- Comment on If political agendas were released, or summarized, like patch notes would people better understand what they are signup for? for? 1 week ago:
We have that in the UK, the parties all publish manifestos before elections. I think it helps to get the message across and to be clear about what they are and aren’t promising to do. They aren’t, however, legally enforceable so parties aren’t obliged to actually follow up on their promises.
- Comment on Stonehenge tunnel scheme scrapped by government 6 months ago:
New roads don’t reduce traffic, they create more. It’s called induced demand. We should be building viable alternatives to driving.
- Submitted 7 months ago to | 15 comments
- Comment on Train passengers face price hikes and fewer seats after HS2 cancellation 8 months ago:
The offer was always about capacity rather than speed, something which is clearly desperately needed.
- Submitted 8 months ago to | 11 comments
- Submitted 8 months ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on The level of engagement on Reddit these days 8 months ago:
Yeah way before. I had a bit of a look through some announcements and couldn’t find it so I can’t say exactly when.
- Comment on The level of engagement on Reddit these days 9 months ago:
IIRC they changed the way they calculate the scores a few years ago, which generally increased the numbers you saw.
- Submitted 9 months ago to | 1 comment
- Comment on Bicycle use now exceeds car use in Paris 10 months ago:
Anne Hidalgo, the mayor of Paris, is usually credited for it. It works in Paris because the official boundary is quite small compared to other cities, about 100km^2 containing 2 million people, whereas in Berlin the equivalent is almost 900km^2 and 3.5 million people. So the population that vote for her are almost exclusively urban dwellers whereas in Berlin the mayor has to appease suburbanites too.
- Comment on Homeless people should not be arrested just if they smell - minister 10 months ago:
Oi mate, u got a license for that stink?
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
No NSFW art, but nazi comics are still allowed 🤔
- Comment on Amsterdam testing system that can remotely slow e-bikes down 11 months ago:
Switzerland had this up until 2012, when it was abolished because it cost more to administer than it was worth.
- Comment on Amsterdam testing system that can remotely slow e-bikes down 11 months ago:
For anyone that might be interested in this: it’s only for certain ebikes. Standard ebikes that only pedal assist up to 25km/h don’t need anything special over a regular bike, which afaik is the standard limit in Europe. You can get ebikes that go up to 45km/h and they are regulated more like mopeds, requiring a number plate, rear view mirror, and that the rider wears a helmet.
- Health gains of low-traffic schemes up to 100 times greater than costs, study ↗Submitted 11 months ago to | 5 comments
- Submitted 11 months ago to | 0 comments
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Duolingo Fires Translators in Favor of AI 1 year ago:
I want my language learning app to have things like that, to help motivate me to keep coming back every day.
- Comment on Duolingo Fires Translators in Favor of AI 1 year ago:
Just fyi you can keep practicing as much as you want in Duolingo, just tap the heart in the top right and click practice to earn more hearts.
- Comment on Anon likes bikes 1 year ago:
And don’t forget all of the other cars making it harder for you to get where you want to go, whether you’re in one or not.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 1 comment