Submitted 5 days ago by to [deleted]
Comments 5 days ago 5 days ago
This, but she’s also very pretty. 5 days ago
The Disdain. 5 days ago
Hot is typically subjective, since it tends to be used for sexual attraction.
So, you’d have to answer that for yourself.
That being said, it comes down to symmetric features in a pleasing ratio to each other, plus a proportional body. She fits the typical standards of beauty that are universal, and not reliant on fluctuating specifics (like when there’s a social shift towards something like big boobs vs average or small).
Since she’s also what you would call well put together, her features get maximum enhancement via clothing, makeup, lighting, etc. 5 days ago
She is a smoldering soul with big eyes and a demeanor of perpetual rejection. Therefore the unattainable hotness to the type that go for that. I’m among them.
It’s all about her face though, and the aura of hot bitchiness 5 days ago
I don’t see it. 5 days ago
You’re not wrong. 5 days ago
She’s attractive, intelligent, charismatic, and funny. Shouldn’t be too much of a mystery.