They have good intentions, but the game is being published by EA. Can they actually say now to micro transactions?
Split Fiction's Josef Fares says they'll never offer microtransactions: "Just make games. Period."
Submitted 3 days ago by to
Comments 3 days ago 3 days ago
I’m sure they can find another publisher if it comes to that, with how good their games are 3 days ago
This game any good though? 3 days ago
I’ve just played it with my girlfriend for about three hours an we had a blast. It’s an upgraded It takes two gameplay 3 days ago
I’ve heard good things and it’s overwhelming positive on steam. I’ve only seen a short clip and I kind of regret spoiling a funny moment 2 days ago
The worlds and gameplay are varied enough to always keep you from getting bored. The controls are pretty solid but aren’t offering anything groundbreaking. The dialogue is not great, often cringe but occasional good moments. The story and villains are poorly written. Lots of nods to other video games, pretty ham-handed but they can be fun sometimes. The fun you have will depend on who you play with. 7/10 for me. 1 day ago
Really good game. Played with my wife and we beat it over the weekend as we just couldn’t stop playing 3 days ago
Lol I’ve also heard that before 3 days ago
Eh I believe him. He actually seems passionate about his creations so as long as he’s in charge I don’t think that’s gonna happen 3 days ago
Well, I mean, there haven’t been microtransactions in their games yet…
So we can take his word for it, for now. 2 days ago
Well they made it so you only need one copy of the game to play online with a friend, so it seems their money is where their mouth is. 3 days ago
How have I gone this long without knowing Josef Fares was directing these games? 3 days ago
I don’t know his work but that background makes so much sense because as good as these games are, they are extremely rigid. There is only one plot path to success.
There’s a point in It Takes Two that some people might not want to take the action suggested, but you have to in order to move the story forward.
(Slight spoiler, it involves deliberately attempting to make their daughter cry.) 3 days ago
Fares is the one billionaire i respect, since he only just became one. he came to Sweden as a refugee at age ten, spent all his life just making fun movies, got into games, then exploded internationally in just a few years.
he was a guest on a talk show recently, together with the new world champion of the women’s biathlon. when the topic of prize money came up and she mentioned she got 300k SEK for her win, he got pissed at the small amount and wired her another 300k on the spot. 3 days ago
This guy is awesome, but being like this should be the norm and nothing special. Unfortunately it isn’t the norm.
Can you link to that talk show? 3 days ago
This is the show (Carina Bergfeldt on svt):…/josef-fares-chockar-ella-halvarsson
The part about the money starts around 15:00. 2 days ago
Do you have a source for where it states that he’s a billionaire? 2 days ago
the talk show linked in another comment. hazelight studios is valued at 10 billion SEK and he is the owner.