somebody get my man a bicycle
Sorry babe, the US never invested into public transit at the level we were supposed
Submitted 5 weeks ago by to [deleted]
Comments 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
on one hand, bicycles are indeed very epic. on the other - if you plan on going somewhere that’s >30min away by bike (and not up a hill) and don’t want to arrive sweaty, then maybe the bus is better 5 weeks ago
Depends. Where I live, it takes me:
100 minutes to walk to work,
60 minutes by bus (direct connection),
40 minutes by train (actually 10 minutes by train and walking 30 minutes to the station and to work),
30 minutes by car in rush hour traffic, and
25 minutes by 5 weeks ago
>30min away by bus could sometime mean adding 30/40 min to wait time. Bus in a lot of places is awful as they have a route to follow and still stuck in traffic. Bad bus frequency is very common in places with shitty public transport.
On the other hand, depend on where you live, pedal assist ebike is awesome and you are less likely arrive sweaty. 5 weeks ago
Get ready to ride in the bicycle gutter and get yelled at by drivers for, like, existing. 5 weeks ago
Fun Fact: US subways lack the safety doors.
When I first arrived in the US, I was just like: I’m gonna fall in and I’m gonna die
Looking at the tracks is terrifying. I always feel like I was about to die whenever I took the subway.
I was from Guangzhou and the subway always had platform safety doors. 5 weeks ago
Only the Jubilee line has them here in London. They’re a good feature. There was talk of bringing them to other lines, but I’ve not heard any update on that in years. 5 weeks ago
Gotta totally restart America, frankly 5 weeks ago
Reboot Earth, just as Judge Hydrogen intended 5 weeks ago
🎶"You got the mother and her kids, You got the guy and his date, We all get mad. We all get late LOOKS LIKE SOMEBODY FORGOT ABOUT US Standing on the corner, waiting for the bus"🎶 Violent Femmes, I love this song. My dad drove city bus for around 13 years. Reminds me of him…RIP 5 weeks ago
I mean the government would just be selling for scrap metal now if they had 4 weeks ago
Walking nervously up and down helps 5 weeks ago
The US needs to do way more than invest into public transit. You need to completely rethink city planning to get something suitable for human travel. Suburban America is like the antithesis to public transportation (or god forbid, walking). 5 weeks ago
While I agree, we’re kinda busy atm just trying to stop the slow descent into total fascism 5 weeks ago
Nothing slow about it, though. 5 weeks ago
The most mind blowing thing to me is how close those places are to city centers, like wouldn’t they think that there might be a visual clash if you place bungalows right next to skyscrapers? 5 weeks ago
There is, which is why the bungalow owners bitch endlessly about the skyscrapers ruining the view [of the 12 lane interstate]