They do. Nobody reads them
If political agendas were released, or summarized, like patch notes would people better understand what they are signup for? for?
Submitted 9 hours ago by to [deleted]
Comments 2 hours ago 7 hours ago
Being misleading is the goal, not the side effect. 8 hours ago
We have that in the UK, the parties all publish manifestos before elections. I think it helps to get the message across and to be clear about what they are and aren’t promising to do. They aren’t, however, legally enforceable so parties aren’t obliged to actually follow up on their promises. 7 hours ago
“I promise cupcakes for everybody!”
“Thats terribly bold of you sir…what about the diabetic?”
“Don’t worry Johnson. It’s just an empty promise! I’ll be the only one to get cupcakes! Mwa ha ha ha ha!!!” 9 hours ago
The orange idiot literally told people he only wanted their vote, that he doesn’t care about them or their problems. It’s on video.
They still heard something wildly different.
People have demonstrated beyond any doubt that at least 51% are irredeemably stupid. 7 hours ago
He literally said he wanted the unilateral ability to remove benefits of a constitutional amendment from United States citizens. Once you give that ability to one President you give it to ALL of them. Once you let a President do that to one amendment, you let them do it to ALL amendments.
People voted in mass for that option.
On a side note when this blows up in their faces, I will have ZERO sympathy. They want it, they got it. 4 hours ago
And Harris published a detailed platform on her campaigns website but was still criticized for not standing for anything. 9 hours ago
It’s quite optimistic to think people would read even that, but imo it’s not an issue of understanding. In my experience, people pick a side and stick with it. Most people cannot be convinced of anything. 7 hours ago
trump’s “he was just joking” should become “he wAs jUSt joKING” 7 hours ago
Parties rarely follow their manifestos. 7 hours ago
Ok, make it a post election thing. 6 hours ago
It should honestly be a binding contract in some way. Like if I say I’m not doing Project 25, but I actually start implementing project 25, I should be recalled and an election takes place again with me disqualified 9 hours ago
Depends on who does the summarizing 9 hours ago
People don’t even read the articles posted here before they upvote or downvote them. You’re being very optimistic. 8 hours ago
I upvoted this comment without even reading it. 6 hours ago
I only went back to read the comment because you told me you upvoted it. I wanted to make sure it was worthy. 7 hours ago
Kind of strange of you to end your post on the word “the”. Usually there’s more words after “the”.