Used to work at Rebellion on their IT team. Genuinely a fantastic place to work and the owners seemed to always be super chill. Had a full suit of armour in one of their offices and so many weapons lying around (likely blunt replicas but still really cool).
I wasn’t on the game dev team so can’t speak for them but I was personally never pushed to work harder and often explicitly told to take breaks.
We also used to have large Unreal Tournament matches at lunch. 16 hours ago
I mean, with the general state of AAA gaming these days I have to assume they don’t. Have you seen some of the shit that’s been coming out? 16 hours ago
I can’t imagine ever working on any project that large. Most of your people will essentially have zero communication with each other, and release a half-assed overbudgeted product as a result 14 hours ago
does the texture artist really need to communicate with the advertising co-ordinator? 9 hours ago
This is exactly what I thought 16 hours ago
Ugh… Don’t get me started.