- Comment on Meta Censors #Democrat when searched for 16 hours ago:
- Comment on Meta Censors #Democrat when searched for 16 hours ago:
Hey, a free bit of advice, they’ll come for you too, in time. You’re less far down the list than you think.
- Comment on Meta Censors #Democrat when searched for 16 hours ago:
I see I’m in good company
- Comment on Meta Censors #Democrat when searched for 17 hours ago:
Trump is a pedophile
- Comment on fight fire with napalm 1 day ago:
Yeah, zone 9b, inland Cali.
- Comment on fight fire with napalm 1 day ago:
As an aspiring gardener, I have successfully killed mint and blackberries. :(
- Comment on Anon tries stand-up comedy 5 days ago:
Going up on stage is about the most terrifying thing you can possibly do. I’ve done it, sang in a a garage band that managed to get in front of a crowd of ~300 people. You gotta find a way to deal with it. For me, it was a kind of “fuck it, we ball” mode of thinking where I just went for it as hard as I could and I, at least, was going to have a good time.
For a comedy act, I would think that it’s even more scary because of how much more interaction with the crowd there is. You’re getting constant, direct, and immediate feedback, and often expected to deal with hecklers and such. At least with a band, we’d just get up on stage and blast out trash as hard as we could and the crowd just had to hang on for dear life until it was over. Good on Anon for having the guts to do that, I hope they use this as a learning experience and don’t just give up.
- Comment on Anon remembers kindergarten 1 week ago:
I need this to be fake, Anon. Don’t do this to my day.
- Comment on Skyrim teaches a Lemmy user about fascist propaganda 1 week ago:
I think the last time I played Skyrim, I walked up to Ulfric and shouted him to death. Rest in pieces, motherfucker. Then I turned it off and went on a years long Stardew alley binge.
- Comment on Anon buys a TV without researching 1 week ago:
This kind of fucking attitude is why Dems always have sand in their potato salad. "This wouldn’t happen if democrats never lost an election :( " Miss me with that shit. Trump is talking about using military force to annex Panama and Greenland and making Canada the 51st state and you’ve got online Democrats sitting in the corner timidly and indirectly suggesting that maybe ads wouldn’t be so bad under them. The Democratic party deserves to get bullied until they grow a spine and start giving people a real reason to vote for them besides “republicans bad”. Call me when we get AOC hopped up on barely sub-lethal amounts of cocaine and she bites Gavin Newsom’s head off like a praying mantis.
- Comment on Anon expects more 1 week ago:
I think it’s down to western studios being so investor driven. The devs estimate it will take five years, so the PM tells the C-suite it will take four years, so the c-suite tells investors it will take three, who then pressure the C-suite to make it two. Then everyone is shocked, shocked, when the end product is buggy, slap-dashed slop.
- Comment on There's fucking ads in board games now 2 weeks ago:
Yeah, MTG is a flaming dumpster heap of new mechanics every other month; I got sick of it and stopped playing Arena. Then, they had their whole OGL fiasco prompt a whole lot of content makers (who, let’s be real, did a lot of work for Hasbro basically for no cost to the company) to move off of 5E.
- Comment on Anon goes to therapy 2 weeks ago:
I agree, of course, in the same sense that health care workers, firefighters, and carpenters are people and not prescriptions. Being people doesn’t preclude their work from being useful to society.
- Comment on Anon goes to therapy 2 weeks ago:
It would need to be regulated to ensure that people are doing this work freely and responsibly (not being compelled by a pimp or spreading STDs). No regulation enforcement is free. It would be a net positive, sure, but not free.
- Comment on Anon goes to therapy 2 weeks ago:
If you want to deal with a problematic group, in this case incels, I don’t think it’s generally helpful to consider them a monolith. There’s different clades in these types of groups that have different views and motivations. I think you’re probably right, I did set my expectations too high there, but I do think that there’s some quantum of incels who really do end up getting into the toxic shit because of the sexual frustration. I think it’s probably much fairer to say that you could defuse at least a meaningful number of incels with legal sex work.
- Comment on Anon goes to therapy 2 weeks ago:
It’s literally impossible for people to figure out price points for goods and services. This is famously why free markets have never existed.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Vehicle trackers are cheap and common enough. OP should definitely check for that.
- Comment on Anon goes to therapy 2 weeks ago:
This is a good opportunity to ask why sex work is still illegal (unless you’re rich ofc) in the US.
We could basically end the incel phenomenon and deal a huge blow to the sex slavery trade overnight and for very little money by making sex work legal and bringing it into daylight.
- Comment on Anon has marital problems 4 weeks ago:
I like this empathetic take.
- Comment on Anon reaches encopenment. 5 weeks ago:
Well, anon has re-discovered the Buddha’s advice on dealing with lust. I don’t have the text handy, but basically, somebody asks the Buddha about dealing with lust, and the Buddha advises that you strip away your preconceived notions about sex and look at it neutrally. Consider that this same body undertakes all the boring and tedious things that bodies do, that the body will age and decay, that the grave beckons. The way he puts it is better than I do, ofc, but that’s the gist, and Anon’s converged on it. Not saying that it’s good or bad, but hopefully it helps Anon feel better and be a better person.
- Comment on It is what it is 4 months ago:
Yeah, I’ve learned some discretion over the years. I once told a story that dead ass got me sent to therapy.
- Comment on It is what it is 4 months ago:
Me telling an EMS war story that brings the vibe to a crashing halt.
- Comment on Against all odds, an asteroid mining company [AstroForge] appears to be making headway 5 months ago:
This is really cool, but it would have been cooler if they’d named their scouting missions Hugin and Mugin, since they’re Odin’s ravens that scour the earth for secrets to give to Odin.
- Comment on Anon gets banned from Walmart 5 months ago:
Oof. There’s fucking up, and then there’s getting banned from Wal-Mart. The only lower position is getting banned from the dollar store.
- Comment on The Sam Vimes boots theory of socioeconomic unfairness 5 months ago:
Yeah, that’s him. I was curious and looked him up a while back. Tay get really open about speaking for economic and social justice. He’s more or less always been that way. Chocolate Rain, is, IIRC, a song about the realities and struggles of being black in America.
- Comment on It's the land, stupid: How the homebuilder cartel drives high housing prices 5 months ago:
Holy crow. Really understated and underrated article. Thanks for sharing!
- Comment on Kamala Harris donated last year to defund police group backing DC ‘sanctuary city’ law - Washington Examiner 5 months ago:
The police are not your friend. If you think they are, it’s because you haven’t wound up on the wrong end of them yet. I want to be clear, just because it isn’t happening to you now doesn’t mean it won’t; you’re never as deep into the in group as you think you are.
- Comment on LinkedIn 5 months ago:
The think I find weird is when people start interacting with weird Facebook-y political posts, and interacting with them in a pretty strong way. In my mind, LinkedIn is a picture of what you’re like to work with, it’s how you present yourself to prospective co-workers.
- Comment on Anon faces his greatest challenge 5 months ago:
I dunno, we’re kinda taking their word for it. I think they’re somewhere around NYC, if that helps.
- Comment on Paris Olympics opening ceremony was an insult to millions 5 months ago:
Agreed. Jesus had no patience for people who used religion as a means of personal, political, or economic power. The impression I got about guy I read about is that he’d be a thousand times more cross (pun for you) with America’s Evangelicals than he would be with this.