.