for example if i only use it to browse the internet and maybe download games from play store but i dont install extensions and use https only, can i still be hacked and my operating system destroyed?? what can i do to avoid that?? i only use my chromebook for python
Rule of thumb. If a human made it, it can be hacked/cracked/disassembled/reverse engineered. 1 year ago
Anything can be hacked. 1 year ago
Technically, anything can be “hacked”, but that’s the same kind of technically as “any car can be broken into”.
Just like there are ways to mitigate getting your car broken into, there are ways to mitigate getting your system compromised. 1 year ago
Exactly. Just be responsible and don’t do anything dumb with your security. Do the typical stuff right like using a password manager and updating your software often. With your programming, don’t skip ssl validation, don’t have unauthenticated connections that matter, don’t shell out, etc. On your local system, use permissions correctly, keep a local firewall, and all that good stuff. You should be fine, but it’s never 100%. 1 year ago
I came here to write exactly this. Except a rock. A rock cannot be hacked. 1 year ago
If you think about it, computers are just rocks than humans tricked into thinking.
Rocks can be hacked. Especially rocks.