Not that exciting in comparison to everyone else living their best life here I guess, but my dad’s old friend from his HS and early adult life msgd me today. She has photos of when I was a kid. She’s gonna send them to me. The gratitude I feel to her is immense, I couldn’t express it properly to her. I’m so happy to finally have some childhood photos.
I’m gonna surprise dad with them, he doesn’t have any of me either so I hope he’ll be stoked too.
This friend of dad’s has done me such a solid, I thanked her so so much. I don’t even care if dad doesn’t care, I’m just happy to have some photos of my childhood. 11 hours ago
Skyrim - Dragonborn DLC is way better then Dawnguard DLC. Fight me! 😂 9 hours ago
I’ve only ever had them both (also hearthstone) at the same time, so I can’t really separate them. I enjoyed them both, though. I like that island is distinct from Skyrim. I find the ash depressing after a while though and look forward to getting it over and done with.
I’m not a fan of the plane of oblivion inside the books, either. Some people love that aesthetic, I did not.
On Dawnguard, I never liked the castle either. Also depressing and wouldn’t want the vampire life. I completed the vampire tree for the achievement, then cured vampirysm immediately. 8 hours ago
I think I prefer Dragonborn because it is open world like Skyrim, it isn’t linear, there are quests unrelated to the main quest to do (like in Raven Rock, and Skaal Village). There’s cool Morrowind vibes towards the south with the Telvanni wizard and his mushroom house. And the voice acting feels real, as in there is emotion and nuance, and there is humour in the way they speak. It feels fun and interesting! I like the mash of Nord and Dunmer culture on the one island, and the Skaal being removed from Nord culture and having their own belief and culture.
I dislike Dawnguard because of it’s linear-ness. It’s feels very one-track, and you have to take Serana with you (I like my follower Borghak the Steel-Heart and she’s my bae). I dislike vampirism, and I dislike being led on a one-track quest system. I have both installed, and honestly I think I’ll just avoid Dawnguard this play through haha.
The ash can get depressing, but I don’t mind it - it just looks like snow to me 😂